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Due to new information concerning Alex after adoption
This site is being reconstructed.
The New Site will contain information re Alex at birth and struggles he endured
How DFS Fasely accused the bio family
and what this family went through,
tips for fasely accused,
why adoption was chosen,
and what family this child was placed with
(Names withheld to protect idenity ).

Welcome to Alex's Story.
I Hope you will stay a while
and look around.
In the Following Pages,
You will Find Information
on the pregnancy of Alex,
His Birth,
and what would occur after he was Born.

While Alex's Story is much to long
to be added in its entirity,
A book is in the process
and will be added here when
available for those whom would like to learn more.
The Following pages are actual events
that occured and is this Family's own version.

This website's sole purpose
is to explain Alex's Story ,
what the Bio Family indured after his Birth,
and to show how two Families whom did not know each other ,
came together by the bond both shared
with each other and with Alex.
It has taken a lot of courage
from both Families to share their Stories here ,
and altho some may not agree
with some of the content ,
it is asked that
you read through the site
and see how these Two families came together.

I hope that you will take the time
to browse around
and get to know Alex,
and what he has endured .
You will also find wonderful and helpful links,
poetry , information on adoption,
and if you are a parent considering adoption ,
I hope this Story will help in some way ,
and may these Families Stories
Touch Your Heart.

Please check back frequently for updates,
and please take the time to sign the guestbook
to let the Families know that you stopped By.

You may navigate this site
by following the next button located on each page,
the drop down menu at the bottom of each page,
or by clicking on the sitemap.


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© 2003
~The Story of Alex~
created and maintained by ~Twila~

Last Updated:6/15/03