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QwotEz 35


mUh HoMe PaGe
QwotEz 36

The time runs slowly...just like my tears.

Should I hate you because you hurt me? Or should I love you because you made me feel special?

I will never regret loving you, only believing you loved me too.

If your love does not work with that person, it just means that someone else loves you more.

We cannot beg someone to stay if they want to leave and be with someone else. We have to admit that love doesn't give us the license to own a person. This is what love means...sacrifice.

Someday we'll know if love can move a mountain. Someday we'll know why the sky is blue. Someday we'll know why I wasn't meant for you.

If the truth was told instead of a lie, then the pain would go away sooner and not hurt as much.

Falling in love is awfully simple, but falling out of love is simply awful.

The saddest thing in life is loving someone who used to love you

No one realizes the beauty of love, until you lose it.

Why do we wait until it is too late? Why do we let someone else have what we were too scared to reach out and take?

The most painful thing is to be sitting right next to the person you love most, but never being able to let them know.

Sometimes I wish I had never met you because then I could go to bed at night not knowing there was someone like you out there.

I wish I was a kid again, because skinned knees are easier to fix then broken hearts.

When I go away please listen, for the wind will bring you my words of goodbye.

Why do things have to pass you by? The things that are so irreplaceable, they seem to run by without giving us the chance to see how much we've just lost.

If I can't have you, at least i was able to know I had you.

The one who makes me the happiest, is always the one who is already taken.

A heart breaking isn't always as loud as a bomb exploding.. Sometimes it can be as quiet as a feather falling.. And the most painful thing is, no one really hears it, except you..

Sailing across the seas, a fisherman asks me, 'What is the sand scattered for miles made up of?' 'Dear Friend O! The broken hearts of a million lovers on the earth .. all scattered ...... all scattered......
