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Darkmatt's stuff.


1-28-05: If any old projects are continued, I'll let you know.

12-22-04: It wasn't easy, but all discontinued projects are now erased. SMB3A is still alive, thank god. Files are still on. But lord, the page is alot more slimmer.

Chip's Challenge link is down for now. It's not dead, but progress is unknown.

3-14:04: Yo! SMB3A's released with 2 worlds! And a new style! Check! Now! 1-26-04: Yep, CC:TNG has been updated. With 85+ levels! And the non-combined one is gone. And the file's been renamed so people from the CC group can still have the same file. >_>; Now to delete the old ones! *Gets out hammer*

10-14-03:CC:TNG has been updated again, there was bugs in 2 levels and it was corrupt. I've updated it with 2 new levels. MMA2's dead again. I just can't complete a Mega Man hack! X_X;

10-13-03:Chips Challenge:The New Game, has been updated! With 21 brand new levels, how can ya not check it out?

The megaman 1 enemies for visine is listed here. A MUST DOWNLOAD. (Credit goes to Vagla for 3B and 32 and others!)


Yes, and thanks to Hukka's editor, the hack's back on! DOWNLOAD THE 2 WORLD DEMO HERE!
Super Mario Brothers 3 Advanced. With 2 worlds!

Come again.