Scott's Journal/Life Story!
Story of my life...

To start off, I was born on Friday, September 13th, 1981 in Mountain View, Missouri at St. Francis Memorial Hospital. From there, I lived in a small rural town called Willow Springs, Missouri (81 miles east of Springfield). I lived on my father's parents' farm for 3 years and at the age of 3, we moved into town and lived there for 7 years, where I attended Kindergarden through 3rd grade. In 1990, my father was in the Dessert Storm War and when he came back that Spring of '91, we bought a 34 acre farm 7 miles out of Willow Springs and that is where I lived for 10 years. At that time I attended grades 4th through my senior year. I was semi-popular in school, and I was always the class clown. I always wanted to be the center of attention, and I think that comes with being an only child.

A changing time...

During High School, I didn't really want to be there, I didn't have too many friends, I never did my homework that was assigned, had all D's one year and just didn't care. All that changed my senior year, when I started making all new friends, and started becoming popular, and then actually wanted to do something with my life. Our School field trip was to Six Flags--St. Louis, which was my first time ever going there!

Growing up and learning from my previous mistakes...

I have went through quit a few jobs. I got my first job at Burger King in West Plains, MO when I was 16. I got the job in April '98 and worked there up until February of '99, when I got a job at Midwest Truckstop in Cabool, MO and worked there till April '99 and then it was onto Ferguson Drug Co. from April '99 to June '99. At that time, I was guaranteed a job at Gramma's Kitchen and Treasures in Willow Springs and worked there from June '99 through September '99. I took off then for my senior year and after graduation in May 2000, I got hired on at Catepillar and was only temporary, so I was laid off after the month of June. Then it was in search for another job, and found it at Holiday Inn Express in West Plains. I started on July 10th, 2000 and worked there up until October '00. Then I took off for a little bit and then in November, I got hired on with the Wal-Mart Supercenter in West Plains pushing carts during the Christmas rush. Then I was laid off after Christmas and then was called back in after New Years. I got a job in Deli and worked there in January and started college at SMSU-WP where I went in for Business.

Moving out on my own...

At the same time, I had mixed feelings of moving out of home and "getting out" in the gay community. I spent hours on the computer at night at home searching for gay individuals to talk to about my problems and the stress I was feeling. Sure I had the gays back home, but they were all in their 30's and they weren't the best people to talk to about what I was feeling in my late teens. So then I started coming to Springfield a lot more at the end of January, after I found out about Marthas Vineyard and Bar One. Upon coming to Springfield, I found out about The Edge, and to this day, I still haven't went there. I got exposed to Marthas and really liked it. I interacted with people that were just like me and we all had something in common...we liked men! So then I remember my first week coming to Springfield, I came up on a Thursday night and stayed with a friend close to Battlefield Mall. I then went out to Marthas for my very first time on Friday night, after going to Target and buying a new wardrobe. I remember it was red pants and a black cut-off sleeve shirt. And I wore black tennis shoes. Okay, so then I went to Marthas and stood at the door, cuz I felt very uncomfortable coming in and that night was a drag show and this was all something I hadn't seen before. Okay, so then we went back home and I was anxious to go back.

Saturday night, I go back to Marthas alone and I meet up with some people and we get to talking. I made some friends and got along with people really well, but at the same time, I was very nervous and shaking. I ended up meeting with a new friend and we all went out to Steak 'n Shake together that night and then I spent the night at their house. I slept right through Sunday and then called up a friend later that night that I had met Saturday night at Marthas. I met him that night and I stayed the night at his house. We ended up "dating" and were boyfriends. This was my first boyfriend and so this too was all new to me. I then stayed Sunday and Monday nights, and then had to go back home Tuesday for college class. I then came back to Springfield Tuesday night and stayed till Thursday and went back home Thursday for college class again. I then had to go home and talk to my mother, cuz my best friend told my mother I was gay and well my mom was having to cope with that now. Here I hadn't been home for a week, I hadn't answered any of their calls on my cell phone, and my parents had no idea where I had been for a week. And now "coming out" to my parents. All at the same time!

In the last part of January and early February, I moved out of home, and moved to Springfield, MO. I had just "come out" to my mother, my parents were cool with it, I wanted a change, I wanted to be closer to the action. I quit my job and got hired on at MCI Worldcom as a Telemarketer. I also dropped out of college and moved in with a roomate here in Springfield. I then worked at MCI for about 2 months and then went to APEX Marketing and worked there for a week. I took off a month of unemployment and then got hired on with McDonalds inside Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World. I worked there for 2 months and then quit and took off for another month of unemployment. I then got hired on with McDonalds outside Battlefield Mall and that's where I'm currently working now.

Since all this time, I have had 3 boyfriends, and have been exposed to a lot here in Springfield. I'm expected to move in June of '02 to Indiana to be closer to a friend that I've known for 3 years. I think all will work out and will get better. I've had a rough start moving to Springfield, but I honestly think it will all get better as soon as my life stabalizes and gets back in order, which I am starting to do slowly. I do realize it takes time to pick up the pieces and start all over again from the beginning. Hopefully, I won't make the same mistakes twice...

...Well, recently I quit my job at McDonalds outside Battlefield Mall and am now unemployed. I am currently looking for a new job, something that is more to my skills and to my needs. I took 4 years of Business classes in high school and started taking Business classes in college the two months that I attended. I am now enjoying the time off of work and hanging out at Marthas Vineyard while I'm unemployed.

Well, it's been brought to my attention this has not been updated. I started my job back at McDonalds, and yes the same one. I wanted my job back and am sticking with it now. I begged my manager for my job and well I got it back. So now I am happy and want to stick with it for awhile, cuz I really do like it. I mean we are the #1 gay McDonalds in Springfield, so that makes me happy.

This has been a real experience for me since I have lived here now coming up on eleven months. This has been my first summer here and right now has been my first holiday season here. I wanted to go see the Christmas/Thanksgiving Day Parade here in Springfield, but missed it 'cuz I had to work that day. And then there was another thing I wanted to do, but can't think of it at this time, and well had to work through it too. This will also be my first Christmas here in Springfield.

I keep in touch with my parents a lot and tell them how much I love my mother, and for my dad, well my mother insists I talk to him, but I'm too scared to even accomplish that task. My mother and I exchange stories about me growing up. My mother insists that I wasn't displined enough when I was growing up, but I felt like I had been beat everyday of my life for every little thing I possibly did.

My mother tells me that she knew I was always gay, because there are so many traits I have that made it very obvious for anyone not to notice that I was gay as a child. For people disagreeing with the fact that gays are not born this way, that it's a choice,'s genetics, 'cuz I didn't know what [gay] was until I was 12 years old, and that's when I realized that I might had possibly been gay. I was told I used to dress up in dresses when I was in Head Start and always had feminine qualities about me. My dad, I feel, didn't like me much growing up, cuz I wasn't the son that he always wanted. I was more of the daughter that my mother wanted, but yet, my mother says that my dad really loved me and I'm his son and nothing will change that. My mom tells me that my dad wishes he had spent more quality time with me, but I chose to be independent and do things on my own growing up.

