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Email Around the World

Here are some of the emails that Cybrary Man received from different countries around the world as part of the 1999-2000 100 EMAIL PROJECT:

Greetings from Argentina

Hello, students and teachers of Sinnott Magnet School!
We are very happy to participate in this international project for the first time. It's very nice to know about so many groups of students in the world at the same time. We would like to answer to all of you, that´s why we are sending these 100mails.

We live in one of the towns near Buenos Aires, the capital city of Argentina. We are 21km away from the River Plate, the widest river in the world. Tourists say the BA is the city that never sleeps because discos, restaurants, pubs close at 6 o 7am every day. When we have private parties with friends and relatives, that is almost every Saturday, we always conclude them having breakfast altogether waiting for the sun to rise. Argentinians are generally very friendly people, maybe because we have Latin blood.

There are many inmigrants living in our country, especially after the second world war when many Italian and Spanish people arrived. There are also Japanese, Korean, Jewish, Polish, Ukranian communities which live in their own towns in the centre of the city. Our doors have always been open to all communities.

We are a group of 75 students that study English at Eco Center Institute, a private English Teaching school . Our ages range from 4 to 45 years old, that's why we would like to receive emails from all ages, adults too. We are divided in groups according to our ages and level of English. Some of us need the language to get a better job and some others because the level of English taught at schools is very low, except at bilingual schools which are very expensive to afford.

Our school year begins in March and finishes the first week of December and we have two school shifts: the morning one starts at 7.30-8.00am and finishes at 12-12.30am; the afternoon shift starts at 1pm to 5-6pm depending on the school.

Well, we hope to receive a lot more emails and we promise to send many answers too. Warm greetings from this southern city of the world famous for its delicious meat and wines!!!

Mrs. Silvia Canelo's classes Bye, Bye.

Greetings from Austria

Dear People,

Our names are Tamara and Sabine. Hello from the comprehensive school, in Austria. In our school there are 247 children. The oldest children are 14, the youngest are 10 years old. The school starts at half past seven and lasts at half past one. There are 12 classes in our school. We can wear anything we want at school. There are 23 teachers in our school. We are going to the 3rd grade.

We are looking forward to our winterholidays. They begin on 23rd of December and last until 7th of January. In January we go on a skiing trip. All of the 3rd classes go there together.
Tamara`s hobbies are swimming, rollerskating, playing the piano and reading. Sabine`s hobbies are swimming, rollerskating and skiing. What are your hobbies? Send a photo of all the children in your class where you wear your school uniforms. Have you got handsome boys in your class? Have you got a boyfriend? Tamara has a boyfriend. In the winterholidays we often go skiing. Our Santa Claus is named Christkind. On the 23rd of December we decorate the Chrismas tree. And on the 24th we will get presents. How do you celebrate christmas? How old are you? Sabine is 13, and Tamara is 12 years old. Have you joined a club? Tamara goes to a Jazzdance. Have you got a pet? Tamara has got two cats and eight rabbits. Sabine has got a cat.

We hope you will write back!!!

Yours Tamara and Sabine!!!

Greetings from Perth, Western Australia

Greetings to all participants from the students of Year 7 Kalamunda Primary School.
Perth is the capital city of WA. It is situated on the west coast of Australia (lat 32S long 116E)The population is approximately 1.2 million. WA is one of 6 states and it is the biggest one. As Australia is nearly the same size as USA it will give you an idea of its size!However there are not that many people here.

The main revenue comes from mining - especially iron ore, gold, aluminium,oil and natural gas and also wheat, cattle and sheep.

Perth is quite famous for the fact that because of its isolation from any other major city John Glenn the astronaut was able to pick us out at night from space when we all turned on our lights! He christened us the "City of Lights". We all lit up again for his flight again last year!

Our climate is something like Los Angeles (without the smog!) We have very mild winters and very hot dry summers.It does not snow in WA as we do not have any real mountains. Our flora and fauna is unique. WA has a lot of trees and wildflowers that do not grow anywhere else in the world and tourists come especially to see our wildflowers.People imagine kangaroos hopping down the street but it is not quite like that. We do see them in the bush around suburbs like ours.

Have run out of space but if you want to know more mail us!

