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Our Projects

Our Projects

The BTQKTA Gang is dedicated to making sure that Tim feels like he is always loved by his fans. We decided that one of our main duties as members of this organization is to make sure that Tim is always supported.

We have a variety of projects planned throughout this year, some that are absolutely TOP SECRET and will not be posted on this site! hehe Why won't we post them? Well we don't want Tim's surprises to be spoiled, and we want to make sure that our gifts remain unique.

Past Projects
Projects for 2002

1. Birthday Project--- For Tim's birthday we sent him a book called Chicken Soup for the Patriotic Soul. Chicken Soup books have short, inspirational stories that are fun and quick reads. We thought this book was perfect for Tim because his birthday is right before September 11, he's very patriotic, and he loves to read.

2. Good Luck Project--- We sent Tim an inspirational card from the whole gang on September 30. This card said that we are behind him 100%, and we will always be thinking about him and supporting him. We also included a small light green stone (about the size of a quarter) that had a four-leaf clover on it and said "Good Luck." We told Tim to keep this with him for good luck and think of us whenever he saw it.

3. "Envelope of Sunshine" Project--- We sent Tim a card with a sunshine theme on October 7. This card was sent to cheer him up because he's had a rough few weeks with his injury. We also sent messages from the gang, and we printed them on pages with sunshine borders. It turned out absolutely adorable, and it is sure to make him smile!

4. Halloween Project--- For Halloween, the BTQKTA Gang sent Tim a regular Halloween gift-lots of yummy candy; a cute, small Halloween-themed stuffed animal; a Halloween cup; and a Halloween card. It was sent right around Halloween, and Tim wrote Jesi and said "Thanks to you and all the Gang for all of the Halloween candy. It was really nice of you." (Letter was received on 11/7/02.)

5. Thanksgiving Project--- We sent Tim a simple card wishing him a happy day, and saying we were thankful for him. Sent the week of Thanksgiving.

6. Scrapbook Project--- Jesi put together a scrapbook for Tim and handed it to him at Crest Whitestrips International Figure Skating Challenge, 12/13/02, in Auburn Hills, Michigan. It contained letters, poems, pictures and articles mentioning Tim, sent in by members of the gang. A total of 26 members contributed something. The book started off with a THANK YOU! page, listing things that the gang members said they were thankful to Tim for. Tim told Jesi that it looked great when she asked him to please look at it! *NEWS* Click here to read what Tim wrote to Jesi about the scrapbook! (Letter received 1/6/03.)

7.Christmas Project--- As the Gang members were low on money during the Christmas season, we decided it'd be best to just send Tim a nice card for Christmas. It was his *official* BTQKTA Gang Christmas card! :)

Projects for 2003

8.Nationals Project--- Amy collected cheers and well wishes for Tim for Nationals, 2003 and sent it along with a cute card that said BEElieve anything is possible.

9.Valentine's Day Project--- Once again, just a simple project. Amy sent Tim a card wishing him a Happy Valentine's Day from the Gang, as well as congradulating him on the one year anniversary of him winnin his Olympic Bronze Medal!

10.Worlds Project--- This is what we feel is our most successful project to date. As a Good Luck gift for Worlds, the BTQKTA Gang bought Tim a watch, since he collects them. We got a GREAT response from Tim. To read more about it, check out Jesi's site with all the info about. (It's easier to not type it all up again! LOL!)

11.Survey--- Just for the fun of it, Amy and Jesi decided to come up with a interview/survey/questionarre type thing to give Tim. We asked members for contributions, and got 2 questions from Dominique and Kristen (thanks girl!) but for the rest of the survey, we just made up the questions ourselves or got them from online surveys. We did not expect to get it back, but much to our surprise Tim sent it back about 2 weeks after Jesi gave it to him in Cleveland! Click here to see some scans and read his answers.

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