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-For Today’s Catholic Warrior-




·        News

·        Media

·        What You Can Do

·        Quotes

·        Ammunition



I came that you may have life,

And have it abundantly.

John 10:10



Important things going on in the world around you that you should know about


What do Good Charlotte, MTV, and SIECUS Have in Common?  

“News flash! MTV has teamed up with the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (better known as SIECUS) to promote fallible (and sometimes abortive) contraceptives, deviant sexual behaviors, and the removal of parental involvement and responsibility in their kids’ lives.

Okay, so this isn’t big news and no one’s surprised. Unfortunately, we’re all too familiar with this kind of behavior from MTV.

What is surprising is that an otherwise clean-cut group has jumped on the bandwagon with MTV to promote SIECUS to its unsuspecting fans. The band on this wagon is Good Charlotte. The popular punk band from Maryland has lent its name and talents to a contest created by MTV’s Fight For Your Rights campaign and SIECUS.

Those entering the contest are asked to explain in a 300-word essay why their community “desperately needs sex ed.” One unlucky winner and his or her hometown will receive a visit from SIECUS, providing everything that no one ever needed to know about sexual education along with a personal visit by Good Charlotte. The visit will be followed by a special G.C. concert in the winner’s hometown.

Once again, a band that was able to play music without delving into immorality and promiscuity has fallen prey to the agenda of MTV.

Rock For Life has decided to speak out about this contest and Good Charlotte’s involvement in it, so we’re starting a drive to collect letters to MTV. Once we’ve collected the letters, we will deliver all of them to MTV, Good Charlotte and SIECUS.

If you want to do something about the continued trend of bands supporting things like SIECUS, write a letter to MTV telling them why your town needs the message of chastity, not SIECUS-style sex education, and why you refuse to allow MTV to play the role of your parents. Also let them know how upset you are to hear that Good Charlotte agreed to be a part of this contest. Then send your letter to us at one of the addresses below before October 3, and we’ll make sure that MTV receives all of the letters before the scheduled concert date of October 29."

Thanks to Rock for Life for permission to use this article.




Music, book, and movie reviews




Lifehouse will be releasing their first worship album [hopefully] early next year. Due to a change in record labels for this recording, they will be under they chose the C.S. Lewis character “Mr. Tumnus” as their worship band name. It will feature Jason Wade, the lead singer and songwriter of Lifehouse, and Lifehouse bassist (and assistant lyricist) Sergio Andrade. You probably know them for their first single and platinum hit in 2000, “Hanging by a Moment”. It would be hard to compare them to another band, but you might consider their sound something like Creed or The Calling, though Jason has a very distinguishable voice. The lyrics on their first album, No Name Face, were the spiritual turning point for a lot of teens. Lyrics from songs like “Everything” exhibit a new dimension of praise. Lifehouse manages to achieve this subliminal peak of worship without directly invoking God, which is why they made such an impact on both secular and Christian fans. Non-Christians don’t put up walls when they hear Lifehouse lyrics, thus the band is more apt to getting a Christian message across to them.


P.O.D[1] released their latest album in November 2003. The band is hard-core music with a meaning. These guys are some amazing Christian warriors in both the secular and Christian music industries. They know how to stand up for Christ and tell the world what they’re all about without being ashamed. They’re songs are about different issues; they even have one called “Murder” about the evils of abortion. How’s that for brave? It’s amazing how they’ve stood their ground for God, and are still admired by so many. They also made it to the soundtrack of “Matrix Reloaded”. Their singles include “Youth of the Nation”, “Alive”, and from their newest album, “Will You”. Check them out online at 


Gary Cherone this former member of Van-Halen is now dedicated to spreading his pro-life message in a solo music project. You purchase his debut album at the American Life League online store. Gary has a very percussion-centered feel to his music; it’s very original, with a phenomenal message of Life.








Joan of Arc by Mark Twain


“But what my Voices have said clearest is, that I shall be delivered by a great victory.” She paused, my heart was beating fast, for to me that great victory meant the sudden busting in of our old soldiers with war-cry in triumph. But oh, that thought had such a short life! For now she raised her head and finished, with those solemn words which men still so often quote and dwell upon- words which filled me with fear, they sounded so like a prediction. “And always they say ‘Submit to whatever comes; do not grieve for your martyrdom; from it you will ascend into the Kingdom of Paradise"… My hope for salvation is in holding fast to my oath to keep my body and my soul pure.’ “ [2]

Joan’s character exemplifies what great things accomplished by one who lives solely for God. We see in the book that Joan not only understood but also lived this idea. She was at peace, living in unison with Christ. She wanted what He wanted, and that was enough. This is why she was able to accomplish so much. Joan did not worry herself with trivial matters; she had her priorities rightly sorted out, knowing that only Christ should take the throne of her heart. 
          She is an example to young Catholics in all generations. Through her actions we learn what it truly means to be a young soldier of Christ. We learn that despite our youth, we can move the mountains. And most importantly, that we can do nothing without the help of Christ, and without faith, hope, and trust in Him.

