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The Canford Composers  
from The Composers' Workshop at The Canford Summer School of Music







Information for Participants, past and present

  The aim of this website is to help composers from The Canford Summer School of Music to keep in touch, and to enable listeners and players of new music to learn of freshly composed works when they become available.

The annual Canford Composers' Workshop is directed by Malcolm Singer and for many years has been held at Canford School in Wimborne, Dorset, U.K. However, in recent years The Canford Summer School of Music has been held at Sherborne School, Sherborne in Dorset - another superb location. See a description of the last workshop - click here.

link to Malcolm Singer's website

* Next Composers' Workshop *

* 29 JULY - 5 AUGUST 2007 *

link to the The Canford Summer School of Music's website
For information about enrolling on this course please see The Canford Summer School of Music's official website, or contact them via e-mail directly: *Eemail Canford.

BACKGROUND About Malcolm Singer, and a general description of The Canford Composers.
CONCERTS & REUNIONS Find world premières, or reunions, in your area.
PARTICIPANTS A list of some of the past participants.
PREVIOUS WORKSHOPS About previous composers' workshops, including pictures.
RECORDINGS Various recordings from Canford on tape or CD are available.
GUESTBOOK Sign this and leave a comment or message.
LINKS TO RELATED SITES Do you need further information?


Information for Participants, past and present

If you have ever attended one or more of The Canford Composers' Workshops:-
  • your details, including a short profile and latest works, can be added to the participants page, and of course edited later, or completely removed if you so wish. Contact Pam with the information to do this.
  • you can have details of performances of your new music, and other events that you are organising, displayed on the concerts & reunions page. E-mail Pam with the relevant information, and/or send a poster.

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Web Developer (and composer): Pamela A. Milner

Tel: 01974 272342 or *Eemail Pam now