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"Here's Jesus!"
February 24, 2,005

This material belongs to Speaker Linda Polley.  All rights are reserved.  No reprint or use without her permission .

-  This is Speaker Linda Polley!  It's February 24th, 2,005, and "Here's Jesus!"  Nazarene, several years ago you condemned many televangelists on one of the religious t.v. stations because they would not tell people Your message, to leave California and Hawaii because of the evil there.  The other day a program happened to come in we don't usually get that had one of these ministers on it.  He was speaking out against homosexuality, supporting Your current cause.  Will this change Your feelings towards those that failed you  then?

Nazarene-  Sadly, Alura, no, unless there is a lot greater change in their attitudes.  Their failure to do what God required when it needed to be done will weigh heavily against them.  The things they are now doing may lead to the survival of their eternal spirits.  But it would not bring them into a state where they could dwell in The Kingdom Of God.  They would be forced to wander forever, among those who do not believe, and their souls would always be weary because of their separation from God.  If these people had risen up when they were supposed to, done what they were supposed to do, We would not be in the crisis We are now in.  Things would never have gotten as bad as they now are.  California would've been reached long before it was.  Things would be flying now!  You and Demetrius would be destroying evil at such a rate that the living would know how great is the power of God.  It would not be questioned.  Disobedience demands a price, Alura.  One cannot disobey and still believe they will receive the reward.  It simply does not work that way.  And these people will learn that.  If they were to mend their ways, if they were to come forward and support you completely, if they were to defend Israel and support Father Abraham's Peace Proposal there could be a possibility that they would enter into My Kingdom, but I doubt if that would ever happen.  

Linda-  I hope they're doing more, Nazarene.  Like I say I have no idea because we don't normally get that station because we don't have cable t.v..

Nazarene-  Hopefully, Alura, in your new location that will be remedied.  We have hope because for the first time, you have been able to place an ad, the ad I wanted, the way I wanted it!  We are praying that this is a good sign.  

-  We'll be back tomorrow!

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