I didn't have many friends growing up as a child, so I spent many weeks, days and hours on my own, and being an only child, it doesn't come easy. I used to play all alone and always wanted just one friend and ended up always playing alone. I was always left out of everything and growing up, I always wondered what was wrong with me. I always got picked last for everything in P.E. and well, not many people liked me. Sixth grade or when I was 12, all in the same era, I realized I was gay. Not sure how it hit me, but do know that it was the year that we started taking showers together in gym. I felt sexual feelings towards men, and it was also my first summer going to Bible Camp and well some interesting topics and conversations stirred that summer.

Well, I will elaborate more off this later when I have more time. Sorry I haven't updated this in awhile, just been kinda bored and not playing as much on the computer.

Well, here it is now January 17th and I've decided to write more here. I'm still working at McDonalds outside Battlefield Mall and still somewhat enjoying my job. I've been there a total of 5 months now with being on and off a couple times. I started there on August 9th, 2001 and here I'm still there. I feel I will continue working there until June and then will move on in my life. I will get a much better job of course when I move to Indiana.

I'm sitting here not enjoying the second snow of the year. It's yucky and I'm a summer boi, so this is not my cup of tea. I'm also a BIG momma's boi and also a city boi, so just a little insight of myself.

Well, not really much more to say, but thought I should update this to an extent. Hope everyone who reads this is doing well and peace out!

Well for some updated news as of February 9th, 2002, This past two weeks a lot has happened in my life. I met a guy of Tuesday, January 29th and we met in person that night when he made the drive to Springfield with his straight couple roomates. We hit it off pretty well and found we have quit a bit in common and had a lot of the same interests. He went back home that night. I spent 3 hours talking on the phone the next day and then on Thursday I talked to him yet a 4 hours.

Then on Friday, he said he might come up, but I really didn't think he would. I went to GLO that evening with one of my lesbian friends to see "Beautiful Thing." When I came home around 9:30pm, I was told that Bobby had called and that he was already heading to Springfield to spend the night with me. I was so excited and didn't believe my roomates. So shortly after being told this, he pulled into the drive-way and he was here! So then, he spent the night on Friday night and ended up staying Saturday night too, since his roomates did not come back to Springfield to pick him up until 5am on Sunday morning.

I decided I wanted to go to Joplin to see him, so I had Monday and Tuesday off from work, so Monday night I took a Greyhound bus from Springfield at 11:30pm and arrived in Joplin at 1am and he was still at work. His straight roomates picked me up and took me to go pick up Bobby from work. Then I spent the night on Monday, all day Tuesday and night and then called into work and they were talking about firing me, even though I called in 2 hours before my shift, so at that point, I didn't care. So then I didn't even call in on Thursday and well Bobby and I packed his stuff up, because he got fired from his job on Tuesday and so he was going to move with me. He took the Greyhound bus with me at 4:30am on Thursday morning and we took it together to Springfield, and we arrived in Springfield at 5:50am and took a cab to my house. Upon arriving, it just meant we had to go looking for jobs, since I can't survive without one. So that was my duty for the day. He has now been here for 3 days and things are really good so far, but now we have 5 people living in this house.

I called my best friend Amy back home this week. First time I have gotten in touch with her since Christmas when I went back home. I also got a newsletter from my church back home and a card from one of my older church members and she told me they were glad to hear from me since I had lost contact with them for over a year. Tomorrow is my one year anniversary here in Springfield. Doesn't seem like I've been here that long, but it has. I've lived to tell about everything and I'm growing up believe it or not.

Well, not a whole lot more going on, but thought I felt I needed to keep this page updated to keep everyone informed of what is going on in my life. Oh and by the way, I don't work at McDonalds outside the Mall anymore, so now I'm looking for something else.

Until later, peace out everyone and take care

A Promising Week

Okay, here it is February 24th, 2002, and well a lot of stuff has been happening. As everyone knows, I quit my job at McDonalds (outside Battlefield Mall) on February 6th and well now am starting work tomorrow at the McDonalds on North Glenstone close to Kearney. Something is telling me that I will never move out of McDonalds, but if I would get into management, I'd be just fine.

This past week has also brought about some good and bad things. Earlier this past week, our family vehicle broke down, with the starter going out, battery going dead, and something wrong with the transmition. Then we get a ghetto loaner car. So that part of my week has been very interesting.

Good news this past week is that I'm finally moving outta the ghetto. I live in Midtown in Springfield and am finally moving into a better neighborhood in Northern Springfield. This makes me more confident that everything will be going better than any time I have had since I've lived in Springfield for the past year.

With better houseing and a better job and a new boyfriend, who is pictured above on the left, things have been going more smooth and much better in my life.

This summer is promising to be better than ever, as I will be more active, going to start tanning, going to take up tennis again and also will be close to the Dickerson Park Zoo and the Ozark Empire Fairgrounds, so the fair will be coming up this summer, which will be my 3rd time there since the last time I have gone. Which was back in 1999.

Well I have filled you all in on my life as of right now, so as more happens, I will fill everyone in. Good luck all and may God bless you!

A Growing Time In One's Life...

...we learn something that we hold onto to take with us as we get older. Well this past week has been a challenge for me and has taught me something I will definantly take with me.

We are getting ready to move into our new house, as we are waiting for the remaining ceramic tiles to be laid onto the kitchen floor. We are preparing to move in as we had to go out and by a new refrigerator, dryer, couch, dining room table and new dining room chairs! We five are all excited about moving and we will be moving in this weekend.

We are packing up stuff now and getting ready to move. Also today being Tuesday, February 26th, 2002, and I started my first day on my new job! So far so good and this job is better than what I just left, so I think I will end up staying with them a long while. But I know I have said this before and I don't stick to it, but I really think with being close to my job, I will stick with it.

Okay, well here it is Saturday, April 6th, 2002, and I have not kept this updated for over a month now. I'm still with McDonalds on North Glenstone Ave, and have been there now since February 26th. I also started at Ryan's Steakhouse on East Kearney (the brand new one) on March 20th and worked there up until yesturday (Friday, April 5th) when I walked out for all the managers shit that I had to put up with.

I did like the job with Ryan's because I was a server and made really good tips, not the kind of tips I wanted to make, but I wasn't hurting. Trying to save up the money to get a car and get somewhere in life.

Well the last time I wrote in here, I was moving into a new house...well that didnt' happen. As we were moving into that new house, the FBI came to my house and took my male roomate to prison for child molestation, something I didn't know about him. A week after they took him, they took his wife and she's now in prison too for helping him flee from Texas to Missouri and also endangering her childs life in a situation like that. Then 2 days after they took her, DFS came to the house and took her son and he was put into foster care.

