coming soon... we need the full labray set first!
...ill adopt a pet, and using funds we'll buy a full labray set, and use it on the pet, then who ever wants it, can have it...
(:neomail me if you have any ideas/feed back:)
for now the first pet up for adoption is...
rosesong5 's "Greduri"-the Green Grundo,
at the moment...
level 2
Hit Points : 15 / 5
Strength : quite strong
Defence : average
Movement : slow
Intelligence : average
(but the lab ray can change that at any time o_O)
and the second pet is...
more pets...
pros6967 's christmas lupe
Lvl : 3
Str : 11
Def : 8
Mov : 10
Hp : 20/ 20
RoboTango the Blue Lupe
Hit Points : 11 / 11
Strength : quite strong
Defence : armoured
Movement : fast
Intelligence : average
0__Cotton_Candy__0 the Blue Wocky
Hit Points : 8 / 8
Strength : average
Defence : average
Movement : average
Intelligence : average
more coming soon.... please neomail the owners if you wish to adopt!