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JOE!!! and STEVEN!!! protect *the VeRtiGo zone* with love, thanks to Adopt an Aero Member!!



12-21-01, 12:53

So I havent updated in a while.

Quit your bitchin' and read the story.


11-30-01, 2:08

Bad day, so here's my concert plan.

Tuesday, Dec. 4th:Jump, Little Children at Trustus Theatre, Columbia, SC/general seating
Friday, Dec. 28th:Jump, Little Children at Dock Street Theatre, Charelston, SC/row M
Saturday, Dec. 29th:Jump, Little Children at Dock Street Theatre, Charelston, SC/row N
Sunday, Dec. 30th:Jump, Little Children at Dock Street Theatre, Charelston, SC/row M

Ta da! Hope I see ya there.


*soon-to-be DS hootchie*

11-26-2001, 5:55

I am shaking with joy... Dock Street Tickets.. on sale... now... AND my grades are ROCKIN'! So, I get to go (hopefully, I should, dangit) all 3 shows:-D

Oh yes, I am sooo happy. I get to hang out with Loni and Matt and all the other guys for 3 nights in a row!!! *bliss* Plus, I get to see them in Columbia next Tuesday. There I will get photo graphic evidence that I have been lip locked with Matt:) You'll see what I mean later. Anyways... peace out.


*happy macky!!!*

11-21-2001, 9:53

I have been working on my child lately, so I havent been updating. Wanna see it? Go here.

Anyway, it Jay's birthday. He'll be 31. Why am I telling you this? 1)As Matt would say, "Because, I can, simply because I can" and 2)because Jay is cool.

Right now I'm hoping Kevin checks his e-mail... now... and e-mails me the link to his Winter Kingdom stash, because I love his foxy little elf, Jack. OK, so not quite elf as in dwarf elf, but warriorish dude a la sexy pointy ears and blue tinted skin. Oh yes. That's what momma likes.

Ha ha ha ha hee hee hee har har dee har har hee hee hi hi hi ho ho ha ha ha ha. *sigh* Sorry, I just amused myself.


*funny girl*

11-12-2001, 7:02

OK, so I havent updated in almost a week, but I was sick, and no you cant kick me, because I will mess you up. :)

Loni (Opiate Loni, not anger managment Loni) e-mailed me today and I laughed. She's so amusing. AND her birthday is the 19th, so everyone e-mail her and give her lots of money, because you know that anytime you buy something for someone else, they return it, or SELL IT!!! Unless of course it happens to be Dockstreet tickets, a shopping spree in Charleston, and a faggy leather hat that just rocks your world. Oh yes, the exceptions shallow people make.

I have come to the conclusion that I scare EVERYONE! But you know what? I KISSED MATT!!! Ha! And no, I didnt dive on him and start making out with him. I asked for a kiss, he gave me one... on the lips, not just a peck... I'm clearing that up, thank you. Ask him yourself if you dont believe me!

And guess who is BS Majoring in Athropology/Psychology/Sociology (because they're all pretty linked... I take one, I take them all, mwahahahahaha!) at CofC? ME! So if you are going to be at CofC from Fall 2006 to Spring 2010 and you hate me, (then again, I doubt you'd read this is you hate me) dont go, or hide.

I am in one weird mood today! And I'm NOT high! Actually, I'm proud to say I've never been high! On any illegal narcotics anyway... natural highs are good, healthy even. Or they wouldnt be natural, yes? Why am I telling you this? Because "high on life" is a half-assed phrase.

Well... I think it's mostly out of my system now:) My anger to those who pissed me off today, my hyper nature, and just the pleasure of scaring most who read this... remember kids, a day is not complete until you have terrified a total stranger.


*throw me in with sinn fein, but i'm not crazy*

11-7-2001, 1:21

Hey look! I'm anime! (Thanks Gem!)

Freaking out over Matt... what's new here?  Relatively nothing.

Click here to see it full sized. It's mad cute:)

Note:Starfruit Gatorade is 'licious. And "Tim-may!" rocks madly. Now, uh, go and...



*hee hee*

I promise, the Mac 'N' Cheese is only for this entry.

11-2-01, 7:28

It's early, so I'm going to make this another 'cool Jump pics' entry:

I love this one, he's so cute:)

...such fond memories...

cute cute cute!  I love his slight like ab tone:)

...and Steven Tyler is too big.