We are a group of 8th graders at Sinodal, a big school in the south of Brazil. Our school has about 1300 students and it has an alligator as a mascot. The colors of our school are green and white. Sinodal School São Leopoldo has students from kindergarten to 11th grade. The students'age ranges from 3 to 17. Our school has won many championships in sports like basketball, volleyball and athletism in our state. Here the students can also learn Spanish, German and English besides Portuguese. Spanish is important now because of the other countries in South America and the MERCOSUL. Our city, São Leopoldo, was settled by German immigrants. They arrived here using the SINOS RIVER in 1824. One of the most important holidays in São Leopoldo happens on the 25th of July, it's the date the Germans arrived here a long time ago. If you want to locate São Leopoldo on a map do this: Look at the map of Brazil; look at the southest state, Rio Grande do Sul; look for Porto Alegre, the capital; São Leopoldo is norteast the capital of the state. Our city has a river which is polluted. People in the city want to stop the pollution of the river. The city has a big private university - UNISINOS - and restaurants, a shopping center , museums and many places where young people can go. We also have a modern and new train which takes people from our city to the capital, Porto Alegre. Our city has around 200 thousand inhabitants. It is nice and beautiful! We would like to thank you for your interest in knowing more about us! Best wishes for Christmas and for the coming year! Students from Colégio Sinodal ( ) - 8th Graders

Hello friends around the world,
We are a group of students from English For Ever School, Brazil and we live in a hilly town called Santa Branca. It's located in São Paulo State (49º W and 23º N) with 20,000 inhabitants and 90 kilometers from São Paulo Capital. It's the only town in the State which increased in population according to the last official census. We are one hour from the ocean (North Coast) where there are four cities with very beautiful beaches. Santa Branca is in Paraiba's Valley and along this valley are located most of the country's multinational companies such as Johnson & Johnson, General Motors, Philips, Panasonic, Kodak, etc. Our town is 167 years old and its know as "Nativity Scene" town. By Christmas time a big "nativity scene" is assembled at central square in front of Matriz Church. In the surrounding area of the square , buildings from the last century can be found. In the streets we still see people selling milk in wagons pulled by horses. Sometimes some farmers lead their cattle through town taking them to another farm. Most of us are still students and go to school during the week, however twice a week we meet here at the English School, which is a private school where we come only to learn English as a foreign language. Looking forward to hearing from you soon,
Your Brazilian friends

Greeting from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Greetings from Daniel McIntyre Collegiate Institute

Daniel McIntyre is a public 9-12 high school in the west end of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. We have an ethnically diverse student population of about 950. We are partly inner city. Our team name is Maroons which seems to stand for no more than our main school colour (note the British spelling of color). The majority of participants in this project from DMCI will come from Dennis Fenton's grade 11 Physics and grade 10 Applied Math classes. Our web site can be found at

Winnipeg is a city of approximately 600 000 people located at the junction of the Assiniboine and Red (of the north) Rivers. We are 100 km north of the Canada - US border and the states of North Dakota and Minnesota. Winnipeg is the capital of the province of Manitoba. The name Winnipeg is derived from the aboriginal words for muddy waters.(Not to be confused with the jazz musician;-) Winnipeg was the host city for the 1999 Pan American Games.

We are situated in a tall grass prairie biome and have a continental climate. Highs in the summer can reach 40 Celsius and winter lows can descend to -40 C. Agriculture(primarily grain and oilseed crops and cattle and hogs) is the main activity in the surrounding area while the city is home to several manufacturing industries. These include Motor Coach Industries which makes all the Greyhound buses for North America, New Flyer Industries which makes city buses for major cities throughout the continent, and a Ford/New Holland tractor plant.

The first Europeans to arrive here were French fur traders in the mid 18th century. Since then waves of immigrants from all over the world have arrived and still do to make our population one of the most diverse to be found anywhere. We celebrate our diversity in an annual festival in August called Folklarama. Over thirty different nationalities operated pavilions featuring entertainment and cuisine from their various countries of origin.

Greetings from The Czech Republic

Greetings from Gymnazium, Pontassievska Street, Znojmo! We are very pleased to receive so many letters. We are in Znojmo, Czech Republic, Europe. The population in Znojmo is around 40,000.

