CHAPTER FIVE : All’s Well End’s Well

When Liu Qing took one step closer, Xiao Yan Zi backed off, ready to defend herself.

"Stay away or I’ll hit you! Get lost!"

A truly perturbed Liu Qing stared at her. "What in Heavens are ya yelling for, Xiao Yan Zi?"

"Don’t…Xiao…Xiao Yan Zi?" Xiao Yan Zi thought she had misheard. " Liu Qing, you…you know me?"

"Know ya? Are ya kiddin’ me? Ah just happened to be passin’ by when Ah heard ya yellin’ yer head off. Ya alright?"

"Liu Qing, is…is it really you?" She whispered as she approached him tentatively. "Your leg! It’s alright!"


She looked at her hands and then checked her neck. "They’re there! They’re there!"

"What’s there?"

"My bangle…my locket! They’re there!" Then she saw there were no gallows nor skeletons. "He’s not there! He’s not there! He’s still alive!"

"Who’s still alive?"

"Xiao Jian! Xiao Jian is still alive!"

"Of course he is. I saw him with Qing Er at Hui Bing Luo one shi chen ago…"

"I’m home! I’m home! YEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAA!" Xiao Yan Zi began doing a jig. Abruptly, she stopped her wild cavorting and began kow-towing. "Thank you, Belldandy! Thank you!"

Liu Qing scratched his head. He had assumed marriage would mellow Xiao Yan Zi but it seemed he was wrong. Still he had to get this weird sister of Xiao Jian’s back. Heaven knew how long she had been standing out here. Maybe the cold had addled her head a little.

"Xiao Yan Zi, maybe we should …" He had not even completed his sentence before Xiao Yan Zi raced off, yelling, "Zi Wei! Xiao Jian!"

"…get back." Liu Qing finished the rest of his sentences, staring after Xiao Yan Zi. "Hey ! Hey! Wait up!" He began galloping after her.


She ran up to Hui Bing Luo. Yes, she was home. The whole place looked and smelled fresh, a sure sign of Jin Suo’s trademark. "Good to see you again, Hui Bing Luo!!" She ran in and saw Xiao Jian and Qing Er at the table. Jin Shuo was with them, carrying little baby Yang.

She squealed, "Xiao Jian… Jin Suo…Qing Er…Ah Yang! I could eat you all up!"

Alarmed by the wild, ecstatic look in her eyes, Xiao Jian went up to her. "Are you feeling alright? Have you been playing in the snow too long?" He saw the thick layer of snow on her head and felt her forehead. "Hmmmm…no temperature. But you look positively…" He struggled to find the right word to describe her.

"Radiant?" Qing Er suggested.

Without warning, Xiao Yan Zi threw her arms around Xiao Jian and lifted him clear off the ground.

"Don’t! What are you doing?!" The two women cried out, fearing that the reckless princess would break her back. Xiao Jian was nearly twice his sister’s size.

"Evening everybody. Did we miss anything?" Er Kang and Zi Wei strolled into Hui Bing Luo hand-in-hand. They stared at the sight of Xiao Yan Zi waltzing around the room, dragging the helpless and clueless Xiao Jian along

"Zi Wei! Er Kang!" Xiao Yan Zi thrust Xiao Jian into a surprised Qing Er’s arms. "You’re together again!" She bounded up to them, surprising the duo with her enthusiasm. "Er Kang, I’m so happy I could kiss you!"

"Er…no thanks!" Er Kang stepped back instinctively. He also caught the warning look on Zi Wei’s face that clearly said, ‘Don’t even think about accepting it…’

"Xiao Yan Zi, are you feeling alright?" Jin Suo looked concerned. Maybe the palace life has been too hard on her.

"Yes, I never felt so good in my entire life. I’ve just been given a wonderful gift! A second chance at life! Oh my, Yong Qi! How could I forget? Bye, everybody. Sorry but I have to get home now!!" She tore out of Hui Bing Luo.

They could hear her whooping, "Bye Hui Bing Luo! I’ll be back! You’ll always be my favorite place!"

After a while, Xiao Jian finally spoke, "I sometimes wonder if she’s really my sister."

"Xiao Jian?" Qing Er said timidly.

Xiao Jian suddenly realized he was still in Qing Er’s arms and turned an interesting shade of maroon. He leapt out of Qing Er’s arms, blubbering, "Qing Er…I…I…"

Qing Er just hung her head low whilst everyone else in the room looked on with amusement. It was such a sight, to see the often cool, suave Xiao Jian tongue-tied and the Ice Queen blush like a teenager. Even baby Yang seemed to understand and gurgled happily.

Then Liu Qing staggered into the room, panting heavily," Xiao…Xiao…Yan…"

"You’ve missed her." Liu Hong announced.

Liu Qing groaned and collapsed into a chair.


