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Name: Amanda
Age: 19
Location: Georgia

~*~Currently Playing~*~

Keep Myself Awake
by: Black Lab


"You're on my list!"
~Phil, a coworker above me

"Just remember...
if the world didn't suck
we'd all fall off!"
~Unknown (courtesy of
an email from my mother)


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My Life
Sunday, 2 January 2005
long time... no update
Now Playing: new music, still Ben Jelen though
well, it has been quite a while since I have updated this thing... shame on me.

I'll start from the beginning:

Christmas was great, I have absolutely no idea how i'll get everything back to school, but I will figure it out somehow. Then after Christmas was the annual trip to Hilton Head. My sister did not come along this year, but the trip was still really good. The beach is beautiful, one of the most beautiful beaches I think I've ever seen really (and believe me, I've seen a lot of beaches). Much nicer than Tybee. I'm just dying to take all of my friends there and share in all of the fun.

Mom and I took our usual walks along the beach. The dolphins seemed to be even more playful this year than in years past. Splashing up onto the shore and whatnot. They were bobbing up and down around the boats in the water too. It's just such a neat experience seeing wild dolphins, it reminds me of why I originally wanted to study marine biology. It's more of a hobby really though.

I went into church this morning, and I was thinking about New Years and all the resolutions I made last year. My resolutions last year were to get all A's spring semester, lose 15 pounds, and stop biting my nails. Well, I only lost 5 pounds overall I think... maybe a little more, and I did get all A's spring semester (but one B fall semester) and I've almost completely stopped biting my nails now.

With that said, now it's time for the new resolutions for 2005:

1. Again, all A's for spring semester
2. Make absolutely SURE that i've stopped biting my nails
3. Lose... maybe 10 more pounds
4. Go to church more often
5. Cut back to 1 coke a week

... yeah, this is going to be challenging, but I enjoy challenges. I'm already planning for next year's Lent too, I'm gonna do something really hard again i think.

I don't know, I've just been thinking about a lot of things, and knowing how i hate monotony, I'm going to change things up again. Little things here and there. First order of business when I get back to school is to rearrange my room to make it more interesting. I'm actually excited about that.

Well, that's all I can think to update on now. This will probably be my last update before I go back to school, then I'll try to update again more regularly.

Happy New Year everyone! Wishing the best in 2005!

Composed by Amanda at 5:27 PM EST
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Tuesday, 14 December 2004
10 Shopping days left... and my task is complete
Now Playing: new music! check it out!
hey all... all 3 of you that read this lol.

It was suggested by "anonymous" that i change the music on this site to the new Josh Groban song, "Believe". If I had to guess, I would say that was Joseph who left that comment, but it might be Jeremy too, I really don't know. Reveal yourself! Well, I did change the music, but not to that song.

I love this song. I heard it in a trailer for Finding Neverland, and had to figure out who sings it. Speaking of, Leah and I are going to see that movie Thursday night, I am so excited! I have been wanting to see that ever since Amy and I saw the trailer for it way back when... don't even remember what movie we were seeing. Maybe it was Wicker Park (which was a terrible movie by the way).

So, it's December 14th, and my Christmas shopping is done! Hallelujah! lol... yep, completely done. In fact, i was sent out to do some shopping for other people today (my day off). I went into Target where I was informed that it looked like i was a "no call, no show" yesterday since i had someone take my shift. Trouble was, Lori didn't know she was filling in for me... i almost got in trouble big time. But get this, 2 different people stood up for me, saying they knew i wouldn't do something like that. So, a huge thanks to Phil and Yvonne. The older people just love me lol :D Although, since I didn't come in last night, i'm on Phil's "list" now... oooo, i'm shaking lol.

Nah, he's cool... and he just likes to torture me with all the little odd jobs in the back of the store. I think he was just upset that he didn't get to boss me around last night lol. I'm sure he'll get his chance tomorrow. Haha, i love my coworkers.

So things are most excellent right now. Christmas is coming... it will be here before we all know it. I hope the rest of ya'll are ready, I know I am. My calendar is filling up too- Thursday: movie with Leah; Saturday: Christmas with my Alabama relatives; next week: busy with work; Saturday: Christmas!; following Monday: leave for Hilton Head!

I'm sad though, Katie bailed on me this year... so I'm going to Hilton Head without anyone around my age. Unless some sort of fortune should come through... we'll see I guess.

