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"Here's Jesus!"
February 16, 2,005

This material belongs to Speaker Linda Polley.  All rights are reserved.  No reprint or use without her permission .

Linda-  This is Speaker Linda Polley!  It's February 16th, 2,005, and "Here's Jesus!"  Nazarene, what do You think about The Palestinians being given security positions in Bethlehem and other cities in Gaza?  

- I think it is a first step, Alura, to showing that The Palestinians can be trusted to control their own affairs.  Even if We succeed in establishing a Palestinian state outside of Israel, The Palestinians are going to need to practice handling their own affairs, taking care of their own needs.  This is an opportunity for them to prove that they can be civilized human beings, and that they can live in peace with others.  The hate must stop, Alura, it must stop!  

-  That's a surprise, Nazarene!  I'm glad You approve.  

-  I approve of reasonability, Alura!  It's just ignorance I have a problem with!  

Linda- We'll be back tomorrow!

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