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"Here's Jesus!"
Audio & Video


We've officially completed Speaker Linda Polley's "Here's Jesus!" episodes because of

Speaker Gerald Polley's Presidential Campaign, 2,008.

The text versions of the episodes will always be available on this site. See the links below to get to them.
The original tapes have now become artifacts available for donations. But it is a sad ending. We would like some way to keep it going, but there is just not enough time, and not enough energy. We're being drawn in too many directions at once! But still, we're hoping for an email that says "Throw your underwear and your medication in a suitcase! Don't worry about bringing anything else! A limo will take you to the airport. We'll provide whatever you need here. Just get here! We're gonna make this thing work!" You don't know how much The Kingdom Of God wants that email! But we keep plodding on. There are those out there supporting our causes. Somehow we just have to bring them together. We find more and more of them every day. There's got to be a way of reaching them!

Speakers Gerald & Linda Polley

***January 9, 2,008***

Linda has been able to acquire a MySpace page for "Here's Jesus!" and is now uploading never before seen video episodes from April, 2,005 to October, 2,006 there. We hope everyone will check it out at the link below. Of course the transcripts of these episodes are on this site. Linda will try to add two videos a day until they are all available on the MySpace site. Hopefully they'll stay there for a long time to come. Here's the link

And don't forget To check out the later video and audio episodes at

**October 1, 2,008**

Speaker Gerald Polley ended his presidential campaign because Jesus has resigned! Click Here to read His official resignation that has been sent to President Bush.

Click Here
To Read "Here's Jesus!"

Click Here
To Read The Transcripts Of "Here's Jesus!"

Back Episodes From 2,002 & 2,003.

* * * The Last Transcript Added* * *
January 8, 2,008


Speaker Linda Polley
1013 1/2 N 3rd St.
 Bismarck, ND 58501

For more information about what is going on in The Afterlife, check out The Polleys' online magazine,

Voices From Spirit