~Star's House

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~Star's Spiritual Advisory~

Hello, The name Star is for having the ability and determination to make dreams and wishes come true. The name Fire is for the creativity and energy that surrounds me.

I am a very down to earth person and I have nothing up my sleeves. Where others may try to bedazzle you with fake accents, scripted readings, or asking for money to remove a curse. I don't, my capabilities are a gift from God and all I see is through God�s guidance. This is another reason why I keep my price at a reasonable rate because this is a gift and not for me to get rich. I am a woman of hidden power. I am here to help you obtain your destiny. And provide the free flow of divine creative energy in a positive, uplifting fashion.

I am a Certified Tarot Card Reader through the Tarot Certification Board and a Doctor of Metaphysics. Let me assist you in all your spiritual matters.

About Me

I am divorced and mother of two beautiful children, I was born and raised in Cleveland Ohio. I work a full-time job and nights and weekends I provide spiritual consultations. I started out years ago only doing this for friends and family but as time went on and through word of mouth my consultations starting expanding. And eventually I started meeting a large variety of people.

As a child I was always intrigued with the unknown. My mother and her best friend read tarot cards, contacted spirits and numerous other things. I use to sneak and look at my mother's deck of cards wrapped up in black cloth and wonder how do these cards talk to her? I would look at the cards and would be just amazed at how beautiful they were.

I remember several times while growing up having "visitors" from beyond in my bedroom at night. For some strange reason I was never scared. I could feel their energy sometimes even see them. I remember the night before my paternal grandfather's funeral I had a discussion with a man that I wasn't sure who he was. I never verified it, but I believe that it was my grandfather. This grandfather I really don't remember because my father was raised by his step-father.

As I became a teen-ager I don't remember any further contact from my visitors this may have been due to my mind being elsewhere, partying and in love (puppy love). At the age of 20, I married but not to my high school sweetheart. After 2 children and 7 years of marriage we divorced. The night of my divorce I had a big party with all my family and friends. This was a very happy time in my life I actually felt free.

After several years of dating and not loving anyone. I came across a man that started all my inner voices talking to me again. I kept getting messages that this man had something to teach me. Give this man a chance,but don't give your heart to this man. After seeing each other for four months this man asked me to marry him. All these years marriage was the last thing on my mind and it felt right to say yes. But then the innervoices started talking.... this is a lesson and not what you think it is back up and learn more about this man. I ignored the voices. When this man admitted to me that he was addicted to crack. The voices told me get out now!!! I ignored the voices. I put this man on a pedestal and decided that I was going to be the super woman that was going to help this man recover. My innervoices became very strong then. Every move this man made I was a step ahead of him. It is a well known fact that when you deal with a drug addict you are subject to losing belongings, money, and any property that they can carry out the house. Whenever this man would make a move my innervoice would say "Girl, get up and check your house!" I could be in a deep sleep and would get a bump on the bed saying GET UP!! Not once was he able to take anything from me. I was so intune that I could feel and see where he was at all times of night with my third eye. You are probably saying that this was a terrible way to get intune with yourself but I am a very stubborn person and I know this was God's way of reopening my third eye. I truly believe that everything in life happens for a reason and this man was the reason I am where I am today...blessed and at peace. Of course I didn't marry this man but this was a life situation that changed my life and reopened my innervisions and my innerself.


Methods of Contact

Nights and weekends I provide consultation through Keen during this period I am also available for private consultions at 1-877-869-0306. Please email your name,when you would like to speak and how long. I will then confirm your appointment. I feel everyone deserve the chance to experience spiritual guidance. I have set my prices to be very affordable and are as follows...

  • 15 minutes=$15.00
  • 30 minutes=$30.00
  • 45 minutes=$45.00
  • 60 minutes=$60.00

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