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           Mortgages, Credit Cards, Car/Student Loans, etc.             
                            ***PROGRAM IS CLOSING SOON***

Breaking News (1/14/11):
The club is now an official agency operating
within the financial system. The required levels of
ecurity Clearance
have been obtained and funding is expected to begin shortly.

How would your life change if you could get a TAX-FREE settlement
of $1 MILLION on any bank loan you've ever had? 
That's exactly what this program, working with the U.S. Treasury, is
ready to do for YOU.  A $300 processing fee can put $1 million in your
pocket -- money to help yourself and others in need.


How would it feel to be debt free and have MONEY in the bank?
To own your house free and clear?  To travel wherever you want?
How would it feel to have peace of mind and know you can one day
leave your loved ones a great legacy and also have the ability to
give others a real helping hand?

That's what this program is all about -- putting money in YOUR hands
instead of the banks'.

To sign up for the weekly newsletter (the first step in the process), go to: 


(Please use 2193 David B Joanne 1053 as your Referrer/Consultant). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

What Kinds of Debt Qualify?     
Get this stimulus payment on Mortgages, Credit Cards, Car/Student Loans,
Personal or Business Loans, Leases, etc. -- even Income Taxes.
Refinances, Foreclosures, Bankruptcies, Closed Accounts -- all qualify.
This is a LEGAL, no-hassles PAYMENT made possible through a

company that has a proprietary relationship wi
th the U.S. Treasury

and the Federal Reserve.  It took six years to
develop these
associations and the program is now set to enter the funding

This DOES NOT involve fighting the banks or going to court.  It's
completely non-adversarial and a win-win for all.  In fact,
involvement in the process is minimal. 
ALSO INCLUDED:  Hundreds of pages of information on Health,
Personal Freedom, Asset Protection and Benevolence projects.
We're looking for people with vision who want to Pay it Forward
by sharing t
he wealth through benevolent projects of their choosing.
We are now in the FINAL stages of our Phase I program, getting ready
for funding to begin.

Membership in the $1 MILLION Silver Program is now in effect and
will remain open for a LIMITED TIME.

To benefit from the incredible payout of Phase I, orders must be
soon as possible.  W
hen the Red Light comes on, Membership
WILL CLOSE as funding begins and we revamp for
the Bronze Program
(Phase II) with greatly-reduced payouts.  
The Red Light can be activated any day now.  Don't miss out!
There are various levels at which you can participate, with different
fees and payout amounts to fit your budget -- $300, $1250, $1900,
$2400 or $3300.
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT:  If you join at any level before the Red Light,
you will be included in the interim funding (you won't have to wait the
normal 60-day period for your total payout).  With a $300 annual
membership, you will receive enough to pay for your first loan process,
plus put extra cash in your pocket.
Available in U.S. and Canada ONLY.

Please join us on the Monday night information/Q&A calls at 9pm EST at
404-920-6610 pin 556010#.  These are also recorded
click here
to listen).
Time is running out!  You have a LEGAL right to this payment.
But the time to act is NOW.

To sign up for the weekly newsletter (the first step in the process), go to:
(Please use 2193 David B Joanne 1053 as your Referrer/Consultant).

1) Sign up for the free weekly Newsletter
2) Become a Member*
3) Submit an Administrative Remedy (AR) process**
4) Complete Documents
5) Get Paid per your Agreement
Note:  Currently available in U.S. and Canada only.
You can sign up for our free weekly newsletter at  (Please use 2193 David B Joanne 1053 as your Referrer/Consultant).*

*If you sign up for a membership BEFORE the Red Light
is activated (and send payment within seven days), you will be included in Phase One (for up to three full-pay ARs)
**You supply the debt information and we do all the work.  This process involves a series of three letters sent electronically to the bank (undetected by the bank).  The bank cannot answer the requested claims of fraudulent activity, thereby giving you an administrative judgment.  This judgment can then be monetized at the Treasury.  This DOES NOT affect your relationship with the bank nor harm it in any way.


You can become a Referrer at NO COST and
Earn Generous Commissions --
up to $300 Upfront and $30,000 Backend.

You can earn money without spending a dime.

Not only will you be paid commissions, but you
can also earn a free process
for one of your debts.
For every full-pay process you refer, you get credit toward the purchase of your own process.  For every four processes referred, you get one at no cost.



With the cost of a $300 Membership, a Member gets an invitation for up to 4 of their family to come to our exotic Victory Celebration including:
* airfare paid,
* hotel accommodations paid,
* company sponsored events all meals are paid,
* free LLC to help with Asset Protection,
* plus provide a Bonus Buddy $100,000 for every AR Process done,
* plus receive unlimited ARs of your own worth up to $1 million each when your first AR is submitted BEFORE Red Lite,
* and a 25% Bonus increase in your payout funds for attending our classes!