The Fee* & Nikki Files

The Walk down Tyburn Road

"We should get ready to go now..." I said as I looked at the clock. It was already 9:30, and we were planning to walk to our haunted house that was a good hour walk down the road.

Fee looked at me with a wicked smile spread across her face. She was so excited that it was actually going to be the two of us alone in a haunted place. We could be free, and wander about taking in as much as we could. We've been waiting for this. Fee and I alone are one crazy pair.

"Yea, you're right." She said as she stood up. She walked across the room and grabbed her black jansport back pack and began to throw in the flash lights and notebook. I handed her our precious white candle and the tape recorders. We were ready to go within five minutes. Who says girls take forever?

Suddenly, Chris walked in the room, a stern, yet concerned look upon his face.
"What are you doing?" He asked as he folded his arms, and curiously looked at the bag.
"You not going to go to that house still, are you?"

"Of course we are," Fee replied. "Why wouldn't we?"
"Well, maybe because its pouring like hell outside?" He said with a chuckle of disbelief. He didn't think we'd go walking in the rain...

Fee raced over to the window. I gently set down my beloved guitar and joined her. We poked our heads around, looking through the fogged up glass like we were five year olds waiting patiently for the icecream man on a hot summer day.
"Its not raining!" Fee said.
"Like hell it aint!" Chris retorted takeing a few steps toward the windowsil.
"Oh... It is..." Fee realized.
"I thought it wasn't going to rain tonight!" I said as I heaved a sigh of disappointment. Fee looked at me, her soft brown eyes staring with concern. She was looking forward to it too. I leaned back onto the bed, and she slipped down to the floor. I picked my guitar back up and positioned it comfortably between my leg and arm, getting ready to continue our practice.

"Tonight would be perfect." She said soflty as she looked up at me and gave me the very same smile as before.
"What do you mean?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. It was raining, you don't want to walk in...
"Tonight would be perfect. Its raining, no one would think we'd go on a rainy night." She explained.
She was right. After all, the place does have 'No Tresspassing' signs all over it.
"What do you think?" She asked me as she looked back and forth between me and Chris. She was serious. She never jokes around when it comes to stuff like this, I should know this by now. I wasn't exactly sure what I was getting into, but I said what the hell.
"I'm all for it, but its up to you." I said.
"No way. You're not going." Chris poked in with a stern tone. "Its not a good idea to go in the rain. I'm not gonna let you go in the rain."
"She'll go if she wants to." Troy entered the room out of no where. He's real good at being sneaky like that. "No one can stop her when she sets her mind on things."
Chris wrinkled his nose at Troy. He didn't like to admit that he knows how Fee is, because he always thought the worst when she went off on her own. He obviously cared for her very much.
Fee smiled pretty at Troy and stared him down with those big, beautiful brown eyes and asked, "Troy could you give us a ride?"
"I can give you a ride, but I can't pick you up."
Fee almost jumped out of her skin.
"Okay! That works! We'll just walk back." She said as she stood up and hoisted her back pack over her left shoulder. She looked at me and wiggled her eye brows in anticipation. I then grabbed my tape recorder and shoved it into my pocket, then put on my gardening gloves that had the finger tips cut off. I felt all professional whenever I wore them.

It was really coming down out there. We could barely see the street it was raining so hard. We could see just slightly better whenever the lightning flashed, and that was very frequent. The lightning was extreamly active that night. It was rather beautiful, you could actually see the cracks in the sky, and on your eye lids after you closed your eyes. I couldn't wait until we got there, but at the same time I didn't want to go. The house was amazing, I got so many weird feelings whenever I was in there, but tonight seemed kind of creepy with all the thunder and rain and all that stuff.
I was trailing off in thought, and the next thing I know, we're parking and throwing our shit together. We both gave Troy a hug and a thanks, and told him to just wait until he couldn't see us anymore to leave. We didn't want to be walking into straight into a void leading to hell, yanno.