"Huan Zhu Ge Ge greets Huang Ah Ma, Lao Fo Ye, Huang Ee Niang and Ling Fei Niang Niang. The

Heavens Bless Huang Ah Ma! May Huang Ah Ma live ten thousand years! May Lao Fo Ye live a thousand years! May Huang Hou live a thousand years!"

The four seniors jumped at the loud "plop" Xiao Yan Zi made when she dropped to her knees. They were even more shocked to see Xiao Yan Zi went through all the motions of "San Gui Jiu Kou".

"Xiao Yan Zi, there’s no for such formality!" Ling Fei ran to help Xiao Yan Zi up.

"Yes, yes, in your present condition you shouldn’t be overexerting yourself," the Empress added hurriedly.

Xiao Yan Zi ran up to Qian Long and kowtowed. "Huang Ah Ma, Xiao Yan Zi deserves to be punished. Xiao Yan Zi has embarrassed the Imperial Family and the Qing Empire countless times!"

Qian Long was rather taken aback. Initially, he thought this wily goddaughter of his was play acting again because she was in trouble. But her red-rimmed eyes, her tear-streaked face and her forehead knocking loudly on the floor told him that Xiao Yan Zi was being sincere. "Silly child, get up. Dr.Hu has just explained to me that…" He did not get to finish for she was kowtowing in front of the Empress Dowager.

"Lao Fo Ye, Xiao Yan Zi is truly sorry she ruined your Buddhist scriptures. Xiao Yan Zi will willingly accept any punishment!"

"Child, child! No need for such ceremony." The grand matriarch of the Imperial family tried to stop Xiao Yan Zi kowtowing. "You couldn’t help it because you were…"

Just then Yong Qi and Yong Ji stepped into the room.

As soon as she saw Yong Qi, Xiao Yan Zi’s heart nearly stopped. Was this her Yong Qi? Gentle heroic Yong Qi with a mile-long stubborn streak that matched hers? She looked again. Yes, it was him alright.

Xiao Yan Zi forgot about her Ge Ge dignity and screamed "Yooooooooooong Qiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!" She ran towards him and enveloped him in a bear hug. She then gave him a big kiss on the lips, forgetting there were four seniors and a juvenile in the same room, not to mention the usual retinue of maids and eunuchs.

Taken aback by this public display of passion, Yong Qi just stood there, wondering what had happened to his Fu Jin. "It’s alright! It’s alright!" He tried to calm her down.

"Yong Qi, Yong Qi, it’s really you…you’re real, you’re alright!" Xiao Yan Zi said tearfully. "Let me touch you again…" She stroked his cheeks gently.

"I’m alright! I’m here!"

"I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! I shouldn’t have been so careless!" Remembering the horrible things Belldandy had shown her tonight, she held him tightly, as if he were a rare precious treasure. "I acted so selfishly and childishly. And…I…I nearly lost you, Huang Ah Ma, Zhi Wei, Xiao Jian and all my friends…"

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

Xiao Yan Zi silenced him with a kiss, more searing, more passionate than she had ever given him in their married life. Yong Qi nearly fell onto his rear end but fortunately was saved by his quick reflexes, honed by years of wu shu training. He found himself responding and brought his arms around her slender frame.


Yong Ji’s eyes nearly fell out of his sockets. The Empress hurriedly placed her hands over Yong Ji’s eyes. He promptly pulled her hands away and continued to watch the drama played out before him.

Yong Qi and Xiao Yan Zi jumped at the loud, familiar "Ahem" from Qian Long. Suddenly aware of their surroundings and their audience, the embarrassed young couple reluctantly released each other. However, they continued to sneak looks at each other.

Qian Long had watched the entire proceedings with some amusement and some sadness. The sight of those two lovebirds had rekindled bittersweet memories of Ah Lan and Yu Her. He did love Ling Fei but the intense burning passion that he once shared with Ah Lan and Yu Her, wasn’t there. He suddenly found himself envious of Yong Qi and Xiao Yan Zi.

" Xiao Yan Zi, come here." Qian Long said sternly.

Xiao Yan Zi looked at him fearfully, as if expecting to be punished.

"This is most ‘Cheng Her Ti Tong’ (improper, disgraceful)." Qian Long used the words Xiao Yan Zi dreaded the most.

"Xiao Yan Zi will gladly accept any punishment." Xiao Yan Zi said meekly. Her conduct of late had been disgraceful-throwing up on the Siamese ambassador, insulting the Korean ambassador,…and this latest misdemeanor. She resigned herself to any form of punishment from Huang Ah Ma, including writing.

"Silly child. What Huang Ah Ma mean is that it’s improper and unreasonable of us to blame you when it’s actually Yong Qi’s fault." Lao Fo Ye said in a gentle, scolding tone.

"My fault?" Yong Qi was bewildered. "How?"

"Heavens, Yong Qi. Didn’t anybody tell you that Xiao Yan Zi has happiness in her?" The Empress berated him.