So that's where I'm at now I think. I still miss my school life, but home life ain't half bad. Joseph, dude... am I ever gonna see you while I'm home this time??? I haven't seen you come into Target yet! let's work something out.

Later all! get to that Christmas shopping (and remember that Target has great sales going on right now!)

Composed by Amanda at 4:23 PM EST
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Saturday, 11 December 2004
life is good... at least for now
Now Playing: nothing... it's just too quiet here
hmmm, i lose motivation to update here so easily. Although, most online journals like this exist because of the communication sparked between people. What we really need is a Xanga community, even though that didn't seem to work before. Some work really well, but at least if everybody had one we'd all have something to talk about, yes? Some of you probably don't even know what Xanga is lol. This is probably useless babble.

Maybe, maybe not... just an idea lol.

Anyway, home life is good. My family is doing well, and it's good to know that my sister and I can still talk like we're friends, and she still trusts me. That means so much to me, you have no idea. I took her and her friend Jenaca out to dinner last night and then out for ice cream. It was a lot of fun, and I really enjoyed it. I even saw Katie at her basketball game yesterday, and she was great.

Work is good too, but it just keeps me from doing so many other things that I want to do. I mean, I love making the money, but it really takes up a lot of my time, and I don't like having to plan around it, or feel like everyone else has to plan around it. Oh well, we all have to work. And guess what? Laura is coming home next Friday! I'm so excited I can hardly stand it! To see her and Leah again will be wonderful :)

You know what's strange though... I spent my whole semester down at GSU having a blast but still wanting to go back home and enjoy homelife... and now I just miss everything back there. I miss staying up late and just being ridiculous for no reason at all. I miss watching (or not watching) TV Guide channel lol. I miss Amy and her crazy music lol.I miss it all, and next semester is going to be so great I can hardly wait.

I miss Matt already though :(

well, new roommates for Tyler and Robert should make things interesting. That will just make things more exciting next semester, cuz who knows how it will turn out? We might end up with more friends to come along on our crazy adventures.

So, life is very good to me right now. I have no complaints... except that Augusta is nowhere near Powder Springs. But 4 weeks isn't too long right? Well, regardless... I MISS YOU ROBERT!

okay, i'm done now... hope somebody finds this update ;)

Composed by Amanda at 12:48 PM EST
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Tuesday, 23 November 2004
Home again... home again
Now Playing: Darren Hayes - "Spin" (no, this is not what the site is playing)
Well look at that, I successfully drove all the way home from school, I just gotta give myself points for that :P

Oh man though, what a long drive... I finally made it home around 7, after leaving around 2:15... it's only supposed to be a 4 hour drive. Bleck, and the weather was horrendous, i was doing 25 on I-75 at one point because the rain was torrential! It didn't bother me, but I'm sure my mom was a nervous wreck. She couldn't tell if I was following her or not anymore because it was so dark by then. I could tell I was getting tired towards the end too, especially when i realized how close i was to the back of my mom's SUV... that was a bit of a wake-up call.

Anyway, I did make it home safely, and there is my dad cooking homemade spagetti (my favorite) :) You gotta love family. My sister was nowhere to be found, although her stuff was still scattered in my bedroom and bathroom. When she did finally grace the house with her presence, she said not a word to me, and was wearing my t-shirt. Oy, the audacity.

Oh, and I fixed the whole work situation so that I'm going in from 11-6 Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, hopefully having enough time to see a movie with my Mom and with Leah in my free time. Maybe even go see the lighting of the big tree at Lenox on Thursday, that's still up in the air at this point.

So my trip home is basically all planned out, which is good and bad. I'd prefer to have more time to get reacquainted with home, but i'll be back soon enough. I need to work, I really need this money. I'm tired of using up so much of my savings, it's stressing me out. I should really spend less. Although, to my credit, not all of my money is spent on me- birthdays and such are heavy in the fall.

Well, I'm home, I've taken my bath (which I really miss doing)... said hello to Harley, and also to the cats (in the basement that has not recently been cleaned)... and I called Robert but got his voicemail so i left a message. Dang, I miss him already. 4 whole days without seeing him... tough times. I should prepare myself though, Christmas break will be much worse.

