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C Freedom 4 All

The African American Reparation Action Network

The year 2021;

Now during the Biden administration.
What a better time in history to demand reparation for the African American people.
During President Barack Obama administration the first African American President that did little for his own people.
A change from past administration that had a view on racism that links them directly to the slave owners.
The Bush administration that carried out 9-11, murdering millions for big corporations and the old big corporations were the main slave owners, in which gained the most financially over the past 300 years.

Setting a Precedent

The activists can point to the examples in history that the Japanese-Americans, interned during World War II received an apology and compensation from the U.S. government in 1990 & 1988.

The billions of dollars that Indian Gaming will make for the American Indians.
They note that Holocaust survivors will receive billions of dollars in settlements paid by the Germans and the Swiss.

The African Americans turn has come.
"They are the only group of Americans that have not received reparations for the war crimes of slavery"
The African Americans are the only ones who suffered more than a hundred years of pain and crimes.

1988-1999 Indian Gaming Regulatory Acts Making Billions + for the AMERICAN INDIANS

1990 U.S.A $1.2 Billion or $20.000 Each JAPANESE AMERICANS

1990 AUSTRIA $25 Million to Holocaust Survivors JEWISH CLAIMS ON AUSTRIA

1988 CANADA 250,000 Sq. Miles of Land INDIANS & ESKIMOS


1986 U.S.A. $32 Million 1836 Treaty OTTAWAS OF MICHIGAN


1985 U.S.A. $12.3 Million SEMINOLES OF FLORIDA

1985 U.S.A. $105 Million SIOUX OF SOUTH DAKOTA

1980 U.S.A. $81 Million KLAMATHS OF OREGON

1971 U.S.A. $1 Billion + 44 Million Acres of Land ALASKA NATIVES LAND SETTLEMENT

1952 GERMANY $822 Million to Holocaust Survivors GERMAN JEWISH SETTLEMENT

Reparation Act

The Thurstonian African American Financial Liberation Act

Volume I
U.S. World Slavery Crimes and Category of Violations

1.The invasion of the continent of Africa for criminal proposes : is a war crime and international crime against humanity.

2.The unlawful abduction of the African people : is an international crime against humanity.

3.The genocide of the humans not healthy enough to make the journey from Africa : is genocide a war crime and an international crime against humanity.

4.The act of slavery for hundreds of years : is an international crime against humanity.

5.Creating the market for slavery : is an international crime against humanity.

6.The unlawful behavior performed on slaves (example) general torture, whipping, burning, kicking, hitting, cutting, chaining, hanging, raping and murder; all act without any consequences : is genocide a war crime as well as an international crime against humanity.

7.The unlawful breeding of humans for criminal proposes : is an international crime against humanity.

8.Creating intentional psychological damage to a human : is a human rights violation.

9.Breaching many verbal and written contracts made by the slave owners :is business fraud and a human rights violation.

10.Segregation of a human because of their skin color : is a human rights violation.

11.The financial neglect from the government and lending institutions : is a human rights violation.

12.Allowing the actions and criminal activities of secretive hate organizations by the U.S : is a human rights violation.

13.The secret operations and medical experiments performed on African American by the U.S government:is genocide a war crime as well as an international crime against humanity.

14.The neglect of the government to act during voting and constitutional crimes : is a human rights crime and U.S constitutional violation.

15.The financial and psychological damage performed on African American by the United States in current time by not providing reparations to them, but providing it to many other groups in America : is a human rights violation.

The African American Financial Liberation Act

Every man and women 21 years of age or older with African American ancestors dating back a minimum of three generations as citizens of the United States shall be entitled to financial compensation for the above stated crimes against humanity performed on the African American ancestors that the U.S government is responsible for.
Compensation shall be set as the promise stated in the 1800痴 as 40 acres and $100. dollars for building a dwelling, made equivalent to modern times as 40 acres and $100,000. U.S. dollars or $200,000 U.S. dollars cash.


Financial compensation shall be paid in full as a cashiers government check and the land in the form of a quick claim deed transferable immediately.


Financial compensation shall be paid without any property,federal, State or capital gains taxes.


Persons of African American descent earning more than $1,000,000. U.S dollars per year will not receive reparations.


Persons of African American descent fully owning 1000 Acres or more were as the full ownership of this property is worth $1,000,000. U.S dollars or more may not receive reparations.


Persons of African American descent fully owning stocks, bonds, notes or any other negotiable securities that are valued $1,000,000. U.S. dollars or more may not receive reparations.


Persons of African American descent that have served time in federal or state prison can receive reparations if release from prison legally.


Persons of African American descent serving time in Federal or state prison shall have their reparation placed in a trust in which they will receive at the time of their release from prison.


Persons of African American descent 18 years of age that are orphans, but have ancestors dating back 3 generations as U.S. citizens may receive reparations.


Persons of African American descent unable to care for themselves or unable to mentally handle their financial affairs may have a family appointed family member act as manager of the reparation fund and it is to be used for their care.


Persons of African American descent may withdraw from the reparation programs if they write a legal letter stating that they wish not to receive reparation and this letter most be signed by the writer of the letter with a witness and notarized.

Author of this Act
Founder and Executive Director of the
African American Reparation Action Network
Dr. Thurston El Roy Sawyer II

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Related Information Links

United Nations News

United Nations Home Page



AT&T plan to control Africa

BBC PRESS on slavery

Repartions Information

Did Lincoln Free the Slaves



United States Government role in the Traffic of Slaves

The 1867 Slave Reparation Bill

The United States Constitution and the African Slave

The New African Trade Bill

U.S. Department of State. Links

Institutions of the European Union

The ABA Journal

Author of the: "NAZI 9-11 CONNECTION"
the most Controversial = Con2versial Book ever!
and CEO for C2News
the Con2versial News and Media Network Inc.

Author of this Act
Founder and Executive Director of the
African American Reparation Action Network
Doctor Thurston El Roy Sawyer II

Go to C2NEWS

This site is funded by African American corporations and managed by the 20 year old African American Reparation Action Network
All Rights Reserved 2021 - Est. 2001 勦