~Updates! = 01/05/2005~
*Leap of Faith & Reeking of Niftisity Fan Message Board!*
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*Reeking of Niftisity Fan Fiction...Beths WebSite*
~Rebecca's Site!~
~Expanding Your Imagi-Nation!~
~Thank You's and Acknowledgements!~ *Updated 3/13/04*
~My Photo Album from WWE Unleashed 2003! UPDATED:10/08/03~ ~♥~JEFF you have our never ending love & support! We love you so much and we as fans will deeply MISS you!-I wish you all the LUCK in the world and I hope you return to us someday! We LOVE you!~♥~ ~♥~EDGE is back finally! Yay for that- he looks so yummy! Yay We LOVE you!~♥~ ~The Hardy Boyz...Exist 2 Inspire!~