December 2002 - January 2003
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Holiday Thoughts

by Michael McConnell

I was thinking back to when I took Driver’s Education at the age of fifteen. I was really desperate to pass that course. Once my driving permit matured into a full fledged driver’s license, I would be free from the bounds of home. I had already purchased a 1973 VW Beetle. It sat in the driveway of our home, seemingly calling out to me to succeed in Driver’s Ed. I couldn’t wait to board my swift VW and escape the restrictions of parental domination; to feel the wind flowing through the sunroof and the occasional gravel flying up through the rust eaten sun-floor. With all my penned up frustration it wasn’t hard for me to understand my older brother’s desperate attempt at escape when he was my age.

Transportation restrictions were an obvious ploy devised by some unknown parental council. My brother could not sit idly by while such transportation injustices were inflicted on his generation. “No driver’s license until the age of sixteen is a fundamental unfairness,” I can imagine him thinking as he prepared himself for a daring revolt. I’m not sure how he formulated his plan of vehicle revolution, but I plainly remember the night he carried it out

Late on that fateful night, while my parents were asleep, he slipped out of the house and removed the magnetized key holder from the wheel well of my father’s favorite car. My father’s repeated gloating about the ingenious placement of the hidden spare key and its practical significance was one parental slip of restricted information he soon learned to regret. Placing the secret key in the ignition and with one simple forward rotation of the same, my brother’s revolt was set in motion

I’m sure he was elated as he successfully rounded the first corner and began his escape up an adjacent street. However, the elation was short lived as my brother was abruptly jolted back to reality. While turning the radio dial to create the proper ambiance for his revolt, he inadvertently turned the steering wheel. The new directional coordinates caused car-mutilating contact with two beautiful Caddilacs parked alongside the road. My father’s favorite car was now disabled. My brother’s upper lip had also challenged the physical strength of the steering wheel and lost

During my junior year of college, I received a call from my parents. My Aunt was dying of cancer and had little time to live. I thought about what could be done for her in her time of need. What would be of value to her now? Her money, property and influence would be useless to her now. The only thing of value was the Savior that lived in her heart. Jesus gave her the most valuable gift of all when he died so she could live again for eternity. That was a real offering.

The transportation revolt was a failure. The desperation my brother had suffered prior to his accident paled in comparison to the humiliation and stitches he suffered as a result. My brother and I have always seemed to learn most lessons the hard way. I have a feeling Peter had similar experiences to my brother and I. “Dear friends,” he once said, “do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed.” (1 Peter 4: 12 & 13). Transportation desperation is no different than the parental bonds that Jesus endured. But, he knew they would pass and that real freedom would come. In fact, his ultimate suffering on the cross eliminated our need to suffer the same and provided us with the kind of freedom that can allow us to rejoice, even when we are severely bound. What a great God! What a great reason to be thankful and what a great gift for the season.

Happy Holidays to all of you! God bless!

Come online and check out what we've been up to

Maybe you missed our Redding Trip, Beach Party or the Saturday Night Fever in September. Or maybe you haven't been to a Wednesday evening meeting or to Sunday School in awhile. Well...we don't want you to feel left out so we created a photo album online. Just click here and check us out. We'll keep adding to it so remember to check back every now and then.

Coming Events...
What are these people up to?

You can check out our home page for details...but here are some highlights...

October 25-26, 2002: Lock-In:

It was a Lock-In...

a word that sends dread down the spine of any sane youth leader. Nonetheless, we had a good time in our youth fortress for an entire night of games, gab, fun and food. Just in case some of you insomniacs missed this even, we will have another lock-in coming later in the year.

November 24, 2002: Lord's Pantry Outreach:

Thank you to everyone that helped. You are an awesome group. Because of our help, the Lord's Pantry was able to provided Thanksgiving food baskets for over 500 families. Many of you gave up your afternoon to help and you should know that you made a difference. I hope each of you had a great Thanksgiving!

December 18, 2002: Christmas Party:

It was great to see all of you there. We had a great time and had some good food. Thank you to everyone who brough a stuffed animal and toy for Toys for Tots. Doris and I will be praying for you through this holiday season that God may unwrap the rich gifts He has placed inside each of your hearts. Doris and I are so blessed to have each of you be a part of our lives. Merry Christmas!

Bob's Night Out

(Wednesdays 7:30 - 9:00 pm)

Starting September 4, 2002! Take 90 minutes every Wednesday and forget about the little voices of responsibility calling you from your school desk or locker. Come join us for a little conversation, singing, and cool activities. There's no better time to take a break from the pressures of school and home than on Wednesday evening. And, there's no better group of people to spend it with.

Find yourself gnawing on the same old breakfast on Sunday mornings around 11:00 am?

Well...we've got something better for you to do. Come hang out with us on Sunday Morning. If you didn't wake up in time for church (shame), you can still make it to Youth Sunday School. We meet every Sunday at 11:00 am in the Youth Room. It's relaxing and we have some great discussions on topics ranging from life, liberty and laundry. Don't waste your Sunday morning drooling on your pillow. Come be a part of something less soggy.

Your Submissions

We encourage you to submit your ideas, stories, poetry or favorite links to be included in our Everlasting sNewsletter. Just click the 'Contact Us' link above and email me your submission. Tell me a little bit about it and about yourself also. We will use as many submissions as we can but keep in mind that we may not be able to use everything.

Until the next issue...Peace be with you!