To find Znojmo:
1. Find Europe.
2. Find the Czech Republic(It is in the central Europe).
3. We are located in the southeast corner of our state (60 km to north is Brno).(lat-49N long-16E)

The country is mostly an agricultural area. Wheat, corn and wine are planted. Znojmo Castle (1046) was the seat of the apanage princes of the Premyslid dynasty. The strong fortress on a high rock frequently resisted enemy attacks. The oldest and the most valuable monument at Znojmo is the Rotunda of our Lady, its unique wall paintings which, apart from religious themes, also portray scenes from Czech history. Our school has about 580 students divided into 21 classrooms. We have 30 computers divided in two computer-rooms. We go to school Monday - Friday. Everyday we start school at 8:05 and end at 3:00. Our main sports are volleyball, basketball, football and hockey. Czech Hockey team won the Gold Medal in Nagano, Japan. Our Christmas Day is the 24th of December.Our Christmas tree is a pine.This year the pine at the St.Peter's Square in Rom comes from Czech Republic.

Visit our Homepage

Greetings from England

Hello from Pevensey and Westham School, England. We are sorry we took so long to write. We are very pleased to receive so many letters - we have not read them all yet so if you are hoping for a reply please be patient! We only have one Internet connected machine in the class.

Our school is on the south coast of England, near Eastbourne, which is halfway between Brighton and Dover. 0deg 10 min East 50d 40 m North

There are 330 children. The oldest children are 11, the youngest are 4. We start at 0845, we have lunch at 12 and finish at 3. The oldest part of the school was built 140 years ago. There are 11 classes in our school. We have 6 classes outdoors in temporary classrooms and 5 in the main buildings. We have school uniform - we wear red sweaters, white shirts and grey trousers or skirts. Our teacher is Mr Ford and the Headteacher is Mr Fleming. We learn about Maths, English, Science, Geography, History, PE, RE, Music, and Design Technology. Sometimes we have a story at the end of the day.

We go to dancing and swimming clubs. There are school clubs for football, choir, netball, science, and lace-making. We play football at playtime, on the field if it is dry. There is play equipment too. In the corner of the field is a wildlife area with a pond.

Our village has a church, 2 pubs, newsagent, hairdressers, village hall, a castle, a doctor and a train station Some of the houses were built 400 years ago.

The church was built by the Normans. The castle was built by the Romans. It is 2000 years old. The battle of Hastings was fought near here in 1066.

There are lots of lovely places to see near the school. There is a marsh where farmers graze their cows. The beach is best in the summer There are herons, newts, ducks and geese living near the school.

In the winter it is cold and it rains a lot. Sometimes it snows but only a little bit. Summer is warmer and drier - sometimes it does not rain forweeks.

Visit our website to see photos of the school and village

Greetings from Finland

Hello friends! We are little school with 27 pupils on grades 1-6, 11 boys and 16 girls. The ages of the pupils are from 6 to 13. We study English from grade 3. We live in YlihŠrmŠ (Finland). In YlihŠrmŠ there are about 3200 inhabitants and 4 other elementary schools. YlihŠrmŠ has strong metal industry factories. They produce farm tools and forest machinery. In YlihŠrmŠ people also grow barley, oat, turnip rape, potatoes, strawberries, tomatoes, onion, garlic, carrots and the other usual vegetables. There are farms with cows, pigs, sheep, chickens, beef cattle and ecofarming. We have a very popular rehabiliation centre with the hotel, restaurants and baths in YlihŠrmŠ. Here we have clean air and nature. It`s good and safe to live here. YlihŠrmŠ is situated in western Finland, in the province of South Ostrobothnia. The nearest cities are Vaasa (on the west coast) and SeinŠjoki. Both are about 60 km from here. Usually our winters are cold and long, summers are short and warm. We play ice hockey, football, Finnish baseball, volleyball, computer and Playstation games and at school we play the recorders. We fish, swim, ride, go to girl guides/boy scouts, 4H-club, do sports, play musical instruments, do gym and ski and skate and ski downhill in Lapua (Simpsiš), about 35 km from here. You all know Mika HŠkkinen the world champion in F1- he is Finnish! In Vesiluoma lives Juha Kangas- a great rallydriver- to- be. Ê Hei!/Bye- bye./ NŠkemiin! Syysterveiset tŠŠltŠ meidŠn pieneltŠ koululta Suomesta. TŠmŠ projekti on kiva. Voikaa hyvin. ( Autumn greetings from our little school from YlihŠrmŠ, Finland. This project is cool! Take care!) Terveisin Vesiluoman koulu luokat 3-6 YlihŠrmŠ, Suomi Best regards from Vesiluoma school, grades 3-6 The school web: e-mail:

Greetings from Hemer Germany

Hemer is a small town in Germany, it´s not easy to locate on a map. This information might help you: Hemer is near Dortmund, about 200 km north of Frankfurt.