"Are you scared?" I asked timidly.
"No, I'm fine." She said to me as we slowly but surely got closer to the house.
"Are you sure?" I nagged as I looked around, checking for deadlights and those damn shadow people.
"Yep, I'm sure. Are you going to be okay?" She asked with a concerned tone.
"Sure. You're strength gives me strength." I said as I looked up into the windows of the old broken down house. I tried to imagine what the house looked like before it fell apart... But it was difficult. I have a wild imagination, but not wild enough to picture that house intact and beautiful.
We walked around the house, heading for the open window, when Fee suddenly stopped, and stratled me a great deal. She stared at the small feild that was about 50 yards ahead of us. It was very dark, but at the same time it was bright. I kept seeing things jumping back and forth, but it was most likely my mind playing tricks on me. I started to panic slightly, I could feel my fear starting to build. I wanted to go home already, I'm such a pussy.
"Whats wrong, what do you see?" I asked her as I grabbed onto her arm. She latched her hand over mine comfortingly and glanced at me, then back to the feild.
"I saw this in my dream." She said.
"You still want to go in?" I asked her, hoping she would say no and want to go back to Mark's house and dry off while eating chicken soup.

Soup. Ahh... Food. I was so hungry...

"Yeah. Come on, follow me." She held onto my hand and led me through the shrubs and bushes to the window open window. I followed, taking big steps so I wouldn't trip because I had my eyes shut tight, I was trying to calm myself down. All of my emotions started to explode as I got closer and closer.

We made it to the window, it seemed to take forever. I couldn't get the thought of having bugs crawling all over me out of my head. The thunder rumbled and I jumped slightly, and just stared at the back of Fee's head. If there was anything next to me, above me, or behind me, I'd rather not look at it.
"You wanna go in first?" She asked as she turned to me and stared into my eyes.
"Then hold the window open for me."
She crawled in, and I soon followed after she got a good grip on that huge set of wood. I found that it was much easier for me to boost myself up this time. I think I lost a few more pounds. Yay for me.
I stood up inside and turned on my tape recorder, following the light that beamed from my flashlight with my eyes. I took a few deep breaths.
"Oookay... Oookay... Its okay... I'm good. I'm calm."
Fee chuckled at me and turned her recorder on.
"You okay, Woman?" She asked me as she picked up her bag.
"Yea... I'm fine... Just don't wonder anywhere without me. Ha, everyones gonna laugh at me when we play the tape back for them. Where do you want to go first?"
"Lets just take our time."
"You're right. We can actually explore now that its just me and you."

I looked into the second room that was on the left. The floor was rotten and eaten away and boards were broken and sticking up out of the basement.
"No wonder everything is messed up in here. Its from the weather, not beacuse of some monster." Fee said as she waved her flashlight around.

We soon made our way down to the first basement. I love the basement. Its so peaceful down there. The steps were extreamly steep though, thats the only thing I didn't like about it. We slowly but surely got down there and looked around. It seemed undisturbed from the last time we came here, which was very comforting to me.
"I feel so calm down here. I hate any other part of the house, it just gives me the hibby jibbies." I said.
"The what?"
"The Hibby Jibbies!"
She laughed, "Oh I see."

She set down her tape recorder.
"The tape recorder is now on the ground... and I'm taking out my camera."
"Yay, pictures."

I pointed my flashlight up towards the ceiling so she could focus her very expensive camera on the place she wanted to snap the photo. Bright light! That camera's flash is so strong that it slightly burned my hand one time.

Another picture was taken about 3 or 4 months before. It was at the same spot, almost the same angle too. It has tons of orbs in it, we counted up about 20. Thats the picture below. The picture above, however, has no orbs whatso ever and I find that very odd. The picture below was taken with the same camera, on a rainy day, but during the day.

Great. Now Fee wanted to go into the attic. I wasn't too thrilled about that. We headed back upstairs, and went into the living room. The floor was very weak and rikidy, I'm surprised that she didn't fall through it with some of the stunts she pulled. She explored every corner of the living room. I kind of just stood there, like a goon. I did look up at the ceiling. There were a few wires hanging out of the ceiling. It must have been for like a smoke detector or a ceiling fan or something like that. So Kimmi's theory of the house was complete bullshit. No offense, Kim.

"Can we just sit and chill for a little bit? I wanna smoke a cigarette..." I suggested.
"Yea, I guess so. I could use one right about now. Come over here, we'll sit on the steps." She said as she walked over to the steps that lead to the attic. She sat, pulled out a cigarette for herself and for me, and we lit up. Ahh, nicotine was a good thing right about now. But smoking it in the house wasn't. Fee almost went cross eyed when both our ears where flooded with crazy indistinct whispers. She stood up and shook her head a bit.
"Do you hear that?!" She yelped.
"Yea, I hear it!" I said in disbelief of myself. It was so freaky.
"Maybe we shouldn't just sit and chill."
We both started to panic, I could sense her fear, but my fear was dominant. We started to move away from the steps, looking around franticly trying to decide what to do, then suddenly a gigantic rumble of thunder hit. It was loud, waaaay too loud, we jumped out of our skin, and Fee shrieked her head off. I started to laugh.
"Its just thunder..." I said relieved. Fee was still flipping out, so I continued to flip out with her.

