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The Guidelines


1. The competition is open to all authors published or unpublished. You do not need to worry about copyright because we are not publishers. We just pay off the awards, the poems are soley yours.We will not post a winning submission, unless you gave us a permission to do so.


2. * Entrants must send a printed copy of their manuscript or poem(s)for the categories- Best Poem, Best poetry manuscript, Best haiku, Best lyrics, Narrative poetry, Short story/prose.


* For the categories- Best song and Best poetry CD or tape send in your CD or tape and if you can the printed lyrics or poems.


* For the category Most creative send in your creation the way you feel is most appropriate.


Entries will be judged primarily by content and writing quality.No handwritten books or poems are accepted.Production quality will determine the winner in the event of a tie.


3. All submissions must be accompanied by a check or money order for $25.Make the entry fee payable to Mercado.


4. You must include a self addressed stamped envelope to receive the contests results or if you want your manuscript or poems mailed back to you.


5. * For the categories Best poetry manuscript, Best poetry CD or tape, Best lyrics, Best song, Most creative, Narrative poetry, and Short story/prose all entries must be postmarked no later than August 30, 2002.


* For the categories Best poem and Best haiku you can send your submission anytime and you will compete for that month.

All winners will be notified by February 28, 2002.


6.  Manuscripts and poems, which have previously won awards, are eligible.


7. Erato Literary Contest is not responsible for the loss, damage or return of any manuscripts, CD's, tapes, or products submitted to the competition.


8. Send all entries to:


 Erato Literary Contest

c/o Mercado

 PO Box 61204

 St. Petersburg, FL33714


***Make the entry fee payable to Mercado, our manager of the financial department.

Submissions through e-mail are accepted, but you still must pay the entry fee.


We accept Visa and MasterCard for your convenience. Either mail in the information of your credit card with your submission or contact us via e-mail.