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Earth Science

(also known as geoscience, the geosciences or the Earth Sciences), is an all-embracing term for the sciences related to the planet Earth. It is arguably a special case in planetary science, being the only known life-bearing planet.
(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.)
Plate Tectonics Cooperative Learning

Materials: Atlases, encyclopedias, Earth Science books, drawing paper, markers, scissors, Earth Science articles.

Each group that came into the library was assigned a different plate to study (e.g.: Juan De Fuca, Nazca, Pacific, Philippine, Caribbean, South American, Eurasian, African, etc.).

They had to become experts on that plate. They had to produce a report, a map of the boundaries it covered and a drawing of a plate (see: Teaching Plate Tectonics withEasy-to-Draw Illustrations on
Exit Glacier - Alaska
Photograph by Cybrary Man


American Geological Institute


Geological Society of America

U.S. Geological Survey

Geologic Time

Mama's Minerals

Mineralogical Society of America

Mineral Information Institute

Earth Force

Learning from the Fossil Record

Rocky: The Rock Hound

Rocks and Minerals

Understanding Geologic Time

Geologic Hazards (NOAA Satellites)

Earth Science Lessons

Earth Science Lessons
The Lesson Plan Library
Earth and Space Science Lessons and Classroom Activities
Earth Science Lessons
Earth Systems Science Lesson Plans
USGS Learning Web Lesson Plans
Earth Science Lesson Plans Hotlist Earth Science
Awesome Library - Earth Sciences

More Earth Science Sites

Digital Library for Earth System Education
Earth Trips

Virtual Courseware for Earth and Environmental Science

Recent Earthquake Activity -

Earthquake Facts

Virtual Courseware Earthquake

Earth Like a Puzzle

Earth Floor Plate Tectonics

PALEOMAP Project -plate tectonic development

Earth's Continental Plates -

A Science Odyssey You Try It Plate Tectonics (Mountain Maker, Earth Shaker - You Try It!

Musical Plates: A Study of Earthquakes and Plate Tectonics

Geology: Plate Tectonics


The Dynamic Earth

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by The JavaScript Source

Earthquake Sites



Life Along the Faultline: Life and Science in Earthquake Country

Latest Quake Information - USGS

ABAG Earthquake Maps and Information

Restless Planet: Savage Earth

National Earthquake Information Center

Understanding Earthquakes
How Earthquakes Work
Earthquakes (FEMA)
Earthquakes for Kids
ABC's of Earthquakes
Earthquake Damage (NOAA Satellites)
Near Real Time Earthquake List
Earthquakes: What's Shakin'?
Current World Seismicity
IRIS Seismic Monitor
USGS Earthquake Hazards Program-

Savage Earth Waves of Destruction: Tsunamis
Tsunamis & Earthquakes at the USGS