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Need Help?

The following topics should help you with your problems but if not please check out the FAQ or contact us at:

How can I get my own Snaffle Bits Horses?

Go to the Horses for Sale page and pick what horse you want then e-mail Pluto at: and tell her the name of the horse and your password.

Can I get Jobs in Snaffle Bits?

Yes you can get jobs in Snaffle Bits. You must be a member in Snaffle Bits for 2 weeks and then you e-mail Pluto and tell her why you should get the job. To find out more about the jobs go to the Jobs link in the homepage of Snaffle Bits.

Can I breed my horse?

Yes, you can either e-mail Pluto and tell her your username and that you want your stallion/s (tell her their names)up in the breeders page. Also tell her the amount you want the stud fee to be. Or if you have a mare and you want to breed it to one of the stallions then e-mail Pluto with your password, your mare/s name/s and the stallion/s name/s.