Now I'm here with my boyfriend Bobby still and we are going smoothly. I was working average of 17 hours a day and he's working at just K-Mart. I'm the one right now making all the money! ~lol~

I took a trip back home the last week in March to see my parents and also to see my best friend Amy. Had some car troubles down there and ended up being stranded there until I called a friend from Springfield to come down and pick me up and take me back to Springfield. Things are going okay now, but am working on getting a car again and trying to get my life in order.

Well that gets you updated until the next time I will write in here again.

Tuesday, May 7th, 2002...

Well, here I am finally writing like a month after the last time I did, well some interesting things have happened since I last wrote in here.

To start off my little story here, I quit Ryan's Steakhouse on Friday, April 5th. I was tired of the shit, so I ended up walking out at the end of my shift that night at 10:30pm. Bobby's last day at K-Mart was Saturday, April 6th and so we've been running into financial problems! I ended up getting fired from the McDonalds up on North Glenstone, because I overslept two days and that Friday I walked out on Ryan's, I slept in that day too, so I had three "No Call/No Show's" I was terminated on Friday, April 12th from McDonalds at 2220 N. Glenstone.

On Saturday, April 20th, 2002, it was a "Girl's Night Out." Jennifer Lawson, Mindy Smith, Cindy, Casey, and Jennifer Fahnstauk, Bobby and I went out to Martha's Vineyard and had a great night out and we were trashed and just had an all around good time! Later on that night, Mindy, her boyfriend, Bobby and I went to the Ben's Carriage House on Sunshine and Glenstone and had a bite to eat. We just sit around and bullshitted for awhile.

My Mother came to Springfield on Monday, April 22nd to have me burn her off a copy of Paint Shop Pro 7 and we all three hung out (Bobby, Mom and myself). We all 3 went out to eat lunch at Zio's Italian restaurant and chatted about a bunch of shit. We went to Wal-Mart Supercenter on the southside of Springfield where Mom paid $23 for a knife set that a guy was selling in the store and Bobby and I both each got a free was fun! It was time with my Mother, which I miss =( That same day, I got both my last paychecks from McDonalds and Ryan's Steakhouse and Had about $500 left until I found my next job, which I honestly never even looked for one.

On Wednesday, April 24th, I talked to Eugena, who is the store manager at the McDonalds inside the Food Court @ Battlefield Mall. She asked me what I was up to and I told her I had no job and was looking. She told me to fill out an application and that I was hired. So on the 26th, I was hired at the McDonalds inside the Battlefield Mall Food Court! I started my first day at McDonalds on Monday, April 29th, 2002.

This past weekend was a great time for both Bobby and I. On Friday, May 3rd and Saturday, May 4th, we went out both nights to Martha's Vineyard to celebrate "Cinco De Mayo." Last Wednesday, on May 1st, we went out to Bar One to find out that it's just been renamed Studio and they are now under new management. May 1st was the first night under new management and with a new name!

On Sunday, May 5th, Mom came to Springfield to get something and called me and told me she was in Springfield, and asked if I was home. I told her yes, so she came by to see Bobby and I. She had Jackie with her, who is my Father's Dad's wife (my step-grandmother). She only stayed for a short while and then was back off to Willow Springs.

Amy, my best friend in the whole wide world, is suppose to be coming to Springfield on Friday, May 10th and is suppose to come and see me. My best friend Angi was suppose to have moved back to Willow Springs on Monday, May 6th from Fort Myers, Florida. I haven't seen her since I graduated with her from Willow Springs High School 2 years ago. So it will be really good to see her. Amy is suppose to get her tongue pierced on Friday, May 10th and then is coming up to Springfield.

Memorial Day Weekend, I'm hoping to get off from work that Saturday, Sunday and Monday and go back home to spend the weekend. Angi is suppose to be coming to Springfield on May 25th to go Bridemaid shopping and then the Willow Springs High School Graduating Class of 2002 will be on Sunday, May 19th @ 2pm. I'm wanting to see Amy Burtchett, Kimberly Shaw, Tianna Clampitt and a bunch of other friends from High School graduate this year!

Well, I think I have said enough this time in my journal, make sure you come back and see what new is in my life, because something is always bound to be exciting! LOL That's ALL for now!

Saturday, May 11th, 2002...

Well here it is a week now and well I am going really good. Amy came up to Springfield and seen me Friday night at the Mall and I was so happy to see her! She is a such a sweetie and my night went really well Friday except for one of my co-workers was crying because we wouldn't let her stop taking orders at 9pm when we close. I told her as long as we have customers in the line, we have to keep taking orders. She disagreed and well we had our little argument and caused her to start bawling! Oh well, what are you to do? Not a whole lot has happened this week, except that my webpage here is now finished and I'm so excited! So, Bobby and I went to Marthas Vineyard on Thursday night for Karaoke and I got to see Tosha, Amanda, Rosie (from Ryan's) and some cute gay boy named Andrew was hitting on me and telling me I was very cute. He even asked me if I was there with anyone and I told him, "Yes!" And so then after that he left me alone. I saw an old friend of mine named Jason, in which I was acquainted with last summer. It's been a little less than a year since I last heard from him. I also saw Leta (my old lesbian roomate) I also saw her Wednesday night when I went to Marthas Vineyard. We walked Rosie home after the bar Thursday night and I ended up going to bed around 4am.

I've been going through some stuff of mine the past day, like year books, memory books, old letters, old photos and stuff and finding all the stuff that I've had boxed up. Bobby and I have been sitting down and going through it together and he's got to see baby pictures of me and well we are both naturally redheads. I had forgot I was naturally redish/orange when I was born and growing up as a kid. So it's kinda cool. So I've found some interesting stuff and now see why it was all put away in boxes. I even found an address to one of my old webpages, but it's no longer in service, so that sucks.

Monday, May 13th, 2002...

Well here it is a new week and things have already been very rocky for me. To start things off today, I am already 2 weeks behind on rent and well our landlord let us slide by paying $200 this past 2 weeks and then the other $200 in another 2 weeks, well here is it today payday, and I got my paycheck and it was only for 9 hours which equals out to $55! I'm scared shitless on what to do. Also I got home this evening and read the West Plains Daily Quill online edition to find that Sadie Ruth Ferguson passed away Saturday, May 11th, 2002. She was a woman that I admired in my hometown. She went with us to Missouri Community Betterment (MCB) in Columbia on October 17, 18 and 19th, 1999 and had a blast. She was a wonderful woman and was great with the city. She always had a motive and knew how to get what we wanted in our town. This article below was taken out of the West Plains Daily Quill:

Sadie Ruth Ferguson left her mark on local political scene

WILLOW SPRINGS - Anyone in this area who knows their local politics will tell you 82-year-old Sadie Ruth Ferguson of Willow Springs has been a big part of the political scene for decades, always as a Republican. Today, her fellow Republicans and many others mourn her passing, the funeral held at 11 a.m. in Willow Springs. Her obituary is on Pg. 7. It points up a lengthy list of accomplishments, including as a longtime Willow Springs city councilwoman.

