Now Playing: new music, still Ben Jelen though
well, it has been quite a while since I have updated this thing... shame on me.
I'll start from the beginning:
Christmas was great, I have absolutely no idea how i'll get everything back to school, but I will figure it out somehow. Then after Christmas was the annual trip to Hilton Head. My sister did not come along this year, but the trip was still really good. The beach is beautiful, one of the most beautiful beaches I think I've ever seen really (and believe me, I've seen a lot of beaches). Much nicer than Tybee. I'm just dying to take all of my friends there and share in all of the fun.
Mom and I took our usual walks along the beach. The dolphins seemed to be even more playful this year than in years past. Splashing up onto the shore and whatnot. They were bobbing up and down around the boats in the water too. It's just such a neat experience seeing wild dolphins, it reminds me of why I originally wanted to study marine biology. It's more of a hobby really though.
I went into church this morning, and I was thinking about New Years and all the resolutions I made last year. My resolutions last year were to get all A's spring semester, lose 15 pounds, and stop biting my nails. Well, I only lost 5 pounds overall I think... maybe a little more, and I did get all A's spring semester (but one B fall semester) and I've almost completely stopped biting my nails now.
With that said, now it's time for the new resolutions for 2005:
1. Again, all A's for spring semester
2. Make absolutely SURE that i've stopped biting my nails
3. Lose... maybe 10 more pounds
4. Go to church more often
5. Cut back to 1 coke a week
... yeah, this is going to be challenging, but I enjoy challenges. I'm already planning for next year's Lent too, I'm gonna do something really hard again i think.
I don't know, I've just been thinking about a lot of things, and knowing how i hate monotony, I'm going to change things up again. Little things here and there. First order of business when I get back to school is to rearrange my room to make it more interesting. I'm actually excited about that.
Well, that's all I can think to update on now. This will probably be my last update before I go back to school, then I'll try to update again more regularly.
Happy New Year everyone! Wishing the best in 2005!