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Youth Sunday:

We do this every three months and all of you do a great job everytime...Keept it up!

Are those angels singing...?

A chance to honor a hardworking youth go girl!

"When I was your age, I used to crawl under the pews." well...not really

Saturday Night Fever:

Why doesn't this ball want to knock the pins down?

Hey...I think my finger's stuck

Way to go Kevin!!

What a lovely crew

A personal cheerleader for the roll-the-ball-down-the-thingy!

We came...we saw...we had a great time!

Girl's Retreat:

What a great group of girls...or should I say young women?

Who wrote these skits anyhow... :)

Thanks to the great teachers and presenters who gave their time and talents to our young rock!

Hey...Mike's wife is more fun than he is...let's keep her

The only man who was allowed...and he got beat up...poor guy :(

I heard great things from leaders and attendees's the boy's turn next!