"I'm not leaving." She stated.
"Are you scared?!" I asked again, raising my voice a bit.
"I'm not leaving!" She yelled. "No matter how scared I get, I'm not leaving! Now lets go into the attic!!"

This girl was nuts.

I followed her up to the attic, staying close behind her. Those whispers were insane. Someone didn't want us there, I knew that much. That stupid turkey buzzard was bigger everytime we came there. It has a feathers on its wings now, instead of just fuzz. Thank God its parents are never around when we're there. It hissed like crazy at us, as usual, and flopped around as if he was trying to chase us. We just ignored it and when into the second part of the attic and took our seats. We were all wet and dirty, I felt all good about that much. I felt like a tomboy again.
We broke out the white candle, pen, and paper, and got ourselves comfortable. She lit the candle for me, since the wick was all weird and I couldn't do it myself.
"Turn off the flashlight." She said.
"No!" I relpied gripping the flashlight tightly. Within a few seconds, I turned it off. I knew she had a good reason for me to turn it off. Otherwise, she wouldn't say so.
"If there are any spirits in here that need our help, use my hand to relay the message. We will help in any way we can." Fee said outloud as she placed her hand over the paper while gripping the pen tightly.
I closed my eyes and just took in deep breaths, trying my best to stay calm, like I was doing since we walked into the house. I hated the attic. I didn't like it from the first time we entered the house. The attic is the room where the woman supposively hung herself out of agony and depression of the loss of her husband. When we left that house, Fee had a rope burn around her neck. And another time, the woman actually possessed our Fee. Thats... not... right.

About five minutes passed and Fee finally pulled her hand off the paper. Just scribble, nothing too important. But Fee's hand was warm. It was hot, actually. Very hot. She knew there was more that had to be written. She took my hand, leaned down, and blew out the white candle.

Okay, we were sitting in the pitch dark attic, the wind was blowing, the bird was hissing, and her hand was moving, scribbling out a few letters. I was scared out of my mind, so I just held tightly onto her hand and closed my eyes. They can't hurt me. They're just ghosts. They can scare the ever living shit out of me, but they can't hurt me. Gawd, No drug can compare to the addiction of fear.

The light was soon turned back on. Thank God, I think I was about ready to piss myself. I shined it on the paper. The words "Out Of" were scribbled down heavily onto the paper. Okay, let me think. If they were writing to us for help, they would mean "Get me out of here". But, if they just wanted us to leave, which was more likely, "out of" means "get the fuck out of my house".
"Lets leave."
"I wanted to just sit and record for a few more minutes." Fee insisted.
"No, dude, I want to leave. You can stay if you want, but I'm leaving." I said. I now knew that we weren't wanted. I felt that heavy threatening feeling falling over my shoulders, the same as I did in Byberry.
Fee stood up, and we dumped the wax out of the candle. We shoved everything but our flashlights and tape recorders back into her bag and headed back downstairs.
"Almost out," I thought to myself. "we're almost out. I can't wait to get back to Mark's. I just wanna lay in bed, watch porn, and eat Cookie Dough Ice cream."

We stepped out through the window, I felt calm again. But not calm enough, I was still near the house. The rain had let up a great deal, it was only barely spitting by then. That was a good thing.
"We leave the house with no harm done, please do not follow and harm in return." Fee bowed her head to the house and then grabbed my hand.
I held her hand again as she led us back through the feild and out to the road.

Heres the choice. Left or right. Left would take us back to Marks house. But didn't Fee say something about a back road? I started heading left, but Fee called for me.
"Where ya goin. Its this way, we'll take the back roads." She said.
"Oh... what backroads?" I asked as I began to follow her.
"There are back roads to Mark's house this way. But we have about a 2 hour walk ahead of us." She explained with a smile on her face. "And I'm keeping my recorder on the whole time."

"Oh, this'll be fun." I said sarcasticlly, but full heartedly with a smile.

So we went right. And began the beginning of the rest of our night.

To Be Continued. . .

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