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Go Fanatical: Heath Ledger



November--I found this really cool website :
Old Guilfordians-Heath Ledger.Definately try it out!
  • Check out the Four Feathers Pageand the Monster's Ball Page
  • Please Email Meand tell me what you think of this website!
  • Watch for a A Knight's Tale on Pay-Per-View
  • Check out the Monster's Ball gallery...
  • Heath is rumored to be buying a house in Prague.

  • December--Read some previews of Monster's Ball here.It's in theaters Dec 26.
  • Heath is rumored to be going out with Paris Hilton
    so the model Victoria is old news.Check out pictures of Paris.
  • Visit the Monster's Ball official site

  • 10/21/01-Heath has got a new girlfriend--Read about it right HERE.
    9/3/01-Click here for a new picture.It's interesting I suppose...

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