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"Here's Jesus!"
February 21, 2,005

This material belongs to Speaker Linda Polley.  All rights are reserved.  No reprint or use without her permission .

  This is Speaker Linda Polley!  It's February 21st, 2,005, and "Here's Jesus!"  Nazarene, a friend who wishes to remain anonymous has sent You three good questions.  The first one is  "I was reading the "Here's Jesus", the Jan 21st. one about Gerald going to Iraq with Muhammed in him. I have questions.  How would Gerald be received by the Iraqi people looking as Gerald does (an American)?"

Nazarene-  Well, as the majority of Iraqi people understand the power of God, and that God is not confined to one place, one time, or, one people, the majority of them should accept the fact that The Prophet can speak through anyone from anywhere.  If The Iraqi People become aware of what is going on, if they can hear what Muhammed is saying through Demetrius, he should be welcomed warmly, as a knowledgeable and devoted teacher.  The people would recognize the power within Demetrius, the power that is speaking to them.  Where Demetrius just happens to reside is next to meaningless.  Wherever he is he is a servant of The Kingdom Of God, a servant of God and All who serves Him.  If others are truly spiritual, if they are truly with God, they would accept him.  Only those who are hypocrites would reject him, only false believers would not recognize his power!

-  Cool, Nazarene!  For once I couldn't actually imagine what Your answer would be.

Nazarene-  Surprising, Alura!  You live with Demetrius, you work with me, I should expect that you, above anyone else would understand Our power.

-  We'll be back tomorrow!

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