How to Annoy People

  • Speak in pig Latin.
  • Act like you can't speak English.
  • Act like you're death and speak in really phony sign language.
  • When buying things, pay in pennies.
  • Change to volume of the CD player from loud to quiet all the time, when others are listening to it.
  • Talk really quietly so the people have to get really close to hear you, then when they're close to you, scream at them.
  • Stare at someone until they look at you, then go really loud, 'WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?'
  • TyPe LiKe ThIs On InStAnT mEsSaGiNg.
  • dontusepunctuationorspaces.
  • Talk like a gangstah, yo!
  • Respond to every comment made to you by saying "huh?" or "what?"
  • Write on restaurant napkins, "for inside use only"
  • Make up imaginary number such as eighty-twelve and eleventy-seven and then use them in trivial situations.
  • Send the same document to someone multiple times.
  • Spell words such as "fool" and "frog" with "ph" instead of "f".
  • End wordz that end with "s" with a "z".
  • Create a folder on a computer called "do not open" and then watch to see who opens it.
  • Abrv8 as mch as poss.
  • Name every hair on your head and then go throught the list with a person who is obviously in a hurry.
  • "Put quotes at the beginning of a sentence but not at the end.
  • Repeat yourself.
  • Repeat yourself.
  • Type in big letters.
  • Emphasize every other word.
  • Read this list out loud to a parent or friend.
  • Purpously use the same number in a list multiple times.
  • Say "guess" when people ask questions that they could never guess the answers to.
  • Claim to follow the religion of Bobism
  • List every movie you have ever seen in chronological or alphabetical order and then near the end say, "oh wait! I messed up!" and start over.
  • Repeat yourself.
  • End every thing you say with "and so on and so on and so on and so on..."
  • Say you have a magic gremlin called Bob and when someone sits down yell, "oh, no, you sat on Bob!" and start crying as if Bob is dead.
  • Mayke oveeous spelllinn mistayckes.
  • Write lists like these.
  • Even worse, read them outloud to people.

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