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Nick's T Shit

My first Shot 11-12-01

16 Days

I am now selling stock on my Oil Farm!!! I can heat my house for the whole winter with the oil on my face. This kinda sucks! Simon said my vocie has change a little so I will put the damn voice clip up.

17 Days

What up? I got a big bump on my arm, right where I got my shot. This is not kosher!!

51 Days

UGH!!! What up with my fat ass ZIT face from fuckin' planet WHACKED!! Today I got my 3rd shot and the lady that gave it to me didn't know what she was doing. I had to tell her what size needle to use etc etc. Then T came dripping out of my arm. Oh Well SHIT HAPPENS!!! DAMMIT!

97 Days

Ugh my face wants to be an asshole and make little patches of hair. LOL

106 Days

MY ENDO IS PISSIN' ME OFF!!! What the hell is up with baby dose of T?? 150mg every 4 WEEKS???? UGH UGH UGH

110 Days

Today I got to give myself My T shot. It was easy! I tought it was gonna be kinda hard but it wasn't. So now I can do them at home.

138 Days

Yeah, giving yourself shots is easy. Even tho I looked at the needle and tought, "Dude this whole thing is going in to my LEG??" So then I darted it in and I couldn't feel it. No big deal at all...

Almost 9 Months

My Endo sucks ASS!!! He still has me on 150mg a month. I can't do that so I give myself 75mg every 2 weeks. I still wanna run people over when I'm driving... Better watch out!!