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A tornado is a violent windstorm characterized by a twisting, funnel-shaped cloud. The word "tornado" comes from the Spanish verb tornar, meaning "to turn." Tornadoes form in storms all around the world, and though they have been recorded in all 50 U.S states, they form most famously in a broad area of the American Midwest and South known as Tornado Alley. Although, in pure number of incidences, the United States experiences more tornadoes than any other country, the United Kingdom is the most tornado-prone country relative to land area. Some common, related slang terms are: twister, whirlwind, wedge, funnel, gustnado, landspout, willy-willy, or rope. Cyclone is also another term for a tornado, although it must be noted that in parts of the world (notably Australia) a Cyclone refers to what is more correctly known as a Tropical Cyclone (also known as a Hurricane, or a Typhoon), and for this reason, the use of the term Cyclone on its own should be avoided when describing a Tornado to avoid confusion.
(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.)
Introduction to Tornadoes

Storm Observation and Reporting

Twister: The Tornado Story

Tornadoes Theme Page

Tornado Chaser

Tornado and Storm Research

What creates a tornado?

Glossary of Weather Terms for Storm Spotters

Lesson Plans

Tornado! lesson plan (6-8)

Lesson Plans - What is a Tornado

Tornadoes! Science Lesson Plan,

Tracking Tornadoes Acivity

How Tornadoes Work (How Stuff Works)

The Fujita Scale of Tornado Intensity

Tornado Field Trip

Tornadoes - Links

Different Types of Tornadoes

Tornado Project Online

Tornado History Project - Tornado Map Database

Tornado Links

Online Tornado FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions about Tornadoes

Resources: Tornadoes

Tornado Safety