Tasty Licks
"Woodstock" featuring the powerful lead vocal of the one and only Mr. Kirk Feldmann!
"Black Friday" sell it Jimbo, sell it!
"Funeral for a Friend"...Ladies and Gentleman, Mr. Steve Lichtman with some "Tasty Lichts"!
"Who's That Lady?"...(I think it's Patti, Brad...remember Patti?...sure ya do, Brad...it's O.K.)
"You're Gonna Lose That Girl" featuring Kirk Feldmann and Rob Ambrosino on drums.
"No Matter What You Are" featuring Rob Ambrosino singin' lead vocal...Sounds like a cross between an Elvis impersonator and "Potsy" from "Happy Days".
"Green Eyed Lady" Jimbo's cosmic bassline, Brad Benjamin's soulful vocal and crowd sounds including my brother, Gary A. trying to pick up some girl while he was standing by the sound board...listen to the guy saying,
"so are you livin' down there now?"...that's him.
"...I must get back to the mothership...but how?"