Also was this article in the obituary section of the paper:

Sadie Ruth Ferguson services held

Funeral services for Sarah “Sadie” Ruth Ferguson, 82, Willow Springs, were 11 a.m. today, Monday, May 13, 2002, at Pomona Christian Church, with Rick Wheeler officiating under the direction of Willow Funeral Home of Willow Springs. Mrs. Ferguson died Saturday, May 11, 2002, at St. Francis Hospital, Mtn. View. Burial was in Willow Springs Cemetery under the direction of Willow Funeral Home.

She will be greatly missed by me. Also the day couldn't be any worse other than my friend Jennifer Campbell coming to the Mall to see me this evening and she went to Orange Jultus, ordered a drink and then passed out. She is okay, but doesn't remember any of it happening. It's just been one "wierded out" Monday. Also today, I found out I was supposed to be at work at 11am and didn't show up until 2:30pm. They were cool with it, but was just very worried about me and why I didn't show up. So I worked from 2:30pm to 7pm.

Tomorrow I'm off from work, so I'm going to sleep in and then in the afternoon/evening, going to try to get some stuff figured out and find out what I can do to get myself outta this mess that I got myself into, with no help from Bobby. Well, hopefully things will get better and I wish to God that I would get back on track, I'm so sick of things being this way! =( Well, that's all I have to say in here....

Tuesday, May 14th, 2002...

Omigosh, this week has been very interesting in my life by far! Here I light up a cigarette for what I'm about to write. I have not been this stressed for awhile like this, and here it goes again in my life....just full of ups and downs and it seems to me more downs than ups!

Today, my landlord called me twice and left two messages on my answering machine. As this goes on, I wonder what to do about the money situation I have gotten myself into. My neighbor Lynn Prince came by and told me we couldn't get evicted by law for 20-30 days. So that made me feel some relief. She is suppose to be coming over and take our refrigerator, one t.v., couch and whatever else that is my old roomates Randi J. Turley and Brian Turley's stuff. I got called into work today, was called at 12:30pm and was asked to come in at 1pm, well I called my work at 2:30pm and told them what was going on about my eviction status. One of my managers was nice enough to come to my house and pick me up and give me a ride to work and get me there before 3:30pm. I worked up until 9pm.

My landlord called me at work this evening and wanted to talk to me about my rent. He told me that it was late and I was to be evicted and that he had called the Greene Country Sherriff's Dept and I was to be out. I talked to my manager and told her there was possibly a mistake on my paycheck, told her it was $55. To find out, I was suppose to be paid for 2 weeks, not for 9 hours. So she is going to fix that first thing tomorrow morning and so I will have money. Also, the manager of mine that came and picked me up today is going to buy the couch in my house for $100 and so I'll have money there for rent. Also my store manager told me that if they have to, they will all pitch in and help me through this mess! My co-workers are nice enough to help me to and from work, so I'm not so dependent on the bus. Tomorrow, I have to get my rent to the landlord and it can't be NO LATER than tomorrow. My store manager talked to my landlord on the phone this evening and told him the situation I was in and told him he needed to see where I was coming from. I tell you, I have an awesome crew that I work with.

Bobby however has to get a job this week, tomorrow I am informing him that if he DOES NOT have a job by Friday, he will be finding a new place to live, I can't do this anymore. So he has to get off his ass and do something. I'm tired of him playing around and not giving a shit about anything. This time, it's ALL ABOUT ME!

The one thing I have learned out of this fucked up mess is to be more responsible with money, it's not all fun and games, it's all about getting shit paid and get your ass somewhere. Well, I think I've bitched enough. Hopefully things start looking up and I can change this 16th. The story behind that last line is that the 16th of every month is always a bad day, it always brings something bad to my life, so my UN-LUCKY number is 16, most people it's the 13th, but mine is 16...hate that number!

Thursday, May 16th, 2002...

Okay, here I am writing today, because some stuff finally got worked out and things are getting pieced back together finally. I got my check fixed at McDonalds yesturday and got it printed by 4pm yesturday, and it was for $154, plus the $55 I had prior this week. So one of my co-workers was nice enough to drive me to my bank, get my checks cashed and then to drive me to my landlord's house and I paid him my $200 rent for the first part of the month. So now in 2 weeks, I pay him $200 again and then immediately later that same week, I have to pay $500 on June 1st.

I was reading through the West Plains Daily Quill today and found this article, so I'm going to print it here below:

91 graduating Sunday at WSHS

WILLOW SPRINGS - Ninety-one students will graduate 3 p.m. Sunday from Willow Springs High School in a ceremony held in the Mumford Gymnasium. Choice of the valedictorian and salutatorian will be announced at that time. The graduates include: Robert Adams, David Baldridge, Jennifer Barton, Jennifer Beltz, Miranda Beltz, Karina Bennett, Elijah Bey, Andrew Birk, Jennifer Bowen, Hattie Brewer, Dustin Brown, Tina Brummitt, Brett Bryan, Ryan Bunch, Cassandra Burnett, Amy Burtchett, Jared Casebeer, Kary Cauldwell, Andrew Chaney, Tianna Clampitt, Danielle Corman, Jacob Counts, Tracy Cox, Ann Cronin, Jamie Curnutt, Geneva Dawson, Janelle DeMeulmeester; Christopher Diestmann, Anastasia Dzhemesyuk, Jared Elmore, Amanda Ennis, Rachel Evins, Joshua Fisher, Jeffrey Fluck, Brian Geer, Galina Gerasimova, Andrew Gilbert, Krystal Gilbert, Andrea Green, Justin Gregory, Sarah Griffiths, Nikki Helmer, Christofer Henson, Martha Hiett, Amanda Ingram, Steven Jackson, Sean Kelley, Chad Kern, Briton Kimbrough, Kobie Langford, Timothy Law; Amanda Lile, Dustin Lind, David Lovan, Gary McElyea, Richard McLean, Carrie McNew, Marjorie Van Dam Morrison, Allison Myers, Nicholas Myers, Mark Nanneman, Meagan Parker, Rachael Parker, Travis Patterson, Oksana Pavlova, Brandon Pendergrass, Jeramey Perkins, Lyudmila Polkopina, Whitney Poppitz, Shawn Pringle, Steven Pulley, Becky Reiners, Allan Rineman, Deanna Robbins, Amanda Robertson, Brett Rodgers, Courtney Scrimshire, Kimberly Shaw, Amber Smith, Jessica Smith, Julie Smith, Timothy Todd, Jasmine Turner, April Tyler, Addy VanOsKeuls, Christopher Wake, Nathan Wake, Nathan Webb, Amber Whittington, Charles Willbanks and John Wood III.

Bobby finally got a job I guess yesturday (Wednesday, May 15th, 2002) at a Taco Bell here in Springfield. So now hopefully, he will get off his ass, get in gear and get some money in here so I don't have to pay everything on my own. He also has to keep the job, if he loses it, he is out the door. So I might be kinda strict, but hey, I've gotta do what I have to do to keep him in line.

