My Information


Name: Emily Atkinson

Age: 17

Birthday: March 31st

School: NHS

State: California

Sex: Female

siblings: 3 sisters Amy 19 Sara 14 and Megan 9

Crush: No One

nickname: Herc, MLE, Em, M&M, Elmo, Fogdog, etc etc

Grade: 11th Junior

What does Emily want? Emily wants cake

What is your fantasy? Is to play on the Olympic softball team

Who does Emily want? David Boreanaz, Paul Walker, Josh Hartnett, etc etc

What is the least romantic place to have a first kiss? in front of your parents or family

What is the most romantic place to have a first kiss? beach as the sun is setting, or in the winter in a cabin in front of a fire

Whats the 1st thing you think of when you wake up in the morning?... what time is it? do I have to get up? No, I am going back to sleep.

Have you ever been in love? no

What is love to you: Love is when there is someone you cant live without, you go everyday thinking about them, your heart beats faster when something reminds you of them, anything you see hear smell, etc reminds you of them, the way you could talk to them for hours and never get bored, that you would do anything to be with them and it doesnt matter what you do. Love is complete devotion to someone or something under any circumstance. Love is about wanting to be together, but being okay when you are apart.

eye color: blue, green, aqua, royal blue... depends on my mood in the morning

hair color: dirty blonde


song: NSYNC...Something Like you

actor: David Boreanaz

actress: Julia Stiles

singer/rapper: I dont hav a fav, I just like a lot

movie: coyote ugly, love and basketball, any movie about baseball/softball or basketball

shoe brand: nike

sport: basketball and softball

outfit: anything that has yellow in it, or my pajama pants, or any sports outfit (sports bra and long mesh shorts)

author: V.C. Andrews

tv show: Gilmore Girls

saying: all the way and back again

Quote: Save a horse, ride a cowboy. It is not illegal unless you get caught

color: yellow

number: 11 and 13

drink: I like anything with cranberry in it, I like strawberry margaritas, pretty much any kind of juice

sport to watch: basketball, softball, and baseball

sport to play: softball and basketball


guy: David Boreanaz, Josh Hartnett, Paul Walker, etc

vacation: A cruise around the world, with a lot of fun people to chill with

car: yellow mustang gt ( a bullit would be nice), Nissan Xterra (yellow), Ford Escape (yellow)

house: not to big, but big enough

job: professional softball player, or somehow related to sports

My peeps...

Chelsea, my friend since I was two, will always be my best friend forever, no matter what happens.

Wesley, I have known you forever, can always chill with you, no matter how long we havent seen eachother, we have fun when we hang

Valerie, hey you remember that one time that we were at your house and your mom took those pictures and you told everyone gross stuff about them, that was great. You are the best.

Jessica, seems like I have known you a lot longer than 5/6th grade. You are awesome. I can always talk to you when I need to spill my guts and I can trust you to not tell and tell me the truth. Love ya babe

Brit, oh yah you and me racing in our cars. What next???

Shyrle, wow who would have ever thought that you and me would have become so close. Well it happened and I am so happy it did.

Ryan, No Joke.


Larry, you know you love me.

Alessandra, Shotgun!

To everyone else that I didnt mention, you all are the greatest, love ya lots.

Hey my name is Emily. I am 16 years old. I am in the 11th grade. I play basketball and softball.I have three sisters, one older and two younger. I have many friends. A few of my extra special friends are Chelsea, Valerie, Shyrle, and Wesley. Everyone else are awesome but there is to many to name.

This summer I am playing on Marin Blue Angels. We are going to kick some ass

I am also playing on the Varsity basketball team for my school. Go Hornets!! And the Varsity softball team.

If you want to know anything else email me and let me know what you want. And I will add it on.