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Laws & Regulations

Yes, there are laws, and they must be followed! Now, here is where this RPG takes a turn and heads down a different path. Players can ammend laws that they see unfit. We tried to make this RPG as just and fit as anything. We've also tried not to bore you with thousands of rules that you have to read before going on to join. The owners of this RPG know what its like to just sit there, attempting to read all these rules only to find ourself lost and asleep a few moments later. In fact, we also know that most will scroll to the bottom, see if there is anything important to put in your post so you can qualify to enter the Garden..So read this..and pay attention..

1·When you were looking over the links and the web site, you should notice "registration". This is where you can register your characters. This way, no names may be used again, nor images. IF YOU DO NOT REGISTER YOUR CHARACTER, THAT MEANS YOU ARE OKAY TO OTHER PEOPLE USING THE SAME IMAGE AS YOU! Meaning, if you us a pic of Brad Pitt as your character,James, but do not register it, someone else may come along and use a pic or the same exact pic of Brad Pitt for their own character, Bob. If you don't want this to happen, then register them, dernit!
1A· If you happen to register your character, and its name or picture is already taken, then help will be given to find you a new pic or name. Or, you may ask the player of that character to see if you can share. Now, if a character is unregistered, and has been playing hee longer in the game than you have, you will have the benefit of actually claiming the pic, thus meaning they can not accuse of stealing the pic from you. YOU TOOK THE TIME TO REGISTER YOUR PIC, THEN YOU GET TO KEEP IT.

2· Here is one of the most important rule of all..ACTIVENESS!!!YOU MUST BE ACTIVE!! If you are not active, you join a character and do not play it for a period of 1.5 - 2 weeks, it will be DELETED! DELETED! DELETED! DELETED! Once your character is DELETED you will have to re-enter it, ALL OVER AGAIN!!

3· Content of this RPG should and will be noted. The characters that this RPG have been based upon are no where near being "G-rated"..So no character should have to be either. These characters are your own creations. They should be played the way YOU think they should be played. Leading to the next point..3A.
3A·Creativeness and uniqueness shall be a major point when deciding who will play in the Garden and who wont.

3B· Continuing the "G-rating" thing. You may curse and so on, but only to benefit your character. Do not post it in the subject of your message, but within the message itself and in the content of the post where it actually matters.

4· Please, this is especialy following after the g-rating, mainly because it follows in the same category. Please, be as realistic as possible. This is a RPG of humans. Humans which dont sprout wings and flitter off into the sunset aside a magical unicorn to rid the world of all evil. This is as realistic as it can get for a role playing game, thus meaning drugs, sex and other such things will be seen randomly throughout the game. If you are uncomfortable with this, you will most likely need to run quickly away from this site.
5· As I've said before I think, this is for skilled Role Players. If you're unsure whether you are a 'newbie' or actually skilled enough to play in this rpg, simply post an entry and me or Lexxa will respond with an answer as to whether youre accepted or if you have been denied. If you have been denied, I will attempt to send you to other RPG's where you may hon your skill or ways to practice or better your writing capabilities.
5A· As a skilled role player tho, note: Don't flood your messages and posts with exstentsive adjectives that just seem to go on for ages. One tip in writing is to be quick to the point, but in short, as eloquently as possible. Flipping out the old thesaurus Im sure is every Role Players favorite hobby,yet what is the use of writing so descriptively when you practically lose the other Player because they dont know what the heck your talking about. Bottom line: I do want you to be descriptive, to the point where Im there, yet I dont want to be so utterly confused that i have a huge question mark hanging over my head and Im mumbling from being so brainblocked.

6· You have no limit on characters, just as other RPG's..But seriously..Come on..Do you really need 15 characters in here? How can ya possibly manage that many to begin with? It gets confusing..Believe me..I know..But, if all 15 are active..Then be my guest.
6A· Now..Heres the bottom line..This is about quitting. If you decide that ya' just dont feel like playing any more E-Mail me or Lexxa, telling us which character you're quitting. This way we can go, unregister it and then take yer name and characters name off the citizens list. It will make things run a lot smoother, than me having to wait 1.5 to 2 weeks before i can purposely just go in there and delete you anyways.

6B· Now lets say you go on vacation and you cant get online. No problem. Just leav a message on the OOC board or e-mail me or lexxa so we know. Or we'll start to worry. Yes, we will be like old mother hens. SO JUST DO IT!!

7· Joining rules are mainly on the Apply N Join page..But seriously..You must read alllll these rules and every detail of them before joining. I want you to understand them, but most of all I want you to agree with them. If you find a law or regulation unjust, please use te same form that you registered your characters to ammend one. If you think one should be added...Then do the same, please! Rules will follow on this most likely, so continue to check up at this page for updates if there isnt an update on the main. thank you! and have fun playing!!!