The book is available at most religious and secular booksellers.



What You Can Do

Activism for Catholic teens


Be the Voice for the Voiceless…


March for Life: This event is held at state capitals as well as the Nation’s capital in Washington DC, on the anniversary of the Supreme Court decision to legalize murder in the form of abortion on January 22nd. You can find out more at


Prayer at Abortion Clinics: Chances are, you’ve got an organization in your area you can join in on for these events. Generally, visiting abortion clinics would include sidewalk counseling, and a lot of prayer. Sometimes Catholic pro-life organizations have processions from churches to the clinics, or even Masses before the event. This is a wonderful way to be a voice, and face, for those poor children carried in the women who enter the clinics every day.  


Start a Rosary Chain: It’s a lot simpler than you might think. Just e-mail everyone in your address book to see who’s interested, set up a daily, or even weekly schedule, and pray Rosaries for the unborn. Your friends can also contribute intentions to the chain.


Tell the world what you believe with what you wear: American Life League (A.L.L) has an online store. Their merchandise screams ‘pro-life’.  Do you want to tell the world “ABORTION IS HOMICIDE”? They’ve got hoodies that say just that. Check them out online at




It is a poverty to decide that a child must die
so that you may live as you wish.
-Blessed Mother Teresa


Preach the Gospel at all times.
When necessary, use words.
-Saint Francis of Assisi


Even these may forget,

 yet I  will not forget you.
Behold, I have graven you on the palms of my hands.

-Isaiah 49:15-16







Rock for Life: Check out this amazing organization online at
Rock For Life
PO Box 1350
Stafford, VA 22555


Christian Guitar Resources: Are you into playing guitar? Like Christian music? This is a good site for tabs and the latest news on CCM.
Disclaimer: Be on your guard, this site is Protestant.


Considering religious life? Don’t be afraid to explore this admirable vocation!

Check out for women’s information,
and for men’s.




Joan of Arc! What a soldier. This young woman was incredible. Think of it: You’re in your young teenage years and Saints Michael, Catherine, and Margaret tell you to leave your home. Why? - To save your country. And it’s not just as easy as “hop on a horse and go kill the bad guys”. Joan had to face many spiritual, political, and personal trials in addition to the battles. Religious leaders opposed her, the king was stubborn and unfaithful to his word, and her own troops doubted her. She wore Christ’s armor on her soul to overcome these difficulties with purity. Where do you think she found it? …

What virtues do you think gave Joan her strength in God? What are some examples of these? Based on any knowledge of her history or life, can you cite any examples of the root of her strength? If you have any ideas, e-mail them!  We’ll continue in the next issue.



From Catholic teens.


Question: what are the best things Catholic teens can do to keep a positive outlook on life and its trials? Please e-mail your advice for the next issue.


It’s in the Armor…

“He is a shield to those who walk in integrity, guarding the paths of justice and preserving the way of His saints.” –2 Proverbs 2:7-8

”The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer. My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation…
He delivered me from my strong enemy…
With the loyal thou dost show thyself loyal…
With the pure thou dost show thyself pure…
This God- his way is perfect…
he is a shield for all those who take refuge in him…
He has made my way safe…
He trains my hands for war, so that my arms can bend a bow of bronze. Thou hast given me the shield of they salvation…

For thou didst gird me with strength for the battle… -2 Samuel 22


Our armor is in God:


·        Sacraments. Christ gives Himself to us in the Eucharist. He forgives our sins in Confession. He anoints us as soldier of Christ in Confirmation.

·        Sacred Scripture. Do you ever read the Bible and feel as if it was written just for you? It’s a wonder how this book was written for all of Humanity, and for each individual person at the same time. That’s how awesome God is; He can compile a book to outlast the generations. It is tangible and spiritual at the same time! Be inspired. This reading is truly strong armor.

·        Saints. Just reading a saint’s biography can be enough to replenish your zeal for Christ. Think about how subliminal it is to have saints as a liaison between heaven and us. Asking for their intercession can provide very powerful protection.


In Conclusion



Why “armor”? It stems from a Latin saying: “Miles Christi Sum”, “I am a Soldier of Christ”. Catholic teens are facing a war: trying to imitate Christ- while the world we live in often encourages a plethora of contrary ideas. Teens can find the strength in Christ to be His warriors; to pray and work for Him, and to be in the world, but not of it. The purpose of Armor is to help teens find the necessary spiritual armor for this undertaking, in Christ, the ultimate Soldier; and in His mother, who prepared Him for His own battle on Calvary.


This compilation is under the patronage of Saints Michael and Joan of Arc, and dedicated to Our Lady.



Comments are appreciated.
Did you hate it? Love it? Do you have a suggestion? Do you want to contribute something? Just want to drop a line? E-mail me! Lauren:

I want to know what you think.












“Come, Follow Me”

[1] Acronym for “Payable On Death”

[2] Mark Twain, ‘Joan of Arc’, San Francisco, Ignatius Press, 1989