"WHAT?" Yong Qi immediately nabbed a visibly stunned Xiao Yan Zi. "Is…is it really true? You….you…"

"I suspected something was not right when our graceful, mild-mannered and healthy Xiao Yan Zi suddenly became clumsy, short-tempered and sick to the stomach." Ling Fei explained. "Today I had a little chat with Dr.Hu and he thinks you might have happiness in you…"

"It’s only a guess," The Empress said. "So tomorrow Dr.Hu is going to pay you a visit…"

"Is it really true? I…I’m going to be an Ah Ma?" Yong Qi’s voice was trembling with excitement.

"I…I don’t know," Xiao Yan Zi mumbled. "But I…I…I…" She couldn’t believe how difficult it was to say it.

Yong Qi waited breathlessly.

"Imissedmyperiodforthelasttwomonths." Xiao Yan Zi’s face was crimson. This was so embarrassing! Discussing feminine things in front of Yong Qi and Huang Ah Ma. The possibility that she was pregnant had not even crossed her mind. She had just attributed everything to stress…Then a lovely warmth filled her heart- a child ot their own. Yong Qi’s and her child. In her mind, she could hear the pitter-patter of tiny feet and someone calling her "Er Niang" and Yong Qi "Ah Ma"…Suddenly she shivered inwardly as she realized that she nearly destroyed something priceless tonight.

"Oh, Xiao Yan Zi! I am really the biggest fool ever to live! I blame you and throw tantrums when it’s all my fault…I really deserved to be punished. Will you ever forgive me?" Yong Qi threw his arms around her.

"You are forgiven." Xiao Yan Zi’s said gently as she stroked her husband’s cheek. She felt her eyes becoming wet and suddenly she began crying.

Lao Fo Ye began scolding Yong Qi. "Shame on you, Yong Qi. You’ve made your Fu Jin cry! For Heaven’s sake, be more tactful!"

The Empress advised, "When women have happiness in them, they become extra-emotional. So be careful about what you say or do. Crying is no good for the baby…"

Ling Fei joined in. " And you must watch her diet…"

Xiao Yan Zi bawled. "Yong Qi, I…I don’t know why I’m crying. It’s just that I…I…I’m so happy!"

Yong Qi had the feeling that the four women in his life were ganging up on him. He looked pleadingly at his father.

"So Yong Qi, take good care of her and my grandchild. This is an Imperial Edict," Qian Long nagged. "Xiao Yan Zi, if he ever bullies you, just inform me. Huang Ah Ma will take care of him." He wanted to make Yong Qi squirm tonight for being nasty to Xiao Yan Zi.

Seeing that Qian Long was not going to rescue him, Yong Qi turned to Yong Ji, desperate.

" Xiao Yan Zi, Fifth Brother, can I be God Father to your child?" Yong Ji said innocently.

"Oh Yong Ji, how could I have forgotten you?!" Xiao Yan Zi stopped crying and suddenly hugged him tightly. "I’ve missed you, my brother."

"But…but I saw you this morning." Still, Yong Ji was pleasantly surprised. As far as he could recall, no one, even his mother had ever hugged him like that.

"Er…Yong Ji, it’s getting late. We have a test with Master Ji tomorrow." Yong Qi was desperate to get himself and Xiao Yan Zi out of Qian Qing Gong.

"I see. That means I have to help Xiao Yan Zi tonight to prepare for the test." Yong Ji looked the picture of saintly innocence but Yong Qi could see that his eyes were laughing. He never realized that Yong Ji had a well-concealed evil streak in him.

Qian Long finally took pity on Yong Qi. "Yong Qi is right. It’s getting late. The three of you," He indicated Xiao Yan Zi, Yong Qi and Yong Ji, "may take your leave now." He then added, "Xiao Yan Zi is excused from the test tomorrow." Xiao Yan Zi’s face lit up like a bonfire. "But Yong Qi and Yong Ji will continue to tutor her at home…" Her face fell again and she looked ready to cry. "…so that I’ll have a clever grandchild." He hurriedly added. Emperor or not, his mother would pounce on him for making Xiao Yan Zi cry. He motioned for the three children to leave.

The three of them paid their respects to the elders and left Qian Qing Gong. Fortunately for Yong Qi, Yong Ji had openly decided that he would leave Xiao Yan Zi’s lessons for another night. The young couple saw Yong Ji off in his own sedan before returning to Yu Song Gong.

Xiao Yan Zi was about to walk into their bedroom when Yong Qi suddenly picked her up in one swoop. Hastily, the servants who had been accompanying them quickly retreated.

"Yong Qi…what are you doing?" Xiao Yan Zi found herself blushing. Yong Qi had never been this…romantic before.

"I’m carrying the woman I will love forever into the bedroom." Yong Qi looked at her tenderly and then kissed her. "I’ve been behaving like a pampered, spoilt little boy. How do I ever make it up to you?"

Xiao Yan Zi’s eyes, filled with smoldering passion, gave him the answer. He stepped into the bedroom where we can now leave them to the privacy of their bedroom.


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