Well that is really all the info I have at the moment, so keep up-to-date here, I'm always updating this thing.

Sunday, May 19th, 2002...

It's Sunday and today was graduation at Willow Springs. I didn't get to go back home, because my best friend Amy's car was broke down, so she couldn't come to Springfield to get me and I called one of my really good friends Angi and she wasn't home and she wasn't picking up her cell phone. And I wouldn't call Mom to even ask her about it, I know better. So I missed Amy's graduation, but she told me she'd send me a copy of the tape of their graduation.

So I went out to Marthas Vineyard last night and found out that Scott Hepper's Springfield Coffee Co. is now closed! I don't know any news behind that. I will certainly try to find out what I can. And to find out, he has closed down his website, so the above link will not work, because it's now been shut down.

Reading through the West Plains Daily Quill yesturday and found some shocking news in there, and as always, if I find something interesting, I will definantly post it here in my Online Journal. So here it is printed for your viewing pleasure:

Teacher quits; wild rumors fly; probe underway

BY MARIDETH SISCO Quill Staff Writer

WILLOW SPRINGS - A Willow Springs teacher has resigned her post amid allegations of sexual misconduct, according to Willow Springs School District Superintendent Don Hamby. He said the Willow Springs School Board met in special session at 11 a.m. today to accept the resignation of high school English teacher Becky L. Gregory. In closed session, members voted unanimously to accept Gregory’s resignation, effective immediately, according to a copy of board minutes faxed to The Quill. “She is not in the classroom. She will not be returning to the classroom,” Hamby said. He said school officials have been conducting an investigation into an alleged incident that may involve a matter of sexual misconduct. He said he is not at liberty to discuss the details of that investigation. “I can say that the board’s action is not an indication that the investigation is over. The investigation is continuing,” he said, and promised to keep the newspaper and the public informed of its progress. Today, Willow Springs Police Chief Danny Dunn told The Quill he has been contacted by the school and an investigation has begun by his department. Wild rumors have been circulating at the school all week to the point that at least one person with close links to the school called The Quill anonymously to say the situation needed investigation and resolution. Initial rumors revolved around a possible sexual relationship between a female teacher and at least one unnamed senior male student at the school, The Quill was told. At no time has the school or law enforcement officers named either the teacher or the student in connection with the rumors and The Quill’s report also makes no such connections, including any suggestion that Gregory was the subject of any rumors or any investigation. The school’s Internet web site notes Gregory has been an employee of the school district for eight years. And, a school official said she is coach of the girls track team at the school. A woman identifying herself as the mother of a Willow Springs High School student and claiming to have knowledge of substance to the rumors has been contacted by The Quill but did not appear for an interview scheduled for today.

So there is the most interesting breaking news that I could find this past weekend, so definantly striking for me. She was one of my favorite teachers and a sweetie.

Wednesday, May 22th, 2002...

Taken from the West Plains Daily Quill:

Former Willow Springs teacher has been arrested on charge of statutory sodomy

WILLOW SPRINGS - An arrest warrant has been served on a Willow Springs High School teacher who resigned her post last week amid rumors of sexual misconduct, according to Willow Springs Police Chief Danny Dunn. He told The Quill Becky L. Gregory, a former English teacher, yearbook sponsor and girls track coach, is charged with one count of statutory sodomy, a class C felony. Dunn said the arrest is the result of an alleged incident in March of this year involving a juvenile high school student. As of Quill presstime, Gregory was on her way to the Howell County Jail to post bail, he added. Friday, The Quill reported the resignation, it coming after a special session of the school board that morning. School District Superintendent Dr. Don Hamby told The Quill school officials had been conducting an investigation into an alleged incident that may have involved sexual misconduct. That same day, Dunn told The Quill he had begun an investigation into the matter.

Friday, May 24th, 2002...

Taken from the West Plains Daily Quill:

New charges against former teacher; her attorney tells Quill of court dates

BY MARIDETH SISCO Quill Staff Writer

WILLOW SPRINGS - More felony charges have been filed against a Willow Springs teacher who resigned after being accused of having sex with an underage male student. Her attorney, Dee Wampler of Springfield, told The Quill she will plead not guilty. Texas County officials Thursday levied charges of statutory rape and statutory sodomy against Becky L. Gregory, 39, a former English teacher, girls track coach and yearbook sponsor at Willow Springs High School. Both charges are class C felonies. Gregory was charged Wednesday in Howell County on one count of statutory sodomy. Howell County Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Rizwan Ahad said all the charges stem from alleged encounters with one 16-year-old student. He said evidence points to there being others involved, “but those persons are above the age of consent, so that doesn’t constitute a crime.” Howell County notified Texas County authorities when it became clear that the trail of evidence led to alleged acts in that county, he said. Willow Springs Police Chief Danny Dunn said his department is investigating the possibility that Gregory has, in the past, been involved inappropriately with other students. Attorney Wampler said whether or not that’s true, Dunn shouldn’t be saying it. Referring to Supreme Court rulings, Wampler said the law forbids lawyers from making some statements outside of court that might influence a jury, and instructs prosecutors to limit statements by law enforcement officials that might influence a jury. “I don’t know if (allegations that Gregory has been involved in other improprieties) is true, or if it will come into evidence. I know that my client made $10,000 bail on each count in Texas County for a total bond of $70,000. She will appear in Texas County at 9 a.m. June 5, and in Howell County at 9 a.m. June 24 before (Associate Circuit Court) Judge (David) Evans to see if it can be worked out or will go to a preliminary hearing.” If either case goes to a preliminary hearing, it will probably be in July or August, Wampler said. Gregory posted $50,000 bail Wednesday in Howell County. ”She is married, she has three children, ages 15, 12 and 9, and from my information she has an excellent reputation and is a competent teacher. She earned her undergraduate degree at SMSU and her master’s at Southwest Baptist University, and is working on her doctorate. She obviously has never been involved in any criminal activity. She’s well thought of,” he said of his client. Wampler said Gregory deserves a fair hearing before the community decides what’s true. ”Every citizen is presumed innocent. These are merely allegations. Everyone should afford her the assumption of innocence. All the evidence will come out in court,” he said.

Tuesday, June 4th, 2002...

Well some interesting news to cover this time while I write in here about my life. Yesturday (Monday, June 3rd, 2002) we recieved a letter from our (Bobby and I) old roomate which was very threatening. Here it is below for you to read:


For the last 2 weeks I've been arguing with Randi about you. She's been wanting to press charges on you and sue you for the shit with the checking account. For the last 2 months I've basically been in your corner arguing for you. Then she sent me your letter this week. The one you wrote to her 2 or 3 wks ago.

