Welcome to the FUBAR BMX home page. This is set up for the riders and friends of FUBAR BMX.It brings together the talented and the talentless. We ride for fun and
make no bones about it. There are many other things we could be doing but riding is at the top of the list.
<-----The picture is of Robert "Charlie Brown" a FUBAR rider who is gapping 15 feet across a irriagtion junction cover on the A.S.C. campus. Like most of the places we ride the cops come shortly after to move us along and threaten us with tickets.
We ride all over Colorado because that is where we are all based for the time being. We travel North to ride Pueblo, CO. to do some street riding. We ride south to ride Trinidad Skatepark where the gods themselves couldn't have built a smoother skatepark and West to hit up the Yuppy town of Durango, CO. where the cops just love seeing us. No matter what we ride and Have fun.
I have probably mentioned this a few hundred times but we have fun. That is the main focus for all the riding that we do. This site should show the fun we have when riding. If not I ain't doing my job and there is something I have to change.
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Contact Webmaster at FubarBmxOwner@gmail.com for any questions.