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The Snaffle Bits Council

Club Council
UsernamePostitionTheir Horses Name
Pluto5. Horse MasterMajestic
Unknown4. Horse TamerUnknown
Unknown3. Horse TrainerUnknown
Unknown2. EventerUnknown
Unknown1. EquestrianUnknown

To get into the club council your current position must be atleast a Mustang, which means you have been participating in the club and you would do the club some good by being in the council. If you're a Mustang or a Stallion and would like to be in the council please e-mail Pluto at: And tell her why you would be good in the council position that you have picked. Pluto will then decide if you can go in the council. If you already are in the council then you can higher your position by to a very good job in what your position job is and being active in the guild.