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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Will the BTQKTA Gang be accepting new members?

Yes. We are accepting new members now. If you want to join, e-mail us.

2. Why do you think that you are better than other Tim fans?

We don't think that we're better than other Tim fans AT ALL! We all know that Tim has a great fanbase, and we are in no way saying that we are somehow "more special" or "better" than the rest of them. We hope all Tim fans will join our organization!

3. Does Tim know about your group?

Yes, Tim does know about the slogan and the group. Jesi informed Tim about the slogan when she met him, and we have informed him through letters about "the gang." Also we do many projects for him through the group so he knows who we are.

4. Do you all know Tim?

Several of us have had contact with him, but we are in no way his "personal friends." However, Jesi has met Tim several times, and Amy has been in contact with him through e-mail. Also many members have met Tim, received letters from him, and also a few have emails.

5. Can you send a letter to Tim for me?

I'm sorry, but we don't feel that WE are in the position to send him other fan's mail. After all, we are just dedicated fans ourselves. :) However, we encourage you to go to to find out information for contacting Tim. The more fan mail he gets, the better! :) However, with our projects, we do include messages from BTQKTA members.

6. What makes you different from other fans?

Like we said before, we in no way think that we are better than other fans. However, we pride ourselves on being a group that supports Tim for his amazing humble, caring personality and his athletic gift.

7. Can you link my Tim fansite on your page?

If it is an appropriate site, yes we will most likely link you. All we ask for in return is a link to our site on your page. If you have a Tim fansite and would like to be linked, please e-mail us with your website address.

8. What does the BTQKTA Gang do to support Tim?

You can learn about our goals and projects by clicking the links on the main page. We try to send Tim gifts as often as possible. We try to pick gifts that match Tim's interests. However, it's not all about gifts. We try to send him notes and cards to let him know that we're thinking of him and supporting him as often as possible. We also make an effort to go to Tim's competitions or exhibitions whenever possible.

10. Is the BTQKTA gang friends with other Tim fans?

Yes! Of course we are! We're friends with many other Tim fans. We love browsing message boards and chatting with Tim fans in private chats. Several of them have their own websites/fan clubs, and we fully support them. After all, it's all about showing the love for Tim. :)

Have a question for us? Send it our way! E-mail Us

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