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"Here's Jesus!"
February 14, 2,005

This material belongs to Speaker Linda Polley.  All rights are reserved.  No reprint or use without her permission .

-  This is Speaker Linda Polley!  It's February 14th 2,005, and "Here's Jesus!"  Nazarene, there's some really terrible weather going on in California and the west, and we have been asked "Why doesn't God do something about this?  Why is it being allowed to happen?  Can't You do something to lessen the suffering of these people?"

-  Well, We could, Alura, but that would create one small problem.  In doing so We would destroy mankind!  The current odd weather in California is being caused because so much of Our spiritual energy is flowing through it, and We can't disperse it.  If We could disperse it there would still be some rainy weather, but nothing like what is occurring now.  But We are so dependent on that flow of energy, it is so important that We keep it going, We cannot shut it down!  If We do, it would mean the destruction of the entire human race!  I am not speaking lightly, I am saying straight forwardly, if We should lose this power coming through California at this time, it would mean the end of mankind.  We have shut down some of the flow, We simply had to.  If We hadn't the situation would've been even worse.  But the loving Souls in California are crying bitterly because We have done this.  They say "No, Lord, no!  If everything We have built is to be washed away, if we lose everything we have, do not shut down one bit of this power that You desperately need.  Far better we lose everything now, then watch our children starve to death in the future because there is nothing to eat."  Sometimes, Alura, you have to make very, very hard decisions, you have to choose between two courses of action, and you have no alternative, because chosing the wrong course of action would be devestating.  Sometimes it simply boils down to that in order for everything to continue some must have trials and tribulations, must be faced with difficulties and adversities for the greater good of all.  It can't be helped.  And those that really love their brothers and sisters always say "Lord, do what You must do!  Let Your will prevail, not mine!"  And God bless them, every one, for doing so, for surely He will!

-  I'm sure glad You made the right decision, Nazarene!  That's scary!  I know what You mean.  It's kind of like us deciding to move to Bismarck, ND next month and stay with our friend Jesse for a while because Demetrius gave up his job.  But that's scary!  You mean us going to California three times did that?

- No, Alura, the people responding to your going to California did that.  You, yourselves going only brought the seed energy, the ignition source, so to speak.  It is the people there that added to it, and have made it grow so horrendously the power is beyond anything We have ever seen before, levels of pure love like none ever before received, devestating power against evil.  If We could only make it grow and disperse it!  

-  We'll be back tomorrow!

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