Last updated: Augest 26, 2001

Basic Facts:

Wazzaaaaaahhh... My name is Nikki. My birthday is December 10th. I'm a sagitarius and sagitarius rising. That makes me perfect... and it makes you crap! >:O
My guitar is my life, going to clubs, going to the mall, raving, stealing my friends clothes, smoking cigarettes, wearing dark eyeliner, playing dress up, dancing, drawing, writing, singing, being with Fee and Monica... I'm a ghost hunter, aaaand... I like making people laugh.
My favorite bands are Pink Floyd, Lords of Acid, Metallica, Pantera, Slayer, Drain STH, Garbage, Bile, Megadeth, KoRn, PM5K, Marilyn Manson, Rob/White Zombie, Inamorata, No Doubt, The Cruxshadows, Lamb of God, Six Feet Under, Nirvana, System of a Down, Orgy, Radio Iodine, Olive, Tapping the Vein, Dave Matthews Band, Scooter, Slipknot, Static-X, Sublime and any type of rave/techno/goth/metal type music.

I'm not a bad person, but I'm not a good person. The smell of cheese makes me sick, but I love eatin' it. The sound of a toilet flushing makes me sick to my stomach, but if you don't flush it, its even worse... I don't tan very well, I obsessive and possesive, I have intense mood swings, I bite my nails, I crack my neck, I look good in black, I peel the dead skin off my lips, I sometimes get pimples on my back, I shave my toes, I pluck my eyebrows once in a while, Menthol or Djarum Black clove cigarettes taste great but kill your lungs. Uh huh.. okay.. wassup... shut up.

The Past:

I used to live in Levittown, Pennsylvania. I lived there basically my whole life. I had a lot of trouble going to school. I hated it there, and I always ended up having panic attacks and whatnot when I went there. I've been like that since I was little. Things got really bad with me and school when my grandmother died. She was like a second mother to my sisters and I, and her death was devastating towards us. My whole family went down hill from there. My Mom and sisters and I were all hit with manic depression. Right now, I have manic depression, slight schizophrenia, and social anxiety... there the only ones I know about. I sometimes say that I'm paranoid and delusional because ... well... I am. We went through therapy, different medications, all kinds of stuff. My Mom wants us to go to more therapy, but we can't afford it.

September of last of '99, we moved to a small apartment complex near the Oxford Valley Mall in Langhorne. I met up with my long time close friend Kristina Anderson. We talked online and got to know eachother a little better over the internet. Finally I got to see her again. It was great we totally clicked. And we started going out too. Hehe. ( I'm Bisexual... ) We went out for about 2 weeks, then I broke up with her for whatever reason... But we became best friends. Along with Lindsay, Emily and Danielle. Over the school year I got to know more people and went out with a few people.. yanno, school girl stuff. Around this time last year, I met Tim and Jimmer. I went out with Tim, Krissy went out with Jimmer, and the four of us were in seperable. It was great. The only thing in the world that mattered was my friends.

May 13th 2000 I went to a party. Shawn Flemming's party. His parents when to Florida for a week. I knew Shawn through my friend Clair. I met her at the mall, and I kinda a knew her through my sister because they went to a program for kids with depression and problems like that.

At the party, I met Jason, Katie, Rob, Jon, Marykate, and Erin. I had the hots for Jay, but he was chasing after this girl Christine. Eventaully she blew him off, and Katie got me and Jay in a room to talk. We hit it off, talked all night, had some fun, and started going out . I got to know everyone over the course of the summer. The events of the summer happened like some kind of story book. Everything fit perfectly. Shawn and Bacorn moved in and tons of people were over all the time. I met so many people, made so many new friends, and I went to the mall EVERYDAY of the week! It was insane. It was only about 2 months that everything happened, but it felt like an eternity. Those were the best days of my life.

All the fun ended in late June, early July when I ran away. I ran away, and my mother ran away. My dad was furious and he took my sisters to his house and left a note on my door for me to call him whenever I got home. I called him, but on Katie's cell phone. It was stupid of me though, because he knew I got the note, so he knew I was at home. We yelled at eachother over the phone, then hung up. I wanted to leave, but I didn't tell anyone about the bad vibes I felt. About 10 minutes later, my dad showed up. He drove 85 miles an hour down route one to my apartment with a whiskey bottle in his hand. He burst into the house and started swinging at everyone there. He hit Jay, Rob, and Shawn... Kicked Katie, tackled Bacorn and Rob and scared the hell out of everyone. Everyone ran outside, and Shawn and my dad duked it out for a little bit then they both ran outside. I grabbed one of Shawn's pretty huge ass dagger thingys and threatened my dad. I said "I'm going to f*cking kill you!" and all that. He grabbed it from me and hit me with the butt, then I took off and ran to Lindsay's house. I don't remember where Lindsay was but her Mom was there and I explained what was going on. Then out of no where my uncle Ron showed up. Thank GOD. Jay came running down with Bacorn and I was crying my eyes out. Jay ran back up, getting ready to beat the hell out of my dad, when the police pulled a gun on him and told him to get on the ground. Katie called the police while Shawn and my Dad were fighting. Crazy night. About a week later we went to court, be we all dropped the charges.

We got evicted from the apartments and my mother decided she wanted to move to New Jersey near Ron. I didn't want to go, But I had to. So many tears, hugs, and kisses. "Don't cry over a river" Katie used to say.

The Present:

I currently live in Riverside, New Jersey. Well, it doesn't seem like I live here because I'm barely ever home. I usually stay at my buddy Monica's house ;D and chill and shit... Sometimes I stay at Mike's house ( My crush. dur hur hur ) and I stay at Mark's and Katie's... Anywhere I can to be away from Ghetto Wigger-ville.

I usually come home when I really start to miss my family, especially mah lil' sistah Kaylee because she's so damn funny. I love Carriann and Mommy too, but me and Kaylee are like.. Yea, man. Like... Totally. Oh yea, and when I am dieing to play guitar I come home. I would haul it around everywhere with me, but it just seems like too much. Deh, I'm at Monica's most of the time so I don't see why I shouldn't bring it. I looove my guitar. I play some phat shit yo'. Yea... His name is Oscar and he's a red and white gio Ibanez with a bunch of girly stickers on 'em. I sometimes go for 4 days straight without playing, but when I do get to, I go off for hours just playing whatever my fingers let me. And I'm suprised that each time I play I'm a lot better than before. Yea, baby.

I see my friends all the time, now, but for a while I couldn't see them at all because I was so wrapped up in Jay. Don't ever take the time you spend with your friends for granted. Any good friend would know that one...

Almost a full year after all that shit happened with my dad, Father's day weekend I decided to have a little visit. I was stuck, had no where to stay for the night so I stopped by his house. My heart was pounding in my throat but everything turned out okay. He was very happy to see me.

I have been spending a lot of time with Fee, writing songs and singing, and I'm getting over my fear of singing in front of people. Its great. I've also started drawing more... and I design stuff on the computer. Fun fun fun.

The Future:

Monica and I have been going nuts. WE NEED TO START A BAND. Our idea's for our music are flowing out of our heads and onto paper and into music. Its awesome. She still needs to buy a bass. FEE, KEEP PRACTICING!
I'm planning on starting night school whenever the hell I'm old enough. I'm dieing to learn something. I haven't really been in school for about 2 years because when I was in school, I barely ever went. It sucks now, because I'ma goon, and I don't have any responsibilities.
I need to get a job. I need to get a job... waaaa, but I don't WANT TO GET A JOB!! ::whines::

You can keep yourself updated on me by visiting my LiveJournal.

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My Friends
The Fee* and Nikki Files