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Victoria L. Cooksey Cookbooks: Cooking with Cooksey,Dinner and Dessert with Victoria,Baking and Entertaining with Victoria

Where to buy Baking and Entertaining with Victoria/Dinner and Dessert with Victoria/Product Provider Information/Author Information/Recipes/Photos

Victoria Facts
Messages from Victoria
*Source List: Where to Find/Purchase Products Used in Victoria's TV Segments, Baking Demonstrations and in Victoria's Cooking with Cooksey and Dinner and Dessert with Victoria Cookbooks
Author and Events Information
Recipe: Chicken Egg Drop Soup
*New*: Tangy, Creamy Endive Salad
Warmth in Winter: A Visit to Poilane in Paris
Barnes and Noble Website
Amazon Website
Photos of Victoria at Aunt Sally's Praline Shop in New Orleans
Photos of Victoria at Tujague's in New Orleans
Photos: Food at Victoria's Halloween Party
Photos of Victoria Halloween in New Olreans
Photos: Victoria's Dessert Event at Lindy's Downtown Market
*Website: Chubby Carrier and The Bayou Swamp Band - My Favorite Zydeco Band!
*Our Coffee Barn Website: They Roast the Best Coffee I've Ever Had!!!!!!*
Hodgson Mill Website: They make fantastic flours and whole wheat pastas!
Ghirardelli Chocolate Website. I Love Their Double Chocolate Chips! (And Milk Chocolate and Dark Chocolate and Cocoa Powder.....)
Best Whip's Website: I can't live without my whip cream maker!
Photos of Victoria L. Cooksey in Paris, France
Marguerite’s Elegant Home Cooking Classes in Paris, France. I highly recommend cooking fans partake of this class when visiting Paris.
Check out Victoria's recipe on World In a Pan, a cooking website in Paris
Photos of Victoria in California
Paris Photos: A Second Time Around

Thank you for visiting Victoria L. Cooksey's website. Please come back and visit again! We look forward to your questions and comments!

***** 'COOKING WITH COOKSEY', Victoria's newest cookbook, is now available for ordering by calling: 1-800-288-4677 or 402-323-7800,or online at, and***** International calls:

Check out Victoria's article 'Cooking in the City of Light' in the July/August 2007 issue of Transitions Abroad Magazine.