Crap, I just remembered, I should be reading... but I'll put that off, i'm going on to bed... I need more sleep. Plus, I'm getting up at 8 tomorrow so I can visit with Leah before I head off to work. Yay, i get to see Leah again :)

So there's my update for now. Again, thanks Joseph for the comments, they are greatly appreciated :) Take care everyone and have a great Thanksgiving!

Composed by Amanda at 10:58 PM EST
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Wednesday, 17 November 2004
update time again
Mood:  special
Now Playing: Sarah McLachlan
man, i'm really bad at updating this thing.

Okay, first thing's first- last weekend was fantastic! Probably one of the best weekends I've ever had away from home. I'm so thankful Amy dragged us all out to the beach at midnight even though it was freezing! It was so mysterious and looked amazing. It was really fun :) The whole trip was great and we should really do that more often :)

Even Sunday was good too. I got a lot of cleaning up done, and it was just a nice relaxing day. I should really have more weekends like that lol.

And school is a breeze this week- my Lit class for Wednesday and Friday was cancelled, and we're learning about dolphins and whales in Oceanography so that class isn't boring for a while. I'm just catching up on reading and taking it easy this week. As of today, less than a week until i go home again :) I'm excited about that.

So, all in all, everything is going really well right now. I'm very happy and I hope that doesn't change for a long time. And holy crap! It's already mid-November! Christmas will be here before we know it! Ah! And I'm going back to work next week too, that's kinda exciting.

Well that's it for now- i'll try and update if anything else comes up ;)

Composed by Amanda at 6:21 PM EST
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Friday, 12 November 2004
rainy day
Now Playing: "Let's Go" ... don't ask why, I really don't know
Man, it's been a while again, but look! I changed the site a bit. I think I like this better, my other background was too blurry, and this looks nice. It's fitting too, because now it's raining here, blah.

Well, things have been a little crazy for me this week. Yesterday was weird though. I was being really sour. I think I just let a lot of things get to me, and I had so much I wanted to get done... and I couldn't seem to finish it all like I wanted to. Well, I finally got it all finished sometime around 1:30 in the morning. My computer was being really irritating. Everything kept going so slow, and I had to reboot it at least once or twice. Man, what a pain, especially when I was right in the middle of something too, ugh.

It was one of those days that I think I should have just stayed by myself, because I really was sour. I let everything bother me. Well, I'm in a much better mood today. Got a perfect score on my World Lit essay and a 101 on my Music Appreciation test. Sweet! Now, if it would only stop raining... today would be great.

Man, I have to figure out something to do later tonight, cuz I already got all of my work done so far. Well, anyway... not much new is going on right now. Tomorrow Amy is going to be 20! Ah! lol Now that is crazy, but cool at the same time. And we're all going to Savannah, I hope that's fun. Okay, that's all I can think to write about now- take care everyone :)

Composed by Amanda at 12:51 PM EST
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Wednesday, 3 November 2004
long overdue
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Closer- Josh Groban
Wow... it has been a while hasn't it?

My apologies... although I'm not sure how many people actually check this because they are really that curious as to what goes on in my life- but i'm updating irregardless.

Okay, so for the past three days I have been studying day and night...DAY AND NIGHT. It has been crazy. I think it pretty much reached the breaking point yesterday, when I didn't know what I should be studying and felt completely lost. In some ways though, I felt better about myself for doing it all. I study less than most people I know... and sometimes I feel... maybe a bit less intelligent. Not that I don't work as hard, just my classes don't seem to be as hard. I mean, I'm not taking Physics or Linear Algebra... stuff like that. I think i'll stand by the fact that I'm of a different kind of intelligence.

Anyway, the tests are over, and I think I faired pretty well. Should still have high grades in all of my classes... possibly even all A's. Yay for me :) So it's not so bad right? I mean, it can't be. I'm doing okay, i'm not worried.

And... as always, life beyond school studies is crazy. I'm still adjusting to a lot of things, but maybe I'm getting the hang of it? Maybe.

oh man... and then came the election. Well, I'm thoroughly disappointed. Most everyone who reads this knows I voted for Kerry, and I really really wanted him to win. I think it's horrendous though the numbers I've seen on how many people voted for the ban on gay marriages. It's so wrong... and sometimes I just don't understand how people could see it as being fair. Maybe it's just me though. So, for right now... i'm slightly fuming off that, but I'll get over it.

