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"Here's Jesus!"
February 18, 2,005

This material belongs to Speaker Linda Polley.  All rights are reserved.  No reprint or use without her permission .

Linda-  This is Speaker Linda Polley!  It's February 18th, 2,005 and "Here's Jesus!"  Nazarene, there is a married couple in Florida that before the holidays, went to get Botox treatments because they thought it would make them look better for the holidays.  They went to a recommended clinic I believe it's where the husband worked.  Anyway, they ended up being rushed to the hospital having all kinds of health problems.  Their doctor was arrested.  It was discovered he wasn't using the legal, approved Botox treatment but a solution he developed himself, using the same basic ingredient as Botox.  They're hoping the symptoms will pass and the solution will wear off like Botox does.  What are Your comments on this?  

Nazarene-  Well, as no one died, Alura, this sick creature cannot be charged with murder.  But I think criminal negligence would be quite in order.  This is why I am so against President Bush's desires to limit malpractice lawsuits.  It is just simply unacceptable!  Too many doctors are simply out of control, and the public has a right to be reimbursed when these corrupt physicians endanger their lives.  I know there are those that will disagree with me, but something must be done, and the answer is not letting the physicians get away with it in the name of public benefit.  People must have the assurance that when they go to a physician he is doing what he is supposed to be doing, and not what he feels like doing.  This is just common sense, Alura!  It is just good old common sense!

Linda-  I felt so bad Nazarene, when I saw that report!  The woman is in a hospital bed on a respirator and can't talk.  They asked her what she had to say about what happened and she wrote on a slate "I don't deserve this!"  I hope they punish that doctor big time!

-  They won't, Alura.  He'll get away with some misdemeanor and a fine.  They simply don't care how many people the ignorant kill or maim.  They don't want to upset the system, threaten health care.

Linda- We'll be back tomorrow!

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