what you are seeinq as of now.
who reads this bullshit? alas, i know i must defend myseLf.
this is my page. got it? MY page. Not yours, not your mom*s cousin*s doq, mine. And i put what i want to on it. if you don*t like that, that*s fine. you made the choice of continuing past that entrance page, and now you can suffer the consequences if you don*t like it. i wanted to make an honest page about me that people could read if they really gave a damn. so if you don*t give a damn, that*s fine too. the way i talk is rated 'mature' by the media folk, so if you*re under 18 or can*t handle 'mature' type things or you are prone to hernias, don*t read? i cuss, i have a dirty mouth, i party hard, and i don*t give any darn about what anyone thinks about this page or anything else via me. that includes my livejournal, my writings, my photos, my language, my appearance, among others. freedom of speech, baby.
don*t steal, dude, it sucks. (c)pixi,sara,whatever. 2003 and beyond.
--- just to see if you really read these things.
if you liKe me, or want to follow me around k*mart, or skate by my house yelling "CHICKEN POO" for the rest of your life, you can contact me in the following ways.
aim: happyteckno. email: rainbowkyd@plurplanet.com. livejournal username: /~pukestar.