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"Here's Jesus!"
February 9, 2,005

This material belongs to Speaker Linda Polley.  All rights are reserved.  No reprint or use without her permission .

Linda-  This is Speaker Linda Polley!  It's February 9th, 2,005, and "Here's Jesus!"  Nazarene, we have become aware that Max Schmeling has died.  My husband has been aware for some time that he was a Bearer Of The Light, one of The Kingdom Of God's Agents working with The Lords Of Light, defending mankind against the creatures of Darkness.  Has he made a good passage to The Afterlife?  Have You been able to replace him in the position he held?  Is there someone else to take over his Work as a Bearer Of Light in Germany?  

-  To answer the first part of your question, Alura, Mr. Schmeling has made a fine transition.  He is happily sharing time with his loved ones, and adjusting to The Afterlife, and receiving the praise that he is well entitled to for the Work that he did for The Kingdom Of God.  As to the second part of your question, We are having a great deal of difficulty replacing him!  There are so many that play lip service to being believers, who say they will do anything for me, and, God The Father, but when it comes to actually being called, they cry out "Oh, no, no, Lord!  Not me!  I don't want to upset my family, my neighbors.  I don't want them thinking I'm a fanatic.  No, Lord.  Choose someone else. I can't speak out against things that the public considers popular.  People wouldn't like me."  It is so hard, sometimes, Alura, it is so very, very hard, when there are so many that think they are going to receive the Reward and are nowhere near qualified, nowhere near ready.  We wish this would cease, Alura, but as long as man believes in the false teachings, that no matter what they do it will be forgiven, even if they ignore God's call, it will be hard for Us to carry on God's Work.  

- That's scary, Nazarene! What will happen if You can't replace him?

Nazarene-  There is going to be a serious gap in Europe's defenses, Alura.  Anti semitism and hatred could again rise in Germany, and another generation of German youth could be destroyed as they are led into hatred.  The greatest problem is that no one wants to oppose sodomy.  They don't want to go against its public acceptance.  They would rather let the world be destroyed than speak out and say "This is evil! This is wrong!"  We wonder why, Alura, we wonder why.

Linda-  We'll be back tomorrow!

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