Well, I changed the music on the site again. This music has been my salvation during all of my studying for the past 3 days. It's really grown on me. My mom pitched it at me a long time ago, and I kinda turned a deaf ear to it... so she must really know me well to guess that I would like it so much. Crazy- but I'd like some feedback on that... you know, since this site gets so many comments and all lol.

Alright folks, so that's life for now- may be I'll remember to update more often in the future. But I'm calling it quits for now.

Composed by Amanda at 4:22 PM EST
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Saturday, 23 October 2004
crazy week
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Muse- "Sing For Absolution"

well, now that the craziest Thursday of my entire life is over... life might get back to the somewhat semi-normal state it used to be in. Haha... normal... that word simply cannot be applied here.

Hey, let's give some shout-outs while i'm writing an entry. Shout-outs in this entry go to the people who have used the most extensive vocabulary this week. Tara gets a shout-out for not only saying the word "gall" but also for saying the word "audacity" in the same sentence. And Robert gets a shout-out for using the word "gyration"... which probably sounds very strange out of context lol.

I think I should give myself a shout-out for using the word "discombobulated" lol... yeah, maybe you had to be there for that one.

I guess I should give shout-outs to Joseph and Amanda for giving me my new quotes. That is "far out" Amanda! lol And Joseph- it's "horrendous" lol.

wow, craziness. Oh yeah, and my best friend is engaged, how cool is that? :D i'm very excited for her.

Well, tonight, i went to an astronomy show with Amy and Tyler, and then i went with them and two of their friends (Steph and Daniel) to IHOP- where Amy and I devoured a beautiful ice cream sundae. Oh man, i needed that lol. It was so nice. We stayed there until after they closed, and then realized that we had to vacate. And now, here I am back at the room... happy as a clam...

that's a funny expression, i didn't know clams were happy. I didn't know clams had any emotion at all. I mean, how can you tell if a clam is happy? Anyway, the point is, I am really happy right now :D

okay, enough jibber jabber- i think i should try to get to bed at a decent hour for once lol.

Composed by Amanda at 12:18 AM EDT
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Thursday, 21 October 2004
relief... at last
Mood:  lucky
Now Playing: Three Days Grace
At last, the worst of my week is over. I don't think I've ever felt so good about a test before... and considering this is my Spanish midterm, and Spanish is probably my lowest grade as of now... I am extraordinarily happy :D

Not only that, but I think I have found a new friend in Amanda, my study partner for Spanish. We studied for two hours on Tuesday. I use the term "study" loosely, because we're girls and you all know full well we didn't just study- we had to chat a little too. She is a very genuine person, and she reminded me a lot of Amy because she says some random things, and understands some of my subtle humor. That alone, is amazing lol. I'm going to visit her again today...

I called her yesterday (much later than I had hoped to), and it appeared she had become disillusioned with her crush. She explained the story to me... it sounded like she just needed someone to talk to. I'd really like to be the one to help her with this. Not like I'm busy anymore this week, the worst is over. Today I'm going to try to get laundry done and run out to the store... and then i'm done.

hmmm... I wish I had something a bit more insightful to post here... and Pete reminded me yesterday that it has been ages since I've written anything. Either I'm uninspired right now, or just don't have time to commit anything to paper... I got nothing right now. Maybe something will come eventually.

At any rate, I have to start getting ready for class now- so here's hoping that today is another wonderful day... for all of you guys as well as for me :)

Composed by Amanda at 8:08 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 19 October 2004
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: random stuff
well, my Absentee ballot finally came in the mail yesterday. I wasted no time, I filled that sucker out and it is back in the mail. Yay, that was exciting.

I voted! lol

well, I got a letter from my grandmother yesterday too. She sent me a newspaper clip with pictures of the Homecoming court from my high school with a note saying "take a look at these beauties, but they're still not as pretty as my granddaughter" lol. I thought it was sweet.

I got a call from Leah yesterday too, that was one of the highlights of my day. She wants to set me up on a blind date... okay then. Sounds interesting enough, seeing as I've never been on one. I dunno, I won't be home for a good while so I don't have to worry about that any time soon.

Well, I'm still studying hard for that midterm on Wednesday, plus that other test- but i'm still doing well with the book, so once i get past Wednesday, I'll be able to relax through the weekend.

that's it for now.

Composed by Amanda at 7:56 AM EDT
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