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Thatīs What She Said

"My favorite holiday tradition is the annual show my friends and I produce to raise gifts for homeless and battered children. We work with 500 kids every year. The days spent wrapping and writing notes are what Christmas truly is for me."

"When I was in, I think the 5th grade I refused to say the Pledge of Allegiance until we withdrew from Vietnam. They sent me home. They called my mother and told her that I would not say the Pledge of Allegiance unless we withdraw from Vietnam and my mother quite calmly replied, "Then I suggest you withdraw from Vietnam"

(About the cats on Sabrina) "The cat is one of the funniest parts of the show. I spend a lot of time with the cats. The live cats love me. I like working with the mechanical cat. I forget that it's not real, and I'll be sitting there petting it and talking to it."

(About Brian De Palma) "I was very much in love, but it didn't work out"

"We're saying women can be powerful, women can live on their own and be strong, women can be smart and pretty, women can be whatever they want to be. That's a really important message. I love the way Sabrina talks to boys. I mean nobody told me you could tell boys you weren't interested! It was hard when I was a kid to find role models that were free and exciting and offered this type of latitude."

"I was a total nerd growing up. I'd rather sit home and read a novel on New Year's Eve and say, 'Wow, I read the whole thing in one night!' That was my idea of a big time."

"Examining other people's motivations, other people's language and other people's way of interacting is much more fascinating to me than spending a lot of time worrying about my own. I've said, "What other people think of me is none of my business." I'm fairly unobserved about my own persona. I spend a lot of time watching and very little time wondering who is watching me."

(Talking about theatre) "It was a very burning desire when I was young. I started in Community Theater when I was 9. I graduated from high school when I was barely 16. I graduated from The American Academy of Dramatic Arts when I was 18. So it was a very burning desire then. And then I moved to New York City."

(About Psycho Beach Party) "I've played June Cleaver and I've played a killer, so it was fun for me to spoof myself."

About the show Sabrina The Teenage Witch: "The show is meaningful to kids and I think it does have a great message. I mean, I wish when I was a kid that I'd been watching a show where women were so clever and so forthright and powerful. I love the way that Sabrina deals with boys. I love the equality in their relationships. We didn't have that when I was a kid. We didn't have people like that to look at."

"I think it's very important to support the program in your area as each part of the country has its own challenges coping with AIDS. It can be very different from state to state and city to city. Wherever you live there is surely someone who could use your help."