*tired, sleepy, be-yotch*

10-29-01, 7:13

Well, I dont know about ya'll, but the idea of trick or treating at the P'n'F and Evan and Ward coming out naked with oils and incense sounds like a fun time. Who's with me? Lol. Anyway, my 'Matt Girl' shirt came in today, and it's cool. Though I still cherish my hand made one.

Oh, if you heard any of them South Park songs, you must. They rock like mad.

And now for some more drawings...
Jay, with a smaller head and yes, from the "Broadway Photo":

Matt, also from the "Broadway Photo" and the reason it looks weird is because I had tape on it:

And for those of you who dont check my anger managment program, Loni:

Last but not least, the pic I used to paint the portrait of Matt, which I gave to him as an "in between Christmas and his birthday" gift, which is too big, so click.

And that's it!


*artsy fartsy*

10-25-01, 5:36

I fell in love with Matt again today. In math, I re-lived the kiss, and it's still nice.

Anyway... this week has dragged a bit. As usual...

And I thought about the VZ and thought, "I'm pretty inconsistant!" as I usually do when thinking about my site.

But those are just my moments of truth.


*lil white lie*

10-18-01, 10:20

by Gem and Mac

Evan: Well, yeah Matt, that ceiling tile IS about to fall on Ward's head!! And now for the weather; Jay?
Jay: ..................
Evan: Jay?
Jay: ...rain...
Evan: Oooook, thank you Jay! Now to Jon with the restaurant ratings... Jon!
Evan: Well DUH! I could have told you that...
Jay: ...rain...
Evan: And here's Matt with latest in sports...
Matt: Well, Evan would you look at that!Tthat's the best technique I've ever seen! Look at that flash! And Scott goes down looks like he's out for the night, Jay?
Jay: Uh huh...
Jon: ccchhhiiikkkiiinnn
Ward: *OOF!!!* ...ow...
Matt: Oh my gosh Ev! Did you see that! That ceiling tile took Ward out! That rung his bells! Man what a hit! One for the ceiling, none for Ward!
Evan: Matt, you OK? That Mac girl didnt kill you just now did she?
Matt: AH!!! Mmm... No, Im OK!
Mac: Yippee!!!!!!!
Jon: Ride 'em cowgirl!
Evan:Uh... *procedes to walk offstage*
Gem: Evan!!! Wait!!!
Evan: *cough, slobber* AH!!! HELP!! Hey, MY CLOTHES!!! Mmmm... Wait, nevermind!!!!!
Jon: OK guys, thanks so much for coming and, uh, we're gonna drag Ward off the stage and help Evan and Matt now, buh bye!
Evan and Matt: No help, we're big boys!
Gem and Mac: *sounds resembling an agreement*



PS:I can be reached at or on AIM as MACustrapKitty, so feel free to shout me a hollah!

10-17-01, 4:41

Art time! Here's a pic I took in Charleston...

zone boy

Here's the drawing I did of it...

ooh la la!

Good? Anyway, right now I'm nervous because something is wrong with my friend Gem and I'm totally freaked out that it is something really serious:( So anyway, that's all for now.


*worried lil sista*

10-15-01, 10:25

Tina's keeping me up with e-mails. So thank Tina for this update, because she rocks:)

Anyway, look to your right, and you'll see a 'sister site' link. There, you will find the domain of Gem-Bo. She's loaded a few of my pics from Chas and they should all be up soon.

So check that out. Also, Jump is #44 in the Billboard's Independent Record charts.


And Bif Naked. That band rocks madly. Yes, this means go out and buy their album. NOW! Lol. Oh yeah, that natural high I get when I'm tired is WAY in. *snore*



10-14-01, 12:14

Look look!


And this is foxy:)


And this is just friggin' sexy!

Check this!:)


Anyway, that's it for now...:)


*mac loves matt*

10-10-01, 5:25

Ironicly, what I didnt expect:


You and Marilyn Manson are a match made in heaven! You're both glamourous and could be described as 'goth' and you always stand out in a crowd. When you have something to say, you like to be heard! Whether through your lyrics or in conversation, you can definitely be described as highly opinionated!"



*mac manson*

10-7-01, 9:20

Well, here's some proof that I kissed Matt. It's chopped off, yes, but you can tell he's kissing me. All the way to the right. Yes, I froze, and yes I have a bracelet fetish.

And here's Gem's "kiss". Isnt it cute, though?

Ta da! And you didnt get one! :)



10-4-2001, 8:31

OK, well uh, at Manifest today...


