Lose Weight Fast

OK, I'm not anorexic, and I only follow this diet in extreme circumstances, e.g. before a holiday. But I will only follow this diet for four weeks, maximum. It's actually pretty unhealthy so I don't recommend it. And also, one in five anorexics die. This site is not saying thin is beautiful, 'cause I know lots of big girls that would just look odd if they were thin, and many of them are really beautiful. And I'm not anorexic I don't look anorexic, and I don't act it. I admit to throwing up but I don't do that any more and I've never been totally bulimic.

This routine should be kinda like a schedule, so I'll make it like a diary kind of thing. Also, you should wake up reasonably early to get your metabolism insync with your body clock.

8:00am --> Wake up!
Drink two glasses of water, have a quick cold shower (it's good for your skin and I like cold showers, personally).
Do 250 sit up, 50 push ups.

9:00am --> Breakfast
One small bowl of museli or bran flakes, no sugar, low fat skimmed milk or no milk.
Drink a glass of milk (I hate plain milk so I drink chocolate milk...not great but better than nothing) and a glass of water
Assorted fruit and natural fruit yoghurt, or plain yoghurt with sugar free jam or honey.

9:15am --> Do 250 more sit ups

10:00am --> Go for a walk or a cycle

12:00am --> Free time. Do whatever, go out or something. Not my problem. Just don't eat. Or if you do, do an extra 100 sit ups and 25 push ups.

Dinner time (6:00-8:00pm. Whenever you eat, the rest is free time)-->
Have a small meal
Drink three glasses of water
For dessert have two pieces of fruit
a small bowl of raspberries or strawberries.
On a school day, you could skip breakfast and lunch, don't snack, and have a small dinner. Do 50 sit ups and 50 push ups in the evening and that's it. It's a lot simpler and takes up less time. And NO, I'm not pro-anorexic. It's just what I do and it works and I don't get sick or tired or anything.

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