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1.  Download and install the Simple Filters.  If you need help to install them go here....

2.  Preparing the image.

  • open photo and click Contol +d, or right click and choose Duplicate
  • close the original
  • FORMAT/Dimensions or FORMAT/Image Size
    • uncheck KEEP ASPECT RATIO
    • height = 300 pixels
    • width = 300 pilxes
    • click OK
  • EFFECT/BLUR/Gaussian Blur
    • click the OPTIONS button
    • change the amount to 15 to 25.  All you want to remail is a blur of color.
    • Click OK

Adding the lines that make the squares.

    • start by changing the number to 25
    • click on the right thumbnail and move it around so you can see each edge
    • adjust the number until there are no partial blocks showing on any of the edges
    • my example worked at 30, but each photo is slightly different.
    • click OK

Making the lines wavy.

  • EFFECT/DISORT/Ripple or EFFECT/3D/Ripple
    • click the OPTIONS button
      • direction = edge
      •  frequency  = low
      • amplitude = 60 click OK

Making the Diamonds.

  • EFFECT/SIMPLE/Diamonds

Lighten the tile.

    • Color = White
    • Merge = Always
    • Transparency = 50%
    • click OK

Optimize and save as jpg.