Hemer is located in the "Sauerland", a popular recreation area for the people from the nearby "Ruhr Area" (an industrial region). It offers a beautiful landscape with hills and small mountains covered by woods. In the winter one can do all kinds of wintersports in the "Sauerland". Our town is home to several manufacturing industries; fittings and other equipment for bathrooms are produced in Hemer.

Our school - Hauptschule Urbecker Strasse - is a grade 5-10 school with about 370 students and 26 teachers. Our lessons start at 7.45 am and end at 1.00 pm. On three days - Monday, Wednesday and Thursday - there are also lessons in the afternoon. On these days students get off school at 3.30 pm.

We - 18 students of grade 10 - don´t like those afternoon lessons too much, we enjoy having freetime a lot more. Then we like going ice skating - there is a skating ring not too far from our school - or doing some other sports like soccer, basketball or swimming. Inliners are also very popular. Shopping is fun, too. Although we have a lot of shops here in Hemer most of us prefer going shopping in the nearby bigger cities.

As we are in our last year of school now - we´re going to leave school in the summer of 2000 - we all are quite busy trying to find the right job for us.

We enjoy the 100 email project! Grade 10, Hauptschule Urbecker Strasse Hemer

Greetings from Newmarket N.S. Ireland

Our school is located in Co .Kilkenny, Ireland .It is 52.4N and 7.3W.Our school was built in 1925. There are 69 pupils in the school. There are 38 boys and 31 girls in our school. The age range is 4 to 12. In our room there are 18 pupils in 5th and 6th class aged between 10 to 12.We have three teachers in our school and three class rooms. Newmarket is a small rural village, which consists of a church, 12 houses and a school. There are no shops or pubs in our village. We play football Basketball, Athletics and Hurling. Hurling is a game played with a stick made of ash and a leather ball. We like to do Art and Physical Education. We have 4 computers in our school. We go on a school tour every year. We go on educational tours and fun tours. Our school has a greenhouse where we grow our own plants. Our school day starts at 9.20a.m. And finishes at 3.00p.m.We have a small break at 11.00 and a longer one at 12.30 p.m. On the 15th of October the president of Ireland, Mary MacAleese visited our village to open a commemorative garden. We all got to meet her and shake her hand. In school we do an Irish drama, during the drama we have to speak Irish. We have four teams, a team for everyday, and on Friday we add up all our scores. Whatever team has the highest score gets free homework. We have enjoyed reading emails from around the world and we hope to have our own Web site soon.
Newmarket N.S. 5th and 6th class

Greetings from Israel

Shalom and hello from Israel. We are located in Samaria, just a hop, skip and jump from the Mediterranean Sea (which we can see when we stand at the highest point in our settlement, Karnei Shomron) and not that far from the Jordanian border (about an hour's ride by car). We are about 40 minutes from Tel Aviv by car (when there is no traffic) and about 75 minutes from Jerusalem.

Our school is a 6 year junior high and high school for boys. It is a Jewish day school that has religious as well as secular studies. It is called Yeshivat HaShomron (the yeshiva of Samaria, the heartland of Israel). The language of instruction is Hebrew. However, all of our students are required to study English. We hope that our participation in this project will help us improve our knowledge of English.