Well, Bobby, you really managed to fuck yourself this time. When I read the bullshit you write in your letter about you hearing something had happened with Drake and I in Missouri -- well you lost me as a supporter of Bobby. Nothing happened. I know it and you know it. But there is a report on file with DFS that Drake said he watched some porno with you. I guess it's only fair to warn you that it's up to Randi as to whether or not charges will be filed. And I'd say she's probably going to. You're such a fuck-up.

So here's the deal -- you're probably going to have 2 sets of criminal charges filed against you and one lawsuit in small claims court.

When will this happen? Well, Randi should be getting out the 3rd week of June, and be up there around the end of Jully. So you probably have until the last week or two in July to enjoy your freedom.

If you move, it won't matter. I have your mother's name and number and your D.L. #. Plus Randi has a photocopy of Scotts I.D. So you will be found.

I want you to understand a couple of things. First, we gave you plenty of chances to do right. You've had 3 months to send money and take care of some other things. You've done nothing. Second, I want you to let Scott know that regardless of who he feels about me I hold no ill feelings against him for your fuck ups. Let him know that I do care about him and I do miss him. And I thought I'd never be saying those things about him.

I'm sitting here debating on whether or not I should talk Randi into giving you one more chance. I'll make you this deal Bobby, and I advise you not to fuck it up. If you do the following things in the next 2 weeks I'll make sure she doesn't press criminal charges. I don't wish this place on anyone. So heres what you do

1. You find all Randi's important documents -- immigration papers, citizenship, passports, Anything that looks important, and you find my wallet with D.L. and social security card I you can find most of Randi's stuff in green box that TV used to be on). Find all this stuff and set it aside.

2. Then gather up all my computer cds and put them in a box. All my cds. After you get them all neatly in a box put all the documents from above and put in box too. Then find my glasses (with shades) and put them SAFELY in box. Then take box to post office and mail it to:

Emily Turley

22129 CR 366

Gladewater, TX 75647

3. If for some reason you move out of the house you can have what you want EXCEPT for the Big TV and DVD player. Take those to Lynns house and tell her RANDI told you too. Anything else you don't want you can see if Lynn will keep for Randi.

4. I want you to sit down and write ME a letter. I want you to tell me the whole truth about anything and everything youve fucked up or fucked off of ours. And you better be honest. If you're not Randi will be pressing charges. If you've sold any of our shit I want to know. I want to know approx. how much money of hers you fucked off. I already know about the Explorer so don't worry about that. I also want to know if you still have Celeste & Kaizer. If you don't just say you don't. I don't want to know what happened to them (if its bad) but I do want to know if you still have them. If you do, you better still have them when Randi gets there. Then, in this same letter, I want you to explain how and when you will be paying Randi back. Come up with a plan to pay her back. Then you need to go get a $30.00 money order. Make it out to:

Brian Turley

206 E Elm St

Tyler, TX 75702

Then mail the letter and the money order, in the same envelope, to that address. You can consider it your first payment on paying Randi back. And I better have it within 2 weeks, or Randi will be pressing charges.

You have 2 weeks to do all this shit Bobby. If you do I'll keep my end of the deal. If you don't then you'll pay the price come the end of July. Your choice my friend.

And please Bobby, don't take any of this personally. I think you're a pretty good guy and I don't hold any of this against you, but you have had plenty of time to do the right thing. And I hope we can get all this bullshit taken care of and maybe get together for dinner sometime in the future. For some fucked up reason I really do miss you guys. At the very least I hope we can keep in touch in the years to come.

Anyway, you have 2 weeks from the date of this letter is dated. You better get started.

Love ya guys



So that letter was dated on Friday, May 31st, 2002. Anyway, that's what's been going on...some interesting shit.

This past weekend, I had fun and I mean a lot of fun. I had Thursday and Friday off, so Thursday, I slept in for awhile and then went to my friend Brandon's house and went swimming with a couple of his friends in their swimming pool. The water was freezing and there I learned I can swim! I haven't ever learned how to swim and was always too scared, and now I achieved once another goal. Then that evening, I went with my friend Brandon, Michael, a girl from Columbia named Jen, and my friend Jennifer Campbell and we went to the new Jordan Valley Park and played in the new $1 million dollar water fountain that was installed and opened to the public on May 18th, 2002. We had a lot of fun and then we went to the new Jordan Valley Ice Park and sit there and talked for awhile and dried off.

Then on Friday, Jennifer Campbell came over to my house while Bobby and I were trying to figure out something for me to wear out to the club. Jennifer came over around 6pm and right before she came over, my friend Leslie from work called to make sure I was still going out. They asked me out to dinner and they came over around 7pm and picked me up. With Leslie was her sister Lynda and their friend Val. All 4 of us went to McGuffey's and I had a $6.99 salad and we just talked around the table. Then we went to Leslie's house to drop off Lynda since she wasn't going out with us.

About 9pm we left to go to Martha's Vineyard and Leslie paid mine and her cover and Val paid for her own. The night was great and the people I ran into that night was fenominal. I got to see the following people out at Marthas on Friday, May 31st, 2002:

Jennifer Campbell

Leslie (from McDonald's)

Valerie (Val)

Mindy Smith (from McDonald's)and her boyfriend

Cindy (from McDonald's)

Ella Harper (from McDonald's)

Casey (from McDonald's)

Jennifer Faunstauk (from McDonald's)

Robert Hyland


Lori Cox


Valerie (and yes this is a different Valerie)




David (from Mtn. Home, AR)

Jason (old friend from last summer)

Ashley Dees

Sarah (Go-Go Girl Sarah)

Patrick Butler

John (BoiGayzer)

Tori (from Ava, MO...Robert Hyland's friend)

This was her last night at Martha's Vineyard, because she's moving to Chicago, IL.

The evening was filled with dancing, laughing, lots of fun and I hope to do that again sometime. As for Saturday, I had to work till 7pm and then Jennifer came to my work to pick me up and we went by the house and I changed into some swimming trunks and got Bobby to get into some as well and we went to Jordan Valley Park and played in the fountain for awhile. Then we went home and changed and got ready to go out to Martha's Vineyard and Jennifer paid mine and Bobby's cover. I'll say Saturday night wasn't as pepped up as Friday night, but it was still a lot of fun!

I'm getting ready to move on up to management. I asked Eugena the other afternoon if we had any management positions opening up soon and she said yes and that they could start me out as a "Crew Trainer" which would be cool, because that's the starting position for management, and a lot better than just plain old CREW. So I'm happy about that.

Well I don't know of anything else to say, I've been reading the West Plains Daily Quill to try to keep up-to-date with Becky Gregory, but nothing has been posted in it lately, so I'm keeping up with that story.

Sunday, June 9th, 2002...

Well damn this has been an amazing week! Here last night I spent 43 min in the Cox South thinking I had something serious. I went out last week, as you read above. Last Sunday, I got sick and well still had to work this past week. The only day I had off was Wednesday, well that evening it hit me harder, my immune system basically just failed on me and I was barely able to even walk...I was that weak. Thursday, my telephone was shut off by Southwestern Bell, so I had no way to call into work when I stayed home sick. I went back to work on Friday and was told I was fired. I was like, "WHAT?" So I was reinstated, not like I haven't done this time after time. So then I worked Friday and Saturday and then last night I was feeling WORSE! So I had my friend Jen take me to Cox South, because I just wasn't feeling good at all.

