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Wesley Character Bio


So who exactly is Wesley? After watching Wes in over 50 episodes, we've seen him shot, stabbed, bitten, scratched, slapped, punched, kneed, kicked, stepped on, hired, fired, cut, bruised, burned, clotheslined, kidnapped, dumped, tortured, and knocked through the floor. He's even had his throat slit. And--surprise-- he's survived it all. He's come a long way from wimpy, wussy, watcher Wesley to where he is now. He's my personal favorite character. So here's his character bio. Wesley Wyndam-Pryce first showed up on Buffy The Vampire Slayer as Buffy and Faith's replacement watcher, after Giles was fired from The Council. The first episode he appeared on was "Bad Girls". As soon as Buffy saw him, she didn't like him, and showed it. Faith decided, "Screw that!" and left the room. It's true that no one liked him then- until Cordelia. From the beginning they had a crush on eachother, which grew until he announced a few days before Graduation and the evil mayor's ascension, that he was going back to England. Then they decided to do a little kissing in the back of the library, which ended with, "Good luck in England." At Graduation, he tried to help out with the fighting the mayor's minion vampires, but quickly got knocked down and stepped on. The last we saw of him, he was being lifted into an ambulance, asking for aspirin. But that wasn't the end of Wesley. In the tenth episode of Angel, "Parting Gifts", he found Angel and Cordelia, Claiming that he was now a Rogue Demon Hunter. From his appearance, viewers would guess he'd lost his snobbiness, because he showed up on a motorcycle, tieless, in black leather (which apparently chaffed). But he got more people to hate him (including me), because he was 'replacing' Doyle, the lovable half demon who died the episode before. It took a while, but people really warmed up to ol' Wes, who was actually comical, always tripping, falling, putting axes in walls, things like that. It was hard to resist the way he felt so bad when he did something wrong, and he was so darned cute. Once, Faith came to LA, and decided to torture him, and that made everyone feel so sorry for him- he even came to work the next day. At the end of the first season, Wes got blown up, along with the AI office. Even in the hospital, he managed to lift a curse that had been put on Cordelia. In the second season, we got a taste of his good side, the part of him that could fight and actually win, maybe even a good as the soul-having vampire himself. The same side made girls fall for him. All this showed when he got his girlfriend while impersonating Angel for a job. I thaought he did a pretty damn good job. He was also the first to mention Caritas, a demon karaoke bar that proved to be quite helpful throughout the season. After Wesley and Gunn met, they decided they despised eachother, but towards the middle of the second season, Angel went dark, and fired Wes, Cordy, and Gunn. In the next few episodes, the three of them carried on Angel Investigations, of which Wesley was now the boss, and continued to fight the good fight. During that time, Wesley and Gunn sort of bonded, and became best friends, which was disturbing for some. They even had a 'cool' dap-like thingy that we saw a couple times. This bond got tighter when, in an attempt to save Gunn from being killed by a zombie cop, Wesley was shot himself, in the stomach. After seeking refuge in a shelter for runaways, where Cordelia was at, he finally made it to the hospital, despite several zombie attacks. He was in a wheelchair for a few months. During that time, his girlfriend Virginia (the one he had met near the beginning of the season, while impersonating Angel), dumped him, and he, Gunn and Angel had to save Cordelia from demons who gave her a third eye. But Wes and Gunn got caught, and almost got third eyes themselves. Angel saved the day, but the three weren't ready to go back to work for him. So Angel went to work for Wesley. At the end of the season, Angel, Wes, Gunn, and The Host (the owner of Caritas) had to go save Cordy from a demon dimension. When they got there, they found she was supposed to 'comshuck' with a 'Groosalug'. So with the help of Winnifred Burkle(aka Fred), a cute Texan girl who was a runaway slave (in the dimension, humans were slaves), the guys got themselves, Cordy, and Fred back to LA, and Fred's been there since. Now, in the third season, Wesley was really taking on the job of being the boss. The cutest thing, though, is that he has a crush on Fred. But, in one episode, Wes got infected with something that was in the blood of a guy named Billy, that made him try attack women. At the time, he was alone with Fred in the hotel. As some one would bet, he went after her, but she ended up knocking him out. Aside from the fact that he felt really bad about it afterwards, and had a few bruises, it all turned out okay. Later on, when Angel had a son named Connor with Darla, Wesley decoded a prophecy that said that Angel would devour his own son. So Wesley took on the role as Connor's protector. Cordelia was on a vacation, Fred and Gunn were too wrapped up in their new relationship (which had deeply saddened our Wes, who happened to turn the corner during their first kiss. He was so heartbroken!!)and Angel was too concerned with his fatherhood role to notice that something was wrong. Wes, still depressed from finding out about Fred and Gunn, and desperate to save Connor, started secretly meeting with Daniel Holtz, Angel's biggest enemy and major threat at the time, and they worked out a deal. In order to save Connor from his father, Wes would bring the baby to Holtz, and then leave town. He went back to the hotel, and picked up the baby. He didn't realize it, but as he was humming to calm a crying Connor, Lorne, who was staying at the hotel because Caritas blew up, read his mind. Wes looked up, realized what he had just done, and knocked Lorne out. He told Angel he was taking Connor to his place overnight, and, after a last goodbye, left. Unfortunately, Lorne only read Wes far enough to where all he knew was that he was taking the baby to Holtz. When he woke up and told Angel this, the vampire went to get his son back. Meanwhile, Wes was getting into his car, when he saw Justine, one of Holtz's lackeys, coming across the park, badly beaten up. She told him that he had been right, and Holtz was going to kill the baby. When Wes put his gun up to get her to a hospital, she slit his throat with a knife. She took Connor, and Wes's car, and picked up Holtz. Hours later, Wes got taken to the Hospital, and was attacked by an angry Angel. It took two doctors and Gunn to pull a yelling Angel off of the man, who couldn't talk let alone yell, due to his wound. Wesley, who looked so incredibly pathetic, but still hot, got no sympathy from the vampire, or even Fred, who believed that Angel had a right to be angry. And after she brought him his stuff, she told him not to come back to the hotel, and-the most shocking fact of all-That the prophecy had been FALSE. So a hurt Wesley - Emotionally and physically - went home that day, alone and upset. In the next episode, Gunn went to Wes for help because Fred was dying. "I'll help because it's Fred," he said, "but don't come back here again. Any of you." And then the unbelievable happened. After Lilah Morgan of Wolfram and Hart had been trying to persuade him to join W&H, he some how...*gulp*... slept with her. As horrible as it is, they ended the season at that episode, with the bed scene the last.

This is as far as the Wes-story, which is always unfolding, has gotten. But keep looking for more!!
PS: Note to Wes-

We love you!!!!! Don't go all evil on us!!!! Descent into darkness can not be good for any of us. Remember-You are loved!!!!

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