Our school has a computer lab in which our students develop computer skills (Word, PowerPoint, etc). Just this past week our computers were hooked up to the Internet. However, for the moment, our communicating will be through our class teacher's e-mail at home. During our last English class, we were busy composing our letters using Word and saved them to be sent out later. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Mrs.E.Schenker 10th Grade English teacher

Greetings from Kuwait Ramadan Kareem and salam alaykum Seasonal Greetings from year 7 at Kuwait English School Ramadan begins today. It is a month of fasting for our Muslim students to prepare for Eid. No one will be in school today though because our weekend is on Thursday and Friday each week. Kuwait is a hot, dry country at the Northern end of the Arabian Gulf in the Middle East. You will find us on a map at 29N 48E. There are about 2,000 students at KES. In our class we have students from Kuwait, Egypt, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Pakistan, Poland, Macedonia, Canada Brazil, Mexico, Korea and the United Kingdom. Our school has a swimming pool in its basement and two enclosed playgrounds. The playground where we line up at the beginning of school gets very hot in the summer. You feel like a fried egg as you stand in silence. We have a very big music department. Our school band is planning to tour the UK in February next year. Kuwait is beautiful, but it is a desert! There are lots of places to visit for entertainment: zoos, ice rink, aqua parks and the Entertainment City theme park. There are lots of museums too.
Greetings from Marshall Islands

Hello, We are 6th graders from the island of Kwajalein in the Republic of Marshall Islands. It is about halfway between Hawaii and Australia at about 8 degrees latitude. It is a United States Army base that is home to the Kwajalein Missle Test Range. Our island is 1/2 mile wide by 3 miles long with 3,000 people.

Most students are American citizens. There are a few Marshallese students who atttend our schools. They live on a neighboring island called Ebeye.

There are very few vehicles on island. Most people use bikes. We have only two restaurants and three stores (no malls). The temperature is usually around 80 - 85 degrees all year round. We have two seasons...the windy and rainy seasons. We have six beaches, two salt-water pools, two outdoor theaters (which are free), a rec center for kids, courts and fields for basketball, racquetball, tennis, soccer, and baseball. Lots of people enjoy deep-sea fishing, boating, wake-boarding, scuba diving,...etc. We only have two television channels. Even though our island is very small, we keep very busy!

Kwajalein is a coral reef formation enclosing the world's largest lagoon. There are still remains of WWII bunkers, machine guns,and other war remnants on the islands. It's a cool place to live!!

Check out our school web page at Http://

The 6th graders from Kwaj :)

Greeting from Netherlands

Hello to you all,
I’m teacher at a school in the Netherlands. For the one’s who don’t know: The Netherlands is a country in Europe. It lies at the Nortsea and its neigbours are Germany en Belgium. At the other side of the Nothsea lies Great-Brittain/ United Kingdom. Our language is Dutch. We learn English at highschool, but we don’t speak it on a daily base. So, probably there will be some mistakes in my greeting, but I hope you will forgive me. A greeting in Dutch would no one appreciate, I think.

My school is in Almere. It’s a middle-big town, with around 100.000 people. Almere lies in the Flevo-polder. A polder is a piece of land, that used to be water, but has been layed dry by mills etc. The Flevopolder is probably very difficult to find on a map of Europe. If you have found The Netherlands, search for Amsterdam, our capital. Then you go to the right, you’ll see water with in it a kind of island (it isn’t really a island). That is the Flevopolder and there you will find Almere.
My school is called “De Optimist”. That’s the name of a little boat, in which childeren in the Netherlands could learn to sail. It also means someone who is optimistic. We are a brand new school, which started at 6 september of this year. The school is placed in a new quarter of Almere. They are building the houses now, but there are not many ready yet. So, at this moment we have very few students: only two. We hope to grow sone!!!! The students are both boys and they are 6 years old.
I want to tell you much more about our school and our life in The Netherlands, but I don’t make this letter too long. If you want to know more or if you want to communicate with me, please send me a email. My adres is

With lots of love,
Miranda van Kessel.

Greetings from Tacna, Peru.

Tacna is a city located to the south of Peru. It limits with Chile and Bolivia, reason why we received daily tourist from these countries. Tacna is considered a heorica city by its important historical past. At the moment Tacna, is an important zone of international trade (import and export). We received merchandise worldwide, and from all Peru they come to buy them to our city. In addition, we have beautiful tourist places, amused beaches, glad and colorful fields, etc.

The Corazon de Maria school is an important educative institution in Tacna, has more than 900 students divided in 12 sections of the primary level and 10 sections of the secondary level. The educative promoter of the school is the Catholic Congregation the Good Shepherd. They are sisters very self-sacrificing and dedicated to the education of the women of the future.

We have obtained many championships of Voley, Basket, and Athletics at local, regional and national level. Also we obtained first positions in aids of Mathematical, Language, and History. We have two computer centers, in the primary level account with 30 computers, and in the secondary level with 22 connected computers to Internet.

At the moment we are part of the program World Links for Development and were selected between the 10 better schools of Peru. We have participated in diverse tele - colaboratives projects. Best desires,

Cesar. **************************************** (En español) Saludos desde Tacna, Peru.

Tacna es una ciudad ubicada al sur de Perú. Limita con los países de Chile y Bolivia, por lo que recibimos diariamente turistas de dichos países. Tacna es considerada una ciudad heorica por su importante pasado histórico.

Actualmente Tacna, es una importante zona de comercio internacional (importación y exportación). Recibimos mercancias de todo el mundo, y de todo el Perú vienen a comprarlos a nuestra ciudad. Además, tenemos hermosos lugares turísticos, divertidas playas, alegres y coloridos campos, etc.

El colegio Corazón de María es una importante institución educativa en Tacna, tiene más de 900 alumnas divididas en 12 secciones del nivel primario y 10 secciones del nivel secundario. La promotora educativa del colegio es la Congregación Católica El Buen Pastor. Son hermanas muy abnegadas y dedicadas a la educación de las mujeres del futuro.

Hemos logrado muchos campeonatos de Voley, Basket, y Atletismo a nivel local, regional y nacional. Asimismo logramos primeros puestos en concursos de Matemática, Lenguaje, e Historia. Tenemos dos centros de cómputo, en el nivel primario cuenta con 30 computadoras, y en el nivel secundario con 22 computadoras conectadas a Internet.

Actualmente somos parte del programa World Links for Development y fuimos seleccionados entre los 10 mejores colegios del Perú. Hemos participado en diversos proyectos colaborativos.

Los mejores deseos, César. ===== Cesar Catunta M.
Coordinador WorLD
Colegio Corazon de Maria. Tacna, Peru.

From: "Valentina Saenko"
To: "J Blumengarten"
Subject: Greeting from Zelenogorsk, Siberia, Russia

We live in Krasnoyarsk Region - in the most picturesque part of Siberia. The territory of the region extends for nearly three thousands kilometres from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the mountains Sayani in the south. It's area is over two millions square kilometres. The Krasnoyarsk region is situated in the basin of the greatest river of our planet Yenisey.

There are twenty three cities and fourty four town-like settlements in our region. The territory of the Krasnoyarsk region has a varied relief: there are mountains, plateous, lowlands, and plains. One can see the following change of natural zones from north to south: polar zone, tundra, forest-tundra, taiga, forest steppes and steppes.

The climate of the region is sharply continental - cold winter and usually dry hot summer. The fauna of the region is rather rich and diverse. Reindeers, bears, polar bears, sables, squirrels, minks, foxes, polar foxes and ondatras. Siberian stag, elks, roes, wild boars and snowy rams live here. Birds: wood-grouse, hasel-grouse, heath-cock and partridge.

We live in the town of Zelenogorsk - in the youngest town of the Krasnoyarsk Region. Zelenogorsk means "a town in green mountains". It is located 180 km east from Krasnoyarsk (56 N 94 E).The average age of the population is not more than 30 years of age.
Along with twelve schools, there is an electromechanical college, three professional technical colleges, a branch of the Krasnoyarsk technical university and the Center of Education in our town.

We are a group of students (7 boys and two girls of 11-13) from different schools of the town who come to the Center of Education to participate in International Educational Projects.

Best regards,Nikita, Oleg, Vanya and Valentina Saenko

From: "Tinian Elementary School" Tinian Island in the Western Pacific
To: J Blumengarten

Greetings from Tinian Elementary School. Tinian Elementary School is located on the island of Tinian in the Western Pacific (145E,15N). We are about 1500 miles southwest of Japan. The island is about 15 miles long and 6 miles wide. Most of the people who live on Tinian live in the southern one third of the island. The northern two thirds is still leased by the U.S. military. There are probably about 3000 people living on Tinian, today. Most of the inhabitants are Chamorro. The Chamorros are decendent from people who sailed here thousands of years ago from the Philippines and Indonesia.

Even though you may have never heard of Tinian and even though it is a very small dot of land in a very big ocean, 50+ years ago Tinian was one of the most important places in the world. During the last part of World War II, Tinian was the location of the largest airbase in the world, North Field. From North Field hundreds of B-29 bombers flew missions against Japan. The Enola Gay and Boch¹s Car both took off from Tinian to drop atomic bombs on Japan.

Bye for now, but be sure to check out these websites for more information about our school, Tinian and the Northern Mariana Islands.

Thanks, again
Jim McCullough
Librarian, Tinian Elementary School


Stiernhöök is a small school in Rättvik, which is located in Dalecarlia, in the middle of Sweden, by the lake Siljan. This is about 30 miles north west of Stockholm. We are in the first grade of the Swedish "gymnasium",(Upper Secondary). Our school is pretty new, so it’s very nice. There are 23 students in our class. Some interests that people in our class have are, Ice Hockey, music, horses, snowboarding, dogs and role-playing among others. Rättvik is a small community with a population of 11 000 people. Special to Rättvik is the Midsummer celebration with violinists and dancing around the maypole. Then we have Dalhalla, which is an outdoor concert arena in a former limestone quarry. Dalhalla is famous because of its good acoustic properties.

If you want to know more about Rättvik and our school, please visit our homepage… Look specially at our ‘Variatio’.
Subject: E-mail around the world!

We are class 4B at Bergavik Elementary School in Kalmar, Sweden.

Kalmar is located in the southeastern part of our country and is beutifully situated by the sea. Our school has about 500 pupils aged 6-12. Besides all the common subjects our school specialises in music and computing. We have a school band and more than 150 computers available for the students.

Kalmar is a very old city, originating from 11th century and has among other things a big castle, a cathedral, a university college, a very nice museum, a big hospital and is the main city in the region. The population is about 60 000. Due to the (usually) nice summers, Kalmar is popular to tourists and is every year visited by cruiseships with guests from many countries. On our website you can read more about us and take a look in our photo album. You can also find lots of links to pages with info about our city and country. The site is in English so you will have no problems understanding it. Welcome to:

Wishes from Mr Bjork and Class 4B Bergavik Elementary School Kalmar Sweden

Subject: 100 Greeting from Taiwan

Greetings to 100-email participants from Pingtung Girls High School,
We come from southern Taiwan (northernwest to Latitude 22.4N and Longitude 120.3E). Despite in downtown Pingtung City, we are opposite the Chungshan Park and the Pingtung Stadium. Inside our campus, we are proud to have green grass, blooming flowers, tall trees and happy squirrels.

Our school was founded in 19 . Today, we develop to 47 classes, including three music-major classes. Altogether we have 2069 students and a staff of 147. Our first semester begins in September and ends in January. Following three-week winter vacation is the second semester, which ends in June. July and August are our summer vacation. We also have one-week supplemental classes in February and four-week in August. We go to school from Monday to Friday plus the first and third Saturday. Every day our school begins from 7:00 AM to 5:30 PM. There are two monthly and one final examinations each semester. After graduation, we have to take the entrance examination in order to enter a college or university. Only seven out of ten high school graduates are admitted, so that we have to try our level best to prepare for it.

We are girls of 16-18 years of age. Though we wear school uniforms every day, we are unique. We enjoy our student life with our teachers. We learn to be independent as well as helpful to others. This year we start a course called Internet English, the only one in Taiwan’s high school. Through it, we get to know you, my dear 100-email participants. Hope things are going well with you. If interested, write to us. We feel honored to be your long-term keypal.

Sincerely yours, May Huang, and her students, Yachun Zhang, Jieyu Luo, Jiayi Zhang, Diyao Zhuang, Yugiao Huang, Shaohua Lu, Jialing Li, Yunting Zhong, Zhixuan Zhou, Peirong Zhang
Pingtung Girls High School No 94 Jen-I Road, Pingtung City, Taiwan URL:

Project Coordinator for the Email Around the World Project:
Tammy Payton
Franklin Institute Science Online Fellow 1998-2000
Milken National Educator Award 1998
Webmaster for Indiana Milken
Webmaster for Project Buddy
Webmaster for Loogootee Elementary West