If you want to breed cavies (guinea pigs) learn the basic guidelines. The goal is to breed healthy and beautiful animal that fulfill the requirements of the breed standard. COURTING AND MATING Guinea pigs are in heat all year and mating requires no more than persistant courting by the boar. Males are prepared for this and circle their intended love with deliberate waddles seductively swaying rumps and endless chatter. The sow objects vehemently as soon as he tries to align himself along her flank. She sits on her hindquarters pushes her front legs straight up and opens her little mouth wide showing her wildly threatening teeth. They will then mate. This heat cycle occurs every 14-16 days. PREGNANCY Gestation takes and average of 68 days intil the pups are delivered. AT first you will hardly notice the difference in a pregnant female. The male is especially courteous. Beginning in the fourth week the mom is positively plump depending on how many pups she is going to have. The mom shows no sign of nest building closer to the due date. THE BIRTH Cavy births are usually trouble free. They usually occur at night. The female digs in the bedding, vaginal swelling is visible, and abdominal cramping are noticeable. The female is in a sitting position when the first pup emerges. She then bites, tears and eats the membrane surrounding the pup. The mother then licks and drys the pup clean. |