I got to the hospital at 1:01 a.m. and they did some routine checks on me and well I had a fever of 108 degrees! So they rushed me to the Trauma Center where they asked me how I was feeling and what all had happened this past week. I laid on a bed for awhile and then they said they were going to do X-Rays on my chest to see if they could find something. Nothing showed up in the X-Rays, but they told me it was very possible I had a severe Flu, and to take lots of Tylenol and drink more water than I could stand and lots of juices and Gatorade and to stay away from Alcohol and anything with caffeine. I was released at 1:43 a.m. and then it was to Jen's house to get me a bottle of Tylenol and then home.

Today I was suppose to work from 1pm to 6pm and well I couldn't get myself up, I didn't have the motivation to do it. I am still running a fever, have a migraine from Hell and damn I just didn't feel like going in and being around food when I'm sick. So today is my 3rd No Call-No Show, so I will now be terminated, but I really don't give a rat's ass, because they've really fucked me over and have really done a great deal of talking behind my back. So tomorrow, I will get my paycheck and then I'll find me a job hopefully tomorrow, but I can't afford to not stay on my feet or else I lose my house, I lose everything! So I'm going to do something better than McDonald's this time, I'm just tired of working for them, I know my stuff and still get treated like shit, like I don't know what I'm doing or something...I'll get out of it for awhile...I want to go back to Wal-Mart or something that I did before. I might even try to get on with TJ Maxx or JCPenney Home Store, because that side of town is nice and I like being over there and I could always try Target again too!

Tuesday, June 25th, 2002...

When I thought things couldn't get any worse or any more amazing, how wrong I was! This month has shown to be a tremendous month for Bobby and I and including a couple of our friends. As I said the last time I wrote here in my online journal, Thursday, June 6th, 2002, my telephone was shut off. The following week after that on Friday, June 14th, 2002, my electric was shut off by City Utilities of Springfield, Missouri. Okay, so Bobby and I went to Wal-Mart and purchased 2 keroscene lanterns and lived by candlelight, not so bad. Then the week after that on Wednesday, June 19th, 2002 the water and gas was now shut off by City Utilities of Springfield. So now that meant, no cooking, no showers, no light, no nothing! We dealt with this for a couple of days.

Our landlord came to the house on Thursday, June 20th, 2002 at 8:45pm and told us that we had to be out of the house by Friday, June 21st, 2002. We told him, "NO! You can evict us from this house, until we are served with an eviction, there is no legal way you can kick me out!" Bobby, Jennifer Campbell and myself all packed up and left for St. Louis Friday and we left Friday afternoon around 6-6:30pm and got there about 9:30pm. We all stayed with Jennifer's parents and we went to the Saint Louis Zoo, the St. Louis Arch, ate at Blueberry Hill, just drove around and saw the city for 2 days. We went to the St. Louis Pridefest and there I got to meet Kim English Saturday evening at 7pm. She performed about 5 of her songs including the one that I best familiarize myself with her "Unspeakable Joy." She gripped my hand a couple times from the stage and I got lots of beautiful pictures of her. Bobby, Jennifer and I followed her to her trailer, along with her two backup dancers and asked her for a picture shoot. I posed with Kim English and Bobby and I did a couple shoots with her. I asked her for an autographed picture of her and Bobby asked her manager. I was the ONLY one at Pridefest that got an autographed picture of Kim English! Which makes me feel very honored. When I get my new place, it's getting framed and put on my wall!

So then we came back home Sunday, June 23rd, 2002 about 11pm to midnight and well my locks had been changed on my doors, my yard had been mowed finally and a HUGE "No Trespassing...Violators will be Prosecuted" sign on my front door. I called up my landlord and he played stupid and pretended like it wasn't him, and pretended like he didn't speak english. Then when we got it distinguished that it was him, he pretended like he didn't know Bobby or I. Now he won't let me in my own house to get my belongings, so Bobby and I broke a window and got in. I have contacted the Greene County Sheriff's Department, the Springfield City Police, the Attorney General of Springfield, and Legal Aid of Southwest Missouri and we're slowly getting stuff done. It's gonna be a long long month in July as I can see now! It's against the law to lock someone out of their house and hold their belongings hostage, it's considered theft. He also took Bobby's uniforms from Taco Bell, and so the manager at Taco Bell called the landlord personally about the uniforms. Also there has been a neighbor that has contacted the landlord and he refused to talk to her and resulted in calling her names and yelling at her. I heard this personally in a 3 way call. Bobby has called the landlord and he's refused to talk to Bobby 3 times and refuses to let Bobby in the house. The neighbor caught the landlord stealing Bobby and my mail, so I'm turning the bastard in for mail fraud, personal stress on Bobby and myself, I'm hiring a lawyer and going to try to sue his fuckin' ass, and I'm going to try to pursue charges on him for locking me out after he was specifically told not to and for holding my stuff hostage, which falls under theft. I'm going to also try to turn him in for unsafe housing, if I can.

Well, this has been my month and the plan stands right now that Jennifer will transfer her lease over from a studio apartment to a 2 bedroom apartment and Bobby and I will join the lease and all 3 of us will move in together, which will be nice. We will both have seperate computers and well it should all work out nicely.

Hopefully the next time I write in here, I will have good news to tell.

Saturday, July 6th, 2002...

Well, now for a recap on my life since the last time I wrote in here. The transferring the lease of Jennifer and both Bobby and I moving in with her is no longer an issue. We aren't going to do it and we're going to "try" to get a place of our own, just the two of us. We stayed with Jennifer for a week and a half and on Wednesday, July 3rd, 2002, she told me that we had to be out by that night, so I called up my neighbor Lynn and well she can't let us stay with her because of having my old roomate's son, she'd have to clear it with DFS first. So then I called up one of my really good friends Ella, and now Bobby and I are staying with her and her family. They own their house, so there's no landlord threatening them with an eviction. So we are staying there till we can get back on our feet.

I got a job through Penmac finally on Wednesday. I'll start Monday, July 8th, 2002 working for McLeod Printing. I'll call up people from 8am to 5pm and ask them if they got their McLeod phone books. It's $7.00 an hour and it's completely casual dress (shorts and t-shirt). So this will be kinda nice. I'm still looking for full-time work however. After about 3 weeks, I'm finally getting clean clothes, and have washer and dryer access.

On Tuesday, July 2nd, 2002, I got my cartlidge pierced again. So now that makes 3 piercings in my ear. Bobby as well got his cartlidge done and he likes it. I today, Saturday, July 6th, changed the stud to a hoop.

Last night, Friday, July 5th, 2002, I went out with Jennifer Campbell to Martha's Vineyard for the Annual 4th of July Street Party, but this year it was held indoors rather than out back like every year in the past. It was okay, but the drag show took up too much of the time, so not much time for dancing.