Mac, knowing quite gleefully that most of oyu hate me now...


*matt's lil lover girl*

*The pic Gem drew of Evan*
(yes, we know she rocks)

how cool is this?

9-11-01, 5:03

"...a quiet, unyeilding anger..."

9-3-2001, 5:00

Finally, *tour dates*!!!


I have been a clique maniac lately, so you might want to check out the 'more cliques' thing. I feel like Anne Matinez, geez! ;)

Hey! Look what I did on PhotoMax! Kinda artsy...
too hot to handle!

Anyway, blah, uh huh, and whatever...

Mac *new image!*

*big dumb lesbo*

9-2-2001, 2:26

This weekend was hectic, maybe I'll post the exacts later, but basically, Friday I went to the mall with Sarah (who is amazingly cool) and Gem a few of their friends and then yesterday I went to Carowinds.

But, what I am meaning to get to, Jump finally has their record label site up here.

Anyway, while listening to the all powerful Hawksley Workman, this is Mac saying *achoo!* later...

*a very sick mac*

8-30-2001, 6:44

I am so happy. There is a possibility in the air that I might...


Get to go to the mall with Gem tomorrow!!!

Well, Sarah too, and dome of her friends from Dutch Fork, but Gem is my sista, so I cant wait to see her... I havent seen her since May 31st!

Anyway... I also have COPS tryouts tomorrow, which I know I'll do fine with.


I finished my painting of Matt-that most-of-you-didnt-know-was-in-process.

It's pretty rad.




*artsy mac*

8-29-2001, 7:35

Two words...



*very happy mac*

8-27-2001, 5:44

*CAUTION* The following post is filled with random, mindless... mindlessness, which may result in hyperactive side effects. Moms, grab the ritalin...


Do you know the muffin man? Yes, the muffin man! The one that's married to Maud?! Who lives on Cherry Lane?! ...actually, I think he lives on Madision...

:::sing songish:::
Please do not walk on the grass,
Shine your shoes,
Whipe your


I's no' a d-rrrrress! I's a kil'!

They're always after me lucky charms!

Redundency is not repeating the question. Redundency is this. Redundency is this. Redundency is this. Redundency is this. Redundency is this. Redundency is this. Redundency is this. Redundency is this. Redundency is this. Redundency is this. Redundency is this. Redundency is this.

Come closer baby... so I can slap you...

Got pot?

How to tell if your friend smokes weed:
A)He doesnt laugh at Aphroman's song 'Because I Got High'. (It's offensive to the US pothead population.)
B)He refuses to let you borrow his bookbag or go through his locker.
and C)Funny looking green plants keep growing in the hanging baskets on his porch... he swears they're ferns... DO FERNS SMELL LIKE POT?!

If you're ugly, be smart, if you're dumb, be pretty, but if you can dislocate all your joints at once and do grotesquely contorted cartwheels down the street... get help.



*insane 'jane'*

8-25-2001, 7:56

Angelfire hates me... oh well, the feeling is quite mutual.

I ♥ PhotoMax, however. See?!

now in wintergreen of minty fresh

spider-who? bat-what?

he's amazin'!

If you havent noticed yet, if you roll your mouse over the pics on my page, they have cute, somewhat ridiculous little comments.

OK, here's my concert agenda so far...

September 9th:Aerosmith, with Fuel in Charolette. *tthph*
September 28th:Incubus, 7Mary3, Stroke 9, Puddle of Mud, and Good Charolette, in Columbia. *tthhph*

Ha ha ha, I get to see 7 rock freakin' bands and you dont! Anyway, before angelfire takes another nose dive on me, I'm out. *ya cha cha*


*macha cha cha*

8-24-2001, 11:48

Hey hey. I didnt really feel like posting yesterday, sorry. I was super tired. Anyways, poor Jon Tisdale, the former comedic burner on Opium has now gone *gasp* ANTI JUMP! Poor guy, we'll miss him... for about 12 seconds. Ha ha ha.

So... if you arent on Audiogalaxy, GET IT! It's super cool, super big. I ♥ it. So...

I got imood today. I'm still trying to figure the SOB out, but I'm working on it... I think that will work... so, leaving you with that, I shall return, after much needed rest and... doing... me, stuff.


*blah de mac*

8-22-2001, 7:49

Die Angelfire... OH! Hi... I got a free Jump shirt from Elizabeth M. today, from her bro, to her to me. It rocks. It's a 'Magazine' shirt. Speaking of 'Magazine', Gem is missing it. She lent it to Sarah and misses it. :)

Gem's funny. We're quoting the 'hidden track' from LTD. Fun fun.

^"What's with this 'OR' crap?!"^

Isnt Gem pretty?! And funny too! She's the best:) And I get to take her to her first Jump show!!! YAY! Hurry up September! Hee hee. Anyway, I'm downloading some of my favorite Jump songs, so I'm going to go finish with that, and I'll se you tomorrow!


*mystery mac*

8-21-2001, 6:15

OK, OK... so I forgot we have exploratories 3rd block... Sara and I were waiting around and NO ONE was in the classrooms. then we remembered... luckily, Mrs. Ray was there and was kind enough to say she had held us in her class a bit long, so we wouldn't look like the morons that we were. That's right, a teacher lied for us. Beyond that, it was a normal day. So, here's the poem I left in my locker yesterday, which is just a random, 'feel good' poem.

Cluttered thoughts and words,
Ships set sail with high strung birds.
This madness.
Jumbled colors,
In spray painted dots,
Bloodshot eyes, mindless jots.
The madness!
Pulling me,
Pushing me down.
Toward this madness I am bound.
This madness!
Racind through my head,
It claws at my skin,
But I've already bled.
Pushing and pulling me down.
Into this madness, I am bound.

Tah doi. So, there it is, my poem. Hope ya liked it! So... I'm out for now.



8-20-2001, 5:38

This evil thing just messed up on me, so I'm typing this AGAIN! All while looking at Nicole's awesome site, which I am sad to say is currently unlinkable:( Well, this post would have been a poem, but I left it in my locker:(

The Thorns rock... I love Irish music anyway, but they rock. I'm falling so much in love with them right now. The best:) Sadly, I am distracted by the movie my little siblings are watching in the next room. Though, if it werent being played to kid songs, the accordion in the music is pretty cool.

Beyond that, I'm going to go send my mom a super dooper link to the Vertigo store. I love it:) So, I'm off. *cha cha cha*

The other MacNab

*mac the cha*

8-19-2001, 8:18

I'm still alive. I'm just burnt. (Little jelly fish suck.) Hilton Head was, um, interesting... though I dont think I'd ever go to Crowne Plaza again. Anyways... still awaiting Vertigo... *sigh*

New york City is going to be a blast though. (In another year, blah.) But atleast Aerosmith and Fuel (or vice versa, Fuel is opening.) is in 3 weeks, and is gonna rock my world. I 'heart' Steven Tyler.


Ward is so cool. He's got a degree, he's got really awesome hair, and his ears are pierced. If rumors are true, he also has tatoos around his nipples, which is intruiging in a really gross way. I'm getting my Ward high right now. I love Ward:) Ward plays cello AND guitar. And he hugged me! So, yeah, I love Ward, though I love them all. I'm making Jonny chicken salad for the next concert, though, because Jonny is my chicken lovin' soul mate:) And Matt, well, I'm Matt's little e-mail bunny, if not sometimes annoying:) He's super cool, I cant wait to meet him face to face! Evan... Evan is Gem's territory, but super sweet, and Jay is my idol, I love Jay. But right now I'm all about Ward and Jonny:)

Quoth Gem;Dr. Pepper doesn't make the world taste better, even though it taste good, it makes me cuss. I love Gem:) She's so cool:)

I need a good cappicino, and now... too bad there arent any 'down the street' coffee houses around here. Tra la la la. Cha cha cha... Too much sun brings back cheesy catch phrase memories. Anyways, before I lose my mind, and drop yours in that tiny little crack in the couch, I'm gone. *WINDOW!*


*nyc kitty*

8-16-2001, 7:22

This post is dedicated to John F. Bivins Jr.


Of all the things,
Of all the choices,
Of all the times,
They had to be this.
There are more like you,
There are more than one to forget,
And more than just these two sons,
For which we feel the loss.
More than one of these widows,
For whom we sypathize.
More than one person,
From this earth now dies.
But its you who I will remember,
For you, this young girl cries.
Know you did I not,
But feel the loss, I do.
For children, who I do respect,
Were raised by none but you.
And these jumbled words,
Tightly spaced, inside my head,
Reminds me that, one day,
I too shall be dead.
It's taught me to respect my life.
And taught me how to cry.
It's taught me to keep my loved ones close,
Until, for them, I cry.
And so I throw out these deep words,
From deep inside my mind,
And throw them onto a pool of tears,
Hoping they reach loved ones ears.


poetic mac

8-15-2001, 10:48

I'd like to take this time to say, Opiates rule!!! HA HA HA!!! Gem, you were on the air:) Cutie, hee hee, you were so funny! Yes, that's right, Vertigo won. Go Opiates!!! And, if the word flying around Opium is true, keep Matt and Evan's dad (Chris?) in your thoughts, apparently his condition, which if I was informed correctly, he has cancer of some sort, is worsening.

Anyway, keep that in mind, because it's making me sad:( On a lighter note, or so I hope, I have school tomorrow, so I'm going to go to bed now, dreaming of Jump:)

~Mac, forgetting the stairs, and taking the fall (into sleepy time:))

PS:New clique of mine, *eyeliner lavish*. Worth a look-see.

*mac the cat*


Who do I love?! I love me some Will Hoge...

I love Will Hoge while listening to Jump:) Good combo. "Yeah, I'll have the Will Hoge with a Jump with a side of Aerosmith, hold the Joey." Ha ha ha... I'm about to start on a 'book report' for school, in two days:( But on an a Vertigo note, I will e-mail both Fiends and Opiates immediately when I hear 'Vertigo' on Cage Match. They should play it tonight, so...

I'm starting to brainstorm on cheezy shirts for Operation:Vertigo, so those of you on it, ideas are coming soon, I promise. Tra la la la... well, I'd best go start on that report, so I can start off on the right foot this year and go to Dockstreet and the like!


*mac the cat*

8-13-2001, 3:19

Hey hey,
Being the Opiate that I am, I'm going to tell you what to do now...

Dr. X, and the upcoming needs for our fans.
Hello Friends - All will be clear very soon as to how you can help J,LC, and who the new Dr. X will be. Dr. X will reappear in a more formal, and hopefully much more interactive form in the next week or so. Please stand by, and give us your patience. One thing you can do for now is to assemble an e-mail list of people who you think might be interested in helping the new Dr. X. When you recieve instructions, you can simply forward them to your list. We are without a fatcat label, so more than ever, we need you, the fans to fight the fight in the streets. Please assemble your own mini-armies, and the fight will begin soon. Thanks SO much for your continued support.

That was a post on Jump's site... now here's just what you can do. As for Dr. X... if what I have heard of him, Dr. X is sort of the 'Ancient' of Jumpdom, if anyone got that metaphor... anyway, if you are a seasoned Jump fan, the patience part shouldnt be hard. Next, I am suggesting/demanding you join Underground Elite the moment it is up and running. *emphasis* As for the list and mini army, I think this will help, hopefully...

Join my Jumpin' Army mailing list for fast spread of any news on Underground Elite:
your email:
Powered by Opiates across the globe.

Tah dah... and if any of you havent gotten the concept yet, or dont really know the ordeal too well, due to recent discovery of Jump, they do need our help. So do what you can... join my 'Vertigo Supporters' Clique' start a mini-army, or join one, run through town with 'BUY VERTIGO' tatooed across your chest... ANYTHING! Just do it! Support is a good thing, especially when Jump needs as much as you can give... so be nice, share a little love.

Columbia Radio!
To our friends in Columbia. The rumors are true...kind of. 'Vertigo' should appear in a "Cage Match" this week...not necessarily tonight (Mon August 13th) on WARQ Channel 93.5. Please listen this week to Channel 93.5 at 10pm, and vote for your favorite band. Let's show them that J,LC have many faithful & devoted fans. The Channel 93.5 number is 803.695.9935.
If it doesn't appear in the cage match on any given night, please don't call the station. Wait until it does appear, and POUNCE!!
Thanks a lot.

Again, a Jump update. If you are in Columbia, or anywhere near Columbia and you pick up channel 93.5, tune in at 10 every night this week, and if 'Vertigo' is played, call in a lot and vote for either 'the first song' (or the second, depending on just when 'Vertigo' will be played) and a few other times too, rotating with 'that one from Jump, Little Dudes' or whatever... just dont sound like a fan everytime, or they'll dig out our master cheat plan... So, do that, OK? Well, now that I have pretty much done my part, I'm off to listen to spread the word about my mailing list to help Jump spread the word about Underground Elite... soon.

If it's too hot, Matt Bivins is somewhere near you...


*home again, home again*

♥*will hoge*♥
*everyone needs a second love*
*i love will hoge*
