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.-*QwotEz 20*-.


mUh HoMe PaGe
-.^QwotEz 21^.-

.?*?.I'm here but you don't see me, I'm cry but you don't hear me, I talk but you don't listen, my heart breaks, but you just don't know...?*?.

~* A friend drops their plans when you're in trouble, shares joy in your accomplishments, feels sad when you're in pain. A friend encourages your dreams and offers advice, but if you don't follow it, they will still respect and love you for it *~

The worst thing a guy can do is make a girl fall for him with no intention of catching her

fLaTtEr Me AnD i MaY nOt BeLieVe U,
CriTiCiZe mE AnD i MaY NoT LikE U
iGnOrE mE aNd i MaY nOt FoRgiVe U
bUt LoVe mE aNd i WiLL nEvEr FoRgEt u

.:Friends are people who know EVERYTHING about you and still wanna be your friend:.

~*People may not always remember exactly what you did, or what you said but they will always remember how you made them feel*~

There is a dream in my heart, I'd wish it would come true, and this dream that I have is to be with you. So I'll ask you once, and ask you again, to give me one more chance and be more than just a friend

LuV hApPeNs WhEn YoU sToP l00kInG fOr It...

*Somehow, the conversation mentioned your name, and someone asked if i knew you. Looking away i thought of all the times we had together; sharing laughter, tears, jokes, and tons more. And then, without explanation you were gone. I looked to where they were waiting for an answer, and then said softly, "Once...I thought I did." *

People say things they don't mean, but you have to realize it's to burst their self-esteem. Some one will break your heart, and then later you'll realize you were meant to be apart. Life moves on, that is what I've learned.

ThErE aRe MoMenTs In LiFe WhEn YoU mIsS sOmEoNe So MuCh ThAt YoU wAnT tO pIcK tHeM fRoM yOuR dReAmS & hUg ThEm FoR rEaL

Star light, star bright, pick me a guy to fall in love with tonight, pick me a sweetie, a smarty, a cutie, pick me one with a cute little booty. Pick me the one with the spikey hair; pick me the guy with a personality that's rare. Pick me the one with the BMX bike. The sk8er over there...that's the one I go on Cupid, work that magic, shoot that arrow, and make it happen, do what you can to make that cutie over there fall for me. Do you believe in love at first sight? Well I didn't either, until tonight!

i cRiEd tOdAy..
nOt bEaCaUsE i mIsS yOu..
oR eVeN wAnTeD yOu..
bUt bEcAuSe i fInAlLy rEaLiZeD..
iM gOnNa bE AlRiTe wItHoUt yOu..

ïm å °prïn¢ëss° ï lïvë ïn thë ¢löüds. ïf ü wånnå kï¢k ït wïf më ü bëttå böw döwn, sö gët ön ür knëës ånd ¢åll më ür °hïghnëss° ¢öz båÿbèé bëlïëvë më ïm *mInNeSoTa'S* fïnëst!

I don't wanna kiss you goodnight
If a kiss means this night is over
I don't wanna have to say good-bye...
Boy don't leave me standin' at your door
When this night could lead to so much more
I wanna hold you, I wanna touch you
So, when I kiss you....Don't wanna kiss you goodnight...

Your heart is safe with me, I'll never hurt you...I'll be there through everything, I won't make you cry...I know this world is cold, but in my arms you'll see...That your heart is safe with me...

*:.I Wish for you on a falling star.:*
*:.I'm Wondering where you are.:*
*:.Do I ever cross you mind in the warm sunshine?.:*

I just can’t get you out of my head
Boy your lovin’ is all I think about
I just can’t get you out of my head
Boy it’s more than I dare to think about

ItZ BeTtA 2 LaFf 'bOUt NuThIn ThAn CrY 'BoUt EvErYthInG

~Memory is a way of holding on to the things you love...The things you are...The things you never want to lose~

yOuR lOvE hOlDs ThE kEy 2 My hEaRt LiKe BaKeD bEaNz HoLd ThE kEy 2 A fArt.


.:.sUre i ThInK oTha GuYs r CuTe bUt eVerYtIme i C' a CuTe GuY i RemInd mYsElf oF hOw CuTe u R-oF hOw mUch i <3 U- oF hOw SwEeT u R- oF hOw u CaN aLwAyS BrIgHten Muh DaY...aNd SudDeNly, tHaT oThA GuY DoEsNt LoOk tHaT GoOd Ne MoRe so i LoOk tHe OThA wAy.:.