That's the only news I can think of for the time being, so I will write in here surely later. HAPPY 4th of JULY!!

Wednesday, August 14th, 2002...

Okay well today I sat down and took the

and here's where I rated!

According to the Gay Test...

You are 67% GAY!

The typical gay-man is only 51% gay!

Also, yesturday, I took these following test!

How Do You Rate?

and I got this rating:

Your score is 149


You got it, you flaunt it. You don't even try to hide it. You want the world to know that you are proud of who you are and if it means two snaps with a 'you go girlfriend' then so be it. Life is too short to be someone you're not, and you'll be damned if you're going to suppress your girlish charm for anyone.

I even took the:

How does your job rate?

and I rated the following on it:

LEVEL 4-- Emeril Lagasse

BAM! Congratulations! Although a borderline gay-acting job, yours just skinned by on the straight acting side. Just like Emeril's, your job may require that you participate in some less than straight acting behavior but look at it this way: Guys really go for other guys who can cook and as long as your using phrases like KICK IT UP A NOTCH who gives a damn if your apron says 'Kiss the Cook'!

I got my job at Wal-Mart Supercenter in Southside Springfield! I work finally in Bakery in the donut crew and make very good money now! I make twice as much as Bobby and well things are finally going very well. To find out more about this job, check out my online resume. I hope you all take care and I will keep this updated!

Saturday, October 5th, 2002...

Okay am I behind or what??? I have not kept this journal updated and well it's time to get some things caught up! Well as you already probably read before from my last insert, I work for Wal-Mart now! I just hit my 2 months there on October 3rd, and well one more month and I get off probation and a pay raise! I'm loving my job and it's a job I actually enjoy going into everynight.

Bobby and I are doing very well. I am now 21! I had my 21st Birthday on Friday, September 13th, 2002. The night was supposed to start off at 8pm at Shultz & Dooleys in Chesterfield Village and then at 11pm we were all going to go to Remington's Entertainment Complex and party all night. Well, the night started for me at 8pm at Shultz & Dooleys, but had to leave at 9pm, because my friend Jennifer was underage and minors are not allowed in after 9pm. We then went to Outback Steakhouse and I just had a house salad and 2 margaritas. At Shultz & Dooleys I had a strawberry margarita. Then at 11 o'clock, we went to Remington's to find it dead. There were seriously like only 5 cars on the parking lot. So we went to Martha's Vineyard instead. I walked in the door and they gave me a ticket to get a free drink. So I got a Long Island Iced Tea. Then Bobby told Vivian Powers that I was 21, so she had me go up on the stage and get a free shot of Apple Pucker. Then I had my first shot of Tequila. Then I had another Long Island Iced Tea. Then had 2 Smirnoff Ice. Needless to say, I was feeling mighty good by the end of the night. The hangover the next morning however begged to differ! Pictures of this birthday party are under the picture link titled 21st Birthday pics on the main page!

On Monday, September 16th, Bobby and I went to Willow Springs to go see my parents. Bobby got to meet my father and he got to see the home I left almost now 2 years ago! Then we went to West Plains, MO, and saw my old Wal-Mart store there that I got my first start in Wal-Mart! We had fun, but it was just an exhausting long trip.

We got a beautiful queen sized solid pine 4 post bed from Hank's Discount Fine Furniture on Thursday, September 26th, 2002! It's beautiful and BIG! This Thursday, October 10th, we're going to Denver Mattress Company and buying a queen mattress set! And we still have to buy queen sized sheets and a comforter. A friend of mine in Springfield gave me a free Philips compact cd player, it's very nice. He also gave us some drinking glasses, brand new box, never opened. He's giving us some dishes, and we've gotten a lot of clothes from him. So we're working on building up stuff a little at a time. I now have a digital camera, actually 2! I bought a $50 digital camera from Wal-Mart before my birthday, well the quality of the pictures was BAD, but it's also a webcam and the webcam works great, so I only use it for webcamming. Then Bobby and I put our money together and bought a $130 digital camera. Then it only held 16 pictures, so I had to fork out another $50 for a 64 MB CompactFlash and now it holds up to 133 pictures! Big difference!

Well that has been the news in my life and well I will try to keep on this more. Sorry that I'm behind. Just been so busy. Well guys, take care and stay cool!

Tuesday, March 25th, 2003...

Has it been awhile since I wrote in here last or what? Well last time I wrote in here, I hadn't quit moved out yet. Between the last time I wrote and when I moved out, Bobby and I bought that matress from Denver Matress Co. We bought the sheets, 2 new pillows, pillow cases and a new comforter and a new blanket. We bought a new microwave, pots and pans, all kinds of kitchen gadgets, cookware and cleaners and just stuff we needed. We moved to where we are at now on Thursday, November 8th, 2002. I moved everything in that night. We now live close to downtown Springfield. Bobby and I celebrated our first Thanksgiving and attempted to cook turkey. We succeeded. Also in November, on November 3rd, 2002, I succeeded in making it 3 months at Wal-Mart Supercenter 2221. I got my 4% pay raise and continue to work there. I had frequent call ins and tardies during this month after my probation. I had a verbal warning, then a write-up, and a coaching.

During December, we bought a new 20" RCA flat screen T.V. with my 20% discount from Wal-Mart. Bought a new APEX DVD Player and a new RCA 4-head VCR. Bought a brand new entertainment center, bought a fish and a fish bowl and all the essentials. Bobby and I celebrated Christmas together this year and I had a total of 17 Christmas cards this year. Bobby bought me a huge 100th Anniversary Teddy Bear, Dixie Chicks new cd, Kelly Rowland's new cd, and a rock garden and some african candles. I bought Bobby 3 yellow roses, Justin Timberlake's new cd and I can't think of what else. I know we bought a message board in December and a rotating spice rack.

In January we celebrated New Years at home alone and I passed out before Midnight. I got a Decision Day at Wal-Mart for missing too much and too many tardies. I got sent home for one day with pay to decide how much this job meant to me.

In February, Bobby and I celebrated Valentine's Day together and on February 1st, 2003...Bobby and I have been together for one full year! In early February, Bobby proposed to me and asked me to marry him. I said yes, and now we are happily engaged. No wedding date is set as of yet. Also in February on February 3rd, 2003, was my 6th month anniversary with the Wal-Mart corporation. I got enrolled in Wal-Mart's stock purchasing program, their health insurance and dental insurance. I also took out accidental life insurance through the company.

March is where we are at now and is where I will leave off. March 3rd, 2003, was my 7 months at Wal-Mart. And right around the corner is April and I'll be making 8 months there. This month, I moved from 10pm to 6:30pm to the new schedule change of 2am to 10:30am. I've been walking to work, which takes approxiamately 2 hours. Well this is where I leave you off at and I will keep you posted on what is happening in my life as time progresses on. Take care!

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