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"Here's Jesus!"
February 17, 2,005

This material belongs to Speaker Linda Polley.  All rights are reserved.  No reprint or use without her permission .

Linda- This is Speaker Linda Polley!  It's February 17th, 2,005, and "Here's Jesus!"  Nazarene, a company in The United States told its employees last year that if they didn't quit smoking they would be fired.  The boss told them if they had one bit of nicotine in their bodies they couldn't work for him.  Some women who were fired are causing trouble for the company.   They can understand their former boss saying they couldn't smoke at work,  but what they do at home is up to them, that it's an issue of privacy.  What do You say about this?

Nazarene-  Well, as much as I hate smoking, Alura, as much as I would prefer people not do it, as long as the people are showered before they come to work and are wearing fresh clothes they have not smoked in, I believe these people are absolutely right!  I understand this employer's intentions.  He is trying to do something that in reality will benefit his workers.  But this is not the way.  If a person should be arrested for using illegal drugs an employer would have the right to fire them, but not this.  I agree with the people.  It is an invasion of their privacy.  I would say this, though.  The employer would have every right to cut the health benefits if he provides them, to employees that smoke.  He should not have to pay for the medical care of people who are deliberately destroying their bodies.  But as this thing stands now, no.  I would have to side with the people, as much as it grieves me.  This is simply unacceptable!  They have every right to protest.  It's not right!  The local authorities should deal with it.  

-  I agree, Nazarene!  And you're right about the fresh clothes thing.  Several times in the stores here we have had to stand by people who smell of smoke so strong it makes me stuffed up for days!  

-  Not only you, Alura, Demetrius, too.  We are getting very concerned of how sensitive he is getting to these pollutants.  You can't live in a world of absolute purity.   But We wish that people engaged in these sicknesses, that are smoking themselves to death would have more concern for others and change their clothes when they are going out.  Other people are sensitive to these substances that they find so enjoyable.

- We'll be back tomorrow!

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