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Myths, Folk and Fairy Tales

Have students make up their own myths, folktales or fairy tales. Have them act out the story.

American Folklore

Russian Folk Tales

Anansi WebSide Stories: How Stories Came to Earth

Moonlit Road: Ghost stories and strange folktales of the American South

Arthurian Folklore

Helpful Animals and Compassionate Humans in Folklore

Write a Tall Tale

Fairy Tales
Fairy Tales Unit - Pre-Kindergarten

Pre-Kindergarten Fairy Tales Unit

Write a Fairy Story

Fairy Tale Lessons & Ideas

Fairy Tale Quiz

A Fairy Tale Unit

SurLaLune Fairy Tales Site

Fables and Fairy Tales

Our Online Fairy Tale Unit

Magical Fairytale Moments

Grimm Brothers @

Grimm's Fairy Tales


Alice in Wonderland - An Interactive Adventure!

Alice In Wonderland (Bedtime - Story Classics)

Beauty and the Beast

Andersen FairyTales

Russian Fairy Tales :Children Songs and Fairy Tales

A myth is a traditional story, believed to be true by the culture or cultures it comes from, which uses the supernatural to interpret natural events and to explain the nature of the universe and humanity. It has its roots in the primitive folk-beliefs of cultures.

Folklore is the ethnographic concept of the tales, legends, or superstitions current among a particular population, a part of the oral history of a particular culture. The academic study of folklore is known as folkloristics.

A fairy tale is a story featuring folkloric characters such as fairies, goblins, elves, trolls, giants, and others. The fairy tale is a sub-class of the folktale.
(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.)

Folklore and Mythology Electronic Texts

Aesop's Fables Online Collection

Aesop's Fables Traditional and Modern

Aesop's Fables (Laura Gibbs)

Bulfinch, Thomas. 1913. The Age of Fable

Encyclopedia Mythica

The Hero's Journey: Explore Classic Mythical Story Structure and create your own stories

Malaspina Great Books

Mythology @Web English Teacher

Lesson Plans and Activities Mythweb

Myth*ing Links

Mythology Links

MythWeb: Gods, Heroes, Today, Encylcopedia

Mythography Exploring Greek, Roman, and Celtic Mythology and Art

Mythology of Constellations

Myths, Folktales and Fairy Tales

Tales of Wonder - Folk and Fairy Tales from Around the World

Nursery Rhymes

Nursery Rhymes - Pre-K

Nursery Rhymes lyrics, origins and history

Mother Goose Rebus Rhymes

Mama Lisa's House of Nursery Rhymes Featuring Traditional Mother Goose and Other Kids Songs

A Rhyme a Week: Nursery